neatb thicker and cottony, covered with a whitish meal ; spores
thick, oblong-elliptic.—Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1844, i.p . 67, t. 3, t.
4 ,/. 1-3, t. 8 ,f. 1-12. Hoffm. Cr. t. 8, / . 3.__ Nees.f. 132. Corda.
A n l.t. D .f. 42. Nidularia striata. Holm.ii. t.2 . Sow. t.29. Fr.
5 .M .ii. p . 298. Bull. t. 40, f . A. t.2, f . 3 . Peziza stilata. Bolt,
t. 102,/. 2. Sclmff. 1.178. Gled. t. 4. Vaill. 1.11,/. 4-5, Mich.
1.102, f . 2. Bocc. t. 301,/. 1. Berk. Outl. t. 2 ,f. 3. Berh. exs. no.
259. Cooke, exs. no. 311. Fckl. exs. n o .1247.
On sticks, fir cones, &c. [United States.]
1 1 9 9 . Cy a th us v e in ic o su s B.C. “ Waxy Cyathus.”
Campanulate, base narrowly subsessile, above broadly open,
undulato-repand, externally pale ocbre or cinereous, silky tomentose,
at length nearly smooth, internally lead-coloured or brown,
corona inconspicuous ; sporangia pale blackish, even ; tunic
rather tbick, continuous, witb a scanty, cinereous meal ; funicu-
lum wbite.— Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1844, i. p. 81, t. 5, / 14-23.
Corda. Anl. t. B . f . 42. Link. Obs. t. 2, f . 53. Berk. Outl.. t. 21,
f . i. Berk. exs. no. 258. Cooke exs. no. 312. Fckl. exs. no. 1246.
N e e s .f.133,B. Nidularia campanulata. S ow .t.2 6 . Holms.ii.t.
3. Paul. 1.187, f . 7-12. Bull. t. 488, f 1. Hoffm. Cr. t. 8 ,/. 2. Fl.
Dan. t. 780,/. 1, t. 469, upper fig. Peziza lentífera. Bolt. t. 102, /
1. Gled. t. 4. 3 Ikh . t. 1 0 2 ,/ 1. Vaill. 1.11, f 6-7. Bocc. t. SOI,
f l . B a tt.t.3 ,f.I .K .L .M .
On the ground, especially stubble fields. Common.
[United States.]
[Fig. 142.)
Gen. 9 7 . C RU C IBU LUM , T u l.
Mg. 143.
Peridium consisting
of a uniform,
spongy, fibrous
felt, closed
by a flat furfura-
ceons cover of the
same colour. Sporangia
plane, attached
by a long cord, springing from alittle nipple-like tubercle.
— Berk. Outl. p. 312. Tul. Ann. Sc. N at. 1844, i.p . 89.
(Fig. 143.)
1 2 0 0 . Czu c ib u lum v u lg a z e .
4 1 1
Tul. “ Ooinmon
Peridmm tawny tan-colour, tbick, externally nearly even internally
quite even, smootb, sbining; moutb quite entire, naked ■
sporangia pale ocbre, at length wbitisb; spores minute, ovate.’
— Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1844, i. p. 90. Bay. Syn. 3rd ed. t . l f.2
b. c. Mich. 1.102, f . 3. Gled. t. 4. Schoeff. 1.179. F l. Dan. 1.105!
Hoffm. Cr. t. 8 ,f. 1. Bull t. 40, / . B. C. Nidularia loevis. Bull t
4 8 8 ,f 2. Sow.t. 30. Holms.ii. t . l . Cyathus crucibulum. Nees
f l 3 3 . Grev.t. 34. Desm. Corda. Anl. t D f. 42
167. Fckl. ex!. J .
On fern, sticks, &c.
Gen. 98.
[United States.]
(Fig. 143.)
N ID U L A R IA , Tul.
Mg. 144.
1201. N id u la z ia p isifo zm is .
P eridium uniform, glo -
bose, of a simple membrane,
at first closed, at
length ruptured, or opening
witb a circular moutb ;
without a proper veil.
Sporangia numerous,
small, enveloped in mucus.—
Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat.
1844, i.p . 92.
{Fig. 144.)
Tul. “ Pea-shaped
Gregarious, subglobose, sessile, rootless, hairy, brownisb.
Sporangia subrotund or discoid dark brown ; sporidia colourless,
globose, or elliptical.— Tul. Ann. aS'c. iYa/ 1844, i.j9. 100.
B. 4 Br. Ann. N.H . no. 1039. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv, t. 25, /
4-6 / 21-22. Babh. F . E .n o . 1328. Gr anular ia pisiformis. Both.
U s t.A n n .h .l,s .6 ,t. 1 , / 1 .
On pine chips. Weybridge. May—Oct. 1862.
Peridium rabrotund, slightly flattened, varying in difierent specimens
irom p to 1 m. across, brown or brownish white, woolly, tuberoulate when
ripe, irom the pressure outwards ofthe sporangia; indéhiscent, opening by
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