I; !’■
On old walls, banks, &c., amongst moss. [Cincinnati.]
Pileus at length funnel-shaped, J-lin . broad, convex, reddish brown ; gills
broad, pale, whitish-brown, distant, deeurrent; stem J-J in. high, thiokish,
usually sub-iucurved, pale-brown, solid.—Grev.
2 2 0 . A g a r icu s (Omphalia) um h e llife r u s . X. “ Common
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceons, convexo-plane, ob-
conic, brittle, radiato-striate, when dry becoming pallid, even,
silky ; margin at first inflexed, crenate ; stem snb-fistulose, equal,
base downy ; gills decnrrent, very distant, broad behind.—Fr.
Epicr. p. 125. Hed. Ohs. t. 3. Holms, ii. t. 34. Fl. Dan. t. 1015,
1.1612, f . 1. Buxh. ii. t. 5 0 ,/. 4. Eng. Fl. v. p. 65. Berk. Ann.
N .H . no. 261.
In swamps, exposed pastures, &c. Common. [Cincinnati.]
Subgregarious. Pileus J-1 in. broad, depressed in the centre, margin deflexed,
and sometimes waved, striate, whitish, whitish-brown, or yellow,
darker when moist; gills broad towards the stem, whitish, decurrent; stem
i -1 in. high, about n in e thick, whitish or yellowish, paler below, and pubescent.—
Grev. Spores '0001 X '00012 in.
2 2 1 . A g a r icu s (Omphalia) r u fu lu s . B . 4 Br. “ Reddish
Pileus umbilicate, reddish-grey, growing pale, somewhat mealy;
stem of the same colour, shining ; gills decurrent, rather thick,
forked, flesh-coloured.—Ann.Nat.Hist. Oct. 1848,p. 260, no. 325.
Berk. Outl.p. 132.
Cn an exposed common, amongst Polytrichum. Hanham,
near Bristol.
Pileus i in. across, at first convex, soon expanded, and umbilicate, sub-
carnose, reddish grey or buff, at length pale, minutely mealy, margin erenu-
late ; stem J in. high, 1 line thick, flexuous, same colour as the pileus, smooth,
shining, solid; gills deourrent, rather thick, flesh-coloured, especially towards
the margin, forked, rather distant, interstices veiny ; spores oblong, oblique,
with somewhat the aspect of A. laccatm.—M .J . B.
2 2 2 . A g a r icu s (Omphalia) s t e lla tu s . Sow. “ Stellate
White. Pileus membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, smooth,
silky, diaphanous; stem somewhat stuffed, equal, fragile, base floc-
coso-radiate ; gills decurrent, thin, broad,very distant.—Fr. Epicr.
_p.l26. Eng. F I . y . p. 64. S ow .t.lO l. Ann. N .H . no. 268.
Cn sticks, decayed herbaceous stems, &c. Cot.
Gregarious. Pileus 4 lines broad, striated; gills thin; stem scarcely 1 in.
high, stuffed, incurved, brittle.—Dries.
B . Mycenarioe.
Sect. 3. A t fi.rst campanulate, margin straight.
2 2 3 . A g a r i c u s (O m p h a lia ) c a m p a n e i i a . Batsch. “ Tawny
Pilens membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, striate, hygrophanous;
stem fistulose, attenuatedbelow, clothed with tawny, spongy
down; gills decurrent, arcuate, conneoted by veins, yellow. Fr.
E p ic r .p .l2 6 . Nees.f.191. Schoeff.t. 230. E n g .F l.Y .p .66.
In fir woods. [United States.]
Often cæspitose. Pileus ferrnginons-yellow, 3-7 lines broad, tough ; gills
conneoted by veins ; stem 2 in. long, rootmg from below.—i'nes.
var. ß . b a d i p u s . Solitary or suh-cæspitose ; stem stuffed,.
thickened at the base, clothed with ferruginous down.—-Ew^r. F l.
Y.p. 66. A. caulicinalis. Sow. 1.163.
Amongst leaves, &c. Cet.
Pilens 3-11 lines across, broadly campanulate, umbilicate, sometimesqmte
plane, of a beautiful yellow, inclining to ferruginous, edge slightly silky;
gills yellow, arcuato, sub-decurrent, beautifully connected by veins ; stem
1-2 in. high, J -1 line thick, scarcely fistulose, yellow above, then rufesoent,
clothed with little yellow scales, thickest below, and there covered with a
dense tawny tomentum.—M .J . B.
2 2 4 . A g a r i c u s (O m p h a l i a ) c a m p t o p h y l l u s . Berh. “ Berkeley’s
Pileus convexo-plane, deeply striate ; stem minutely pubescent,
radiato-strigose at the base, minutely fistulose ; gills white, ascending,
then suddenly decurrent.—Berk. Eng. F l. Y .p. 62. Outl.
p . 133.
Cn sticks, &c. Eare. Margate.
Solitary or sub-gregarions. Pilens J in. broad, dry, convex obtns^^^^^^^
hemispherical, smooth, brown, with a grey margin gills rather distant at
flrst adnate, nearly plane, then ascending and suddenly df °?rrent Stem 2 im
or more high, not aline thick, sub-flexnous, mmutely^^^^
lose, with a few white fibres, under a lens minutely but beautifully Pubescent,
base radiato-strigose, at first yellow, when fuU-grown pale above, pale rates
cent below.—M. J • B..
2 2 5 . A g a r i c u s (O m p h a lia ) g r i s e u s . Dr. “ Grey Omphalia.”
Pileus suh-memhranaceous, campanulate, th e n convex, smooth,
striate, hygrophanous; stem fistulose, ra th e r firm, smooth, se
coloured; gills slightly decurrent, arcuate, ra th e r thick, sub-distant,
whitish-grey.—F r. Epicr. p. 1 2 7 . Ann. N .H . no. 141.
In pine woods.
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