'i i
1 4 0 8 . G lseo spo iium c o n c en tr icum .
B . 4 B r. “ Conoentrio
Minute, white, disposed concentrically; spores numerous,
cylindrical, truncate, pellucid, oozing out and forming little
heaps.—D. 4 Dr. Ann. N .H . no. 441. Cylindrosporium concentricum,
Grev. t.27. TJredo cylindrospora. Eng. F l. Y . p . 384.
On living cabbage leaves.
Spores produced beneath the cnticle, and forming little heaps by oozing
out, as in other species.
1 4 0 9 . Glaeosporium la b e s . B . 4 B r. “ Poplar-leaf Giseosporium.”
Spots indefinite, brown; spores sub-pyriform, obsoletely uniseptate,
snb-cirrbose.—B. 4 Dr. Ann. N .H . no. 440. Asteroma
lahes. Berk. exs. no. 346. Ann. N.H.no. 203, t. 11,/. 6.
On living poplar leaves. J u l.
Forming irregular brown patches, scattered or occupying almost the whole
of the upper surface of the leaf, the stroma when held up to the light is
found to be disposed in a fibrillose form ; spores forming short tendrils, snb-
pyriform, with an obscure septum (not always visible) at the contracted part
of the spore. The spores in the fresh plant show little granules, generally
disposed in two patches.—M. J. B.
1 4 1 0 . Glaeospozium laeticolox.
“ Salmon-coloured Glaeoa-
Spots depressed, centre wbite, witb a black ring, pustules circinating,
tendrils pale red, spores oblong, the endochrome retracted
at either end.—Berk. Gard. Chron. 1859,pp. 604.
On peaches and nectarines.
At first appearing as dark specks with a bleached centre, at length the
white spot and dark ring become more clearly defined, seated in the centre of
a regular circular depression, the borders of which are pale. The whole surface
of the depression studded with little salmon-coloured warts, disposed
more or less in circles, from which issue little curled tendrils of salmon-
coloured spores ; spores oblong u'jj in. long, with their contents retracted
to either end.
14 1 1 . Glaeosporium f iu c t ig e n u m . “ Fru it GlEeosporium.”
Pustules concentric, of two forms, one opening in a stellate
manner, with apical spores, the other opening by a pore, witb
the spores forming a gelatinous tendril.—Berk. Gard. Chron.
1856,pp. 245,fig.
On apples.
Studding the fruit with pearl-like specks, bursting through the cuticle,
and swelling above it in the form of little flat cushions. Sometimes single,
more frequently surrounded by a more or less perfect ring. Each plant
consists of a branched inosculating mycelium, giving rise to simple or forked
Bubfaatigiate, irregular threads, each tip surmounted by an oblong, curved
or irregular spore ('001 in.) m.m. long. Afterwards the cuticle is raised ill
little smning transparent pustules, and a tendril of niinute spores, preciselv
like the previous ones, issues from them. (^^ig, 185.)
1 4 1 2 . Glaeosporium um b z in e llum . B .A B r . “ Little brown
Spots irregular, angular, brown ; spores pallid.—B. 4 B r. Ann
N .H . (1866), no. 1144, t. 3 ,f. 5.
On fallen oak leaves. Oct. Batheaston.
Forming minute brown spots ; spores binuoleate, -OOOl-'OOOfi in. (’OI—-015
m.m.) long supported on long, often forked sporophores, at length oozin?
out in the form of a pale irregular tendril.—B. ^ Br.
1 4 1 3 . Glaeosporium ficaziae. Berk. “ Pilewort Glieosporium.”
White ; spores irregularly oblong, slightly curved.— Cylindrosporium
ficariai,Berk. exs. no. 212. Ann. N .H . no. 135.
On Ranunculus ficaria. Common.
Oozing out in tendrils, and forming irregular white patches on the sreen
Order X IV . TO RU L AO E I.
Peritbecium altogether wanting. Fructifying surface naked.
Spores compound, or arising from repeated division (tomiparous),
very rarely reduced to a single ceW.— Berk.Outl. p . 325.
Spores tomiparous
Flocci straight . . . .
Flocci concentric
Didymous . . . .
not enclosed .
at first enclosed in the flocci
Spores radiating, multiseptate
Spores spirally involute, articulated
Spores irregular, multicellular
conglutinate .
not conglutinate .
Flattened, tongue shaped
Spores collected in fours.
Quadriarticulate crested .
Spores bilocular, epiphytal
Spores unicellular.
Rough, parasitic
Smooth, arising from the matrix