The species of Volvaria are very closely allied; some appear in spring and
early summer, others later in the year ; they are almost tasteless, and none
are known to be edible. Volvaria corresponds with Amanita.— W. Q. S.
Sect. 1. Silky or fibrillose.
2 3 1 . A g a z icu s (Volvazia) h om b y c in u s. Schoeff. “ Silky Volvaria.”
Pileus fleshy, soft, campanulate, then expanded, suh-umhonate,
silky, fibrillose, self-coloured ; stem solid, attenuated, smooth,
volva very large; gills free, flesh-coloured.—Fr. Epicr. p. 138.
Schoeff. t.98. Krombh. t. 23, f . 15-21. Berh. Outl. t. 7 f . l . Eng.
F l. y.p . 104. Barla. t. 25, f. 1-5.
On decayed wood. Eare. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus 3-4 in., at first entirely enclosed in a slimy dark volva, at length
protruded, campanulate, dirty white, silky, with yellowish white narrow
silky scales, and marked frequently with a few dark blotches, the remains of
the volva, flesh whitish, firm, elastic, margin involute; gills numerous, close,
ventricose, quite free, not reaching the margin, at first white, then rose-
coloured, with a tinge of yellow, at length deliquescent, tinged with umber.
Stem 2Jin. high, iin . thick in the centre, firm, solid, thickest downwards,
the tough volva remaining like a cup at the base.—Af. ohB.
2 3 2 . A g a r icu s (V o lv a z ia ) v o lv a c e u s . Bu ll. “ Stove Volvaria.”
Pilens fleshy, soft, campanulate, then expanded, obtuse, virgate,
with adpressed black fibrils ; stem solid, suhequal ; volva loose ;
gills free, flesh-coloured.—Dr.Dy)icr.71.138. Bull. t. 262. F l.
Dan. 1.1731, f . 2. L e te ll.t.623. S o w .t.l. Eng. F I.y . p. 104.
B a r la .t.2 5 ,f.6 .1 3 . Vent. t. 22.
In stoves, by roadsides, &c. July. Aug. [S. Carolina.]
Pilens 3-4 in. broad, obtuse, pallid, cinereous, with cinereous and black
streaks; gills obtuse behind, almost remote ; stem 3-5 in. high, J in. thick,
white ; gills adhering, almost delinquescent as in Ooprims. Spores '0002 X
•00013 in.— W.G.S. (PI. I I I ., fig. 10, reduced.)
2 3 3 . A g a z icu s (Vo lv a z ia ) L o v e ia n u s .
Berh. “ Parasitic
Pileus thin, fleshy, subtruncate, globose, then convex, obtuse,
white, silky ; stem solid, attenuated upwards ; volva loose, lobed ;
gills free, rose-coloured.—Berh. Outlp 140, t. 7 ,f. 2. Fr. Epicr.
71. 139 . Smith. Seem. Jour. D e c .1867. Eng. F I . y .p .104.
Parasitic on A. «êJaZans. Eare.
Cæspitose. At first appearing like a small round Bovista, from the size of
a pea upwards, then oblong, and the top of the pileus, which at that stage is
flattish, bursts through the volva, which is ultimately split into three or four
regular laciniæ, with a somewhat wrinkled surface, and the pileus from suhtruncato
glohose, becomes convex, o p f ^
ately fleshy and beautifully silky, white, with a "'ifltt shade of pink or ^
eous margin involute ; gills broad in front, quite f r e e , sub-deliquescent,
gradually with a pink tinge. Stem 2 in. high 2-3 lines thick, white, closely
lurillose) juicy, solid, bulbous, volva pure white. Spores minute elliptic
rosy, -OOOi in. long. Artificially developed by Mr. W. G. Smith, from speci
mens of Ag. nehularis-—(Seem. Journal.)
2 3 4 . A g a z icu s (V o lvazia) T a y lo z i.
Berh. “ Taylor’s
Pileus thin, conical, obtuse, livid, striato-rimose from the apex;
stem pale, solid, nearly equal; volva lobed, brown, small; gills uneven,
broad in front, attenuated behind, rose-coloured.—EfirA.
Outl.p. 140. Ann. N .H . no. 675.
On the ground. Jersey.
Pileus 14 in high and broad, beautifully pencilled and cracked, margin
lo b e t a n d ! in ! a te l ;L m 2 iin :h ig h . ito
gills uneven. The dark volva, campanulate pilens, and uneven attennatea
gills are marked characters.—M .J .B .
2 3 5 . A g a z icu s (Vo lv a z ia ) p a z v u lu s.
Weimm. “ Little
Pileus rather fleshy, conic, then expanded, umbonate, dry ; stem
stuffed, equal, silky ; volva small, lobed ; giUs free rose-coloured
Dr. Epicr.p. 139. Bull. t. 330. Pers. Obs. t. 4 ,f. 4-5. Krombh. t.
3 ,/. 20? A . pusillus. Berh Out. p. 140.
In pastures, after stormy weather. [S. Carolina.]
Abounds some years in autumn, in exposed rather rich pastures, and may
•0002 X -00014 in.
2 3 6 .
Sect. 2. Pileus smooth, suh-viscid.
A g a z icu s (Volvazia) sp e c io su s . Dr. “ Dunghill
Pileus fleshy, soft, campanulate,then expanded,obtuse, smooth,
even, viscid, disc grey; stem solid, attenuated, rather bulbous;
volva loose, villous, as well as the stem ; gills f e e rose-coloured.
— F r .E p i c r .p . 139. F l. Dan. 1.1737. Krombh. t. 26,f . 1-8. Ann.
N.H. no. 902*.
On dunghills, roadsides, &c. [S- Carolina.]
Very closely allied to the next, but differing in the absence of a distinct
umbo, and in the smooth margin of the pilens.
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