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t 4 7 8 TOEULACEI.
1 4 2 3 . T o zu la h e zb a zum . Lk . “ Herbaceous Torula.”
Spores globose, green, tben black; flocci aggregate, not strongly
moniliform.— Sp. i.p . 128. Corda, Sturm, t. 48. Eng. F l. v.
p . 359. Cooke exs. no. 362.
On stems of berbaoeous plants, especially Umbelliferce. Common.
[United States.]
Forming flat sooty patches, variegated with olive-green; spores fasciated.
(Fig. 186.)
1 4 2 4 . T o zu la g z am in is . Besm. “ Grass Torula.”
Tufts very small, subrotund or oval, brownisb bla ck; flocci
simple, decumbent, opaque ; spores globose, deciduous.—Desm.
Ann. Sc. Nat. 1834, ii. t. 2 ,f. 6. Desm. exs. no. 169. B . 4 B r. Ann.
N .H . no. 134. Fckl. exs.no. 69.
On dry leaves of Carices. Colleyweston.
1 4 2 5 . T o zu la p la n ta g in is . Cd. “ Plantain Torula.”
Hypopbyllous, effused, indeterminate, tomentose, black; hy-
pbasma creeping, filamentous, branched; flooci erect, brown,
fasciculate, flexuose, simple, rarely forked; spores subquadrate,
smootb, brown, nucleate.— Corda. iii. t. l , f . 14. B. 4 Br. Ann.
N.H .n o . 252. Kl.exs. no. 1764. Fckl. exs.no. 65.
On leaves of Plantain. Stibbington, Hants.
“ I find exactly the same barren creeping threads of a perfectly distinct
structure from the torulose threads as Corda. I suspect that further observations
will show th at this fungus has distinct spores.”—M. J. B.
1 4 2 6 . T o zu la sp o zen d on em a . B . 4 B r. “ Cheese Torula.”
Flocci somewhat branched, woven together into pulvinate red
tu fts; spores globose.—A n n .N .H . no.462. Bahh. F .E .n o . 849.
Sporendonema casei, Desm. Ann. Sc. N at. x i.p . 246. Moug. exs.
»0.998. Eng. F I . y .p . 356. Bull, t.564, f . 2 .
On cheese and ra t’s dung.
This has exactly the structure of Torula, and certainly has not the spores
contained in a tube.—M. J. B. We have also found it on old and decaying
T orula E riophori. Berh. is Gonatosporium puccinioides.
See Ann. N .H . no. 236,519.
Sporendonema M usoa;. Fr. Empusa muscce. Cohn. See
Gen. 151.
SFEIR.A, Corda.
4 7 9
Flocci concentric, at first connate,
forming plates, at length breaking np.
Spores simple. Stroma none.— Corda.
Icon. i.p. 9.
{Fig. 187.)
Fig. 187.
1 4 2 7 . Sp eiza to zu lo id e s . Corda. “ Torula-like Speira.”
Tufts irregular, elongated, brown; threads connate inlaminse;
spores quadrangular, yellowish, pellucid.— Corda. Icon. i.f. 140.
B. 4 B r.Ann. N .H . no. 1041. P a y .f. 295. Corda. Anl. t. B .f . 5. 7.
On dead herbaceous plants. Batheaston. (Ky. 187.)
Gen. 1 5 2 .
B A C T R lD IV ia , Kunze.
Spores radiating, coloured or byaline,
oblong,multiseptate.—Berh. Outl.p. 326.
(Fig. 188.)
1 4 2 8 . B a c tz id ium fla v um . Kze.
“ Yellow Bactridium.”
Tufts irregular, usually subglobose, compact,
yellow ; spores oblong-ovate, obtuse;
Fig. 188. hyphasma somewbat branched, sparingly
septate.—Kze. M .H. i. t. l , f . 2. Bon. t. 2 ,f. 47. Berh. exs.no. 327.
Babh. F .E . no. 372.
On elm stumps. [United States.]
(Fig. 188.)
1 4 2 9 . B a c tz id ium h e lv e lle e . B . 4 B r . “ Parasitic Bactridium.”
Tufts confluent, very tbin, microscopical, effused ; flocci somewbat
erect, branched sparingly; spores clavate, or clavately
pear-shaped, 2—a tlength 6-7 septate, colourless.—B . 4 Dr. Ann.
N .H . no. 816, t. 9 ,f. 3. Didymaria helvellce. Gorda. v i./. 24.
On tbe hymenium of Pezizce. Deo. Batheaston.
Spores at length 5-7 septate, '0025 in. long. Corda’s figure represents the
early stage of growth; at length it acquires several septa.