1 0 8 1 . B o v is ta p lum b e a . P. “ Lead-coloured Bovista.”
Globose, peridium papyraceous, flexible, lead-coloured, bark
subpersistent at tbe base, moutb narrow, capillitium and spores
brown.—Dr. N.M.ii.T-. 24. Mich. t. 97 . f . 6. Berh. O u tl.t.20. f .
6. B u ll .t .192. Eng. F l.v . p. 302. P a y . f .20. Corda. Ic. Y. f . 47.
Corda. Ani. t. G.f. 86, no. 3-6. Fckl. exs. no. 1262.
In pastures. Common. [United States.]
Generally smaller than B.myresceas. (Pig- 114.)
1 0 8 2 . B o v is ta am m o p h ila . Lev. “ Hooting Bovista.”
Globoso-turbinate, tomentose, verruoulose, wbite ; mycelium
cord-like, rooting. Spores globose, even, olivaceous, as well as
tbedelicate capillitium.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, va.p. 129, t. 9,
f . 5. B. 4 Dr. Ann. N .H . no. 1033.
On tbe side of a wood. Sept. Denbigbsbire.
Easily recognised by the long oord-like root, and olivaceous spores.
Gen. 7 0 .
Eig. 115.
1 0 8 3 .
Peridium membranaceous, vanisb-
ing above, or becoming flaccid ; bark
adnate, subpersistent; breaking up
into scales or warts. Capillitium
soft, dense, adnate to tbe peridium,
and sterile base.—Dr. S .M . iii.)?. 27.
Berk. Outl.p. 301. (Fig. 115.)
Batsoh.L y copezd on g ig a n te um . “ Giant Puff-Ball.”
Peridium very fragile above, and obtuse, cracking into areæ,
evanescent, very widely open, bark floccose, ratber distinct;
capillitium vanishing, together witb the dingy-olive spore/
Dr N M iii. ». 29. Grev.t.336. H u ss.i.t.2 6 . Bay. Syn. no. 4,p.
26. Schoeff. 1.191. Bull. t. 447. Sv. Bot. t. 294. Batsch f . 165
F l.D a n .t. 1920. Sow.t. 3 3 2 ,upper fig. N e e s .f 1 2 4 ,0 . E n g .F l.
Y.p. 808. S m iih ,E .M .f2 5 . Corda. Ic. Y . f . 40.
In pastures. Local. Esculent wben young. [Umted States.]
A t t a i n i n g a very large size; peridium soft and sm o o t h , like kid-leather
when young, when old dingy olive. Employed as an anæsthetio.
1 0 8 4 . Lycopezdon cæ la tum . Fr. ‘ Collapsing Puff Ball.”
Periduim flaccid above, collapsing, obtuse, dehiscent a t the
apex^, at length open, cup-shaped ; sterile stratum cellulose ; inner
peridium distinct all ro u n d ; capillitium nearly free, collapsing ;
spores dingy-yellow.-Dr. S.M. iii. p. 32. Bay. Syn. iii.p. 26, to.
3 1 6 ,/.4 . Schceff. <.189, 190, 186. Nees.f. 125. Berk.
B i s l h f 3604 F n g .F l. Y. p. 303. Harz. t.74.
In pastures. Common. [Carolina. Maine, U. S.]
ih cavity above sublentioular.
fall out bnTmna m^^ of flocci and spores does not
—Eng.Fl!' " upper part of the fungus is ruptured.
1 0 8 5 . L y copezd ou atzopuzpu zeum. Vitt. “ Purple-spored
Puff Ball.” ^
diftgy-rufous, opening by a minute obtuse
nioutb; bark at first rougb witb minute spines; sterile base cellular,
continuous witb the capillitium ; spores largish, pedicellate
brown-pu/ile, ecbinulate.— Ff«. Lyc. t. 2 ,f. 6. Berk. Outl.p. 302.
Ncü. Cos. 1866,/. 252.
On downs. West of England.
Spores echinnlate in this species, and in L. saccatum.
1 0 8 6 . L y copezd on p u s illum . Fr. “ Little Puff Ball.”
Peridium entirely flaccid, persistent, obtuse ; moutb always
narrowly dehiscent; bark even, then rimose witb adpressed scales;
sterile stratum obsolete, continuous witb tbe capillitium ; spores
117, / 0. Mich. t. 97, f 3.
Schceff.t.294. Batsch. f . 228, var. Bull. t. 435, f . 2 . Enq P I y p
304. Sci. Gos. 1866,/. 255. Kl. exs. no. 1635. Fckl. exs. no. 1261.
In pastures. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
A small species, sometimes not larger than a marble.
1 0 8 7 . ly c o p e z d o n sa c c a tum . Vahl. “ Elongated Puff Ball.”
Peridium lens-shaped or rounded, scurfy, obtuse, cracking into
arese, fugacious, very thin, as well as the adnate bark ; capillitium
compact, persistent; spores dingj-umber.—Fr. S.M. iii. p.
^ I 'S '^ ^ ^ d F ^ '^ - F o c c . t .3 0 6 , f l . Bisch.f. 3605. f Í. Dan. t.
1139. Sci.Gos.l866,f.251. Ann.N .H.no. 210. Cooke exs. no.214.
In thickets or tbeir borders.
Spo^S re w T rte !’^ *’'® 11® peridium.