Gen. 6. FAXIDLVS, Pr. Gen. Hymen, p. 8, ex parte.
Spores (as well as the whole plant)
ferruginous; pileus with an involute
margin, and gradually increasing indefinitely
; stem continuous with the hymenophore
; gills tough, soft, persistent,
decurrent, anastomosing behind,
or branching, membranaceons, entire,
with a sharp edge, separating from tbe
horny or furrowed bymenopbore ; trama
H ab. Some on tbe ground, others on
trunks of trees, sawdust, &c.
Kg. 48. {Fig. 48.)
5 4 7 . P a x illu s in v o lu tu s . Fr. “ Involute Paxillus.”
Pileus compact, convexo-plane, then depressed, moist,becoming
smooth, margin involute and tomentose; stem flesby, solid, firm,
naked, thickened upwards, paler; gills branched, broad, porous
and anastomosing behind, paler, besmeared and spotted.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 317. Batsch. f . 61. Sew. t. 98. Schceff. ¿.72. Bull. t.
240, 5 7 6 ,/. 2. Kromlh. t. 71, f . 24-26. Paul. t. 61? 62, 63, / 1.
Buxh. iv. t. 26. Schceff t. 71, var. Berk. Outl. 1. 12, f . 5. Ag. in-
volutus,Eng. F l.Y .p .lO l. F l. Boruss. t. 391. Vent.t. 42, f . 6-7.
On tbe ground. Common. [United States.]
Pilens 3-0 in- broad, wavy, tawny or yellow-ferruginous when moist, slimy,
.uneven ; margin involute and downy, the extreme edge striate from the
pressure of the g ills; flesh thick, firm, at first pale, chaugiugto dirty umber
on exposure to the air, as does every part of the plant when bruised, black
when dried ; gills pale yellow ferruginous, wavy forked, decurrent, poriform
behind, easily separating from the pileus ; stem 2-3 in. high, 4-1 in. or more
thick, blunt, sometimes attenuated below, tomentoso-squamulose, firm,
solid.—A/. J.A. Spores-00026 X -0002 in. (Fig. reduced.)
5 4 8 . P a x il lu s A tz o -tcm en to su s. Fr. “ Dark-downy Paxillus.”
Pileus flesby, convexo-plane, then depressed or infundibuliform,
gramilose, rivulose; margin thin, involute ; stem between
spongiose and solid, firm, velvety ; gills crowded, straight,
branched behind.—Fr. Epicr.p. 317. Batsch.f. 32. Nees f. 175
Paul. t.3 3 ,f.2 - 3 . Ann. N.H.no. 697.
On pine stumps. Wilts.
stem solid, elastic, 2-3 in. long, J-l in. thick, curved, ascending, rooting,
clad with a dense, velvety, soft, blackish umber down; pileus compact, excentric,
2-4 in. or more broad, dry, ferruginous ; gills adnate or deourrent,
branched at the base and somewhat anastomosing, yellowish.
5 4 9 . P a x illu s p a n u o id e s. Fr. “ Pale Paxillus.”
Pileus fleshy, dimidiate, cónchate, at length smooth, dirty
yellow, elongated behind, sessile or stip ita te; gills decurrent,
crowded, branched, crisped, yellow.—F r. Epicr. p. 318. Buxh.
ii. t. 49, f . 2. Sow. t. 403. Berk. Outl. t. 12, f . 6. Letell. t. 665.
Eng. Fl. Y. p . 102.
In cellars, on sawdust, &c. Coed Coch, &c.
Pileus 1-4 in. broad, white, often tinged with violet, very soft to the touch
in consequence of the fine-matted silky pubescence with whicli it is clothed,
either perfectly sessile, or furnished with a spurious stem which is silky like
the pileus and most beautifully tinged with violet; gills variously anastomosing
and wrinkled, yellow with abundant oval ferruginous spores.—M .J .B .
Spores ’0U018 X ’0Ü013 in.
Gen. 7 . HYGROPHORUS, Pr. Epicr. p. 320.
Spores white ; veil, w’ben present,
universal; stem confluent with the hymenophore
; gills sharp-edged ; trama
similar in substance to that of the pileus.
{Fig. 49.)
H a b . On tbe ground, mostly late in
tbe autumn, some in tbe summer.
Most ofthe species are handsome and easily
recognized. From Agaricus this genus dilfers
by the manifest trama, the substance of which
is similar to that of the pileus; from Lactarius
a n l Russula by the trama not being vesicular,
bnt subfloccose, and intermixed with granules;
and from its nearest ally, Cantharellus, by the
Fig. 49. sharp-edged gills. In Cortinarius, Paxillus,
and GompJiidius, the spores are coloured, and the gills lose their colour.
This genus is distinguished by the hymenophore being changed inlo a
waxy mass, and at length detached from the trama. Many species are sapid
and edible.— W. Q. S.
Sect. 1. Limacium.
550. Hygzop ho zus chzy sodon . Fr. “ Yellow-downy
White; pileus flesby, convexo-plane, viscid, margin involute ;
stem stuffed, subequal, squamulose (yellowish/ floccose above;