34. BRACHYCOME. Cass. diet. 37. p. 464 <$*491 ƒ DC. prodr. 5. p.
305, Sf 7. p. 276; Benth. enurn. pi. Hugel. p. 59.
Heads many-flowered ; the ray-flowers pistillate, in a single series ; those
of the disk tubular, perfect. Scales of the campanulate or hemispherical in-
vo ucre in 2 3 series, appressed, with membranaceous margins. Receptacle
conical, somewhat alveolate. Achenia compressed, or nearly terete, crowned
with an inconspicuous squamellate setulose pappus.—Low herbs, with the
habit of the annual species of Beilis ; chiefly perennial, and natives of Australia.
Rays white.
1. B. xanthocomoides ? (Less.) : diffusely branched from the base: the
branches somewhat pubescent with appressed hairs, naked at the summit and
X "? ' °ifVef Dearl,y Slabrous> enti>-tulate , those of the branches lanceolate-linear* sessilee i; tshcea lleosw oef rt hoeb ilnovnogl-uspcare-
oblong-lanceolate, acute, with broad scarious margins.—Lew. sun. p 192
&fin Lmneea, 9. p. 265? *«**' P'
Texas. Drummond / (v. sp. in herb. B. D. Greene.)-The specimen which
X X crib? was mi*ed with some other plants in Drummond’s Texan collection,
and not numbered. The plant resembles Beilis integrifoliain aspect
but is smaller and the heads not half the size: the involucre! very simflan
the scales in 2 senes, herbaceous in the centre. Rays about 3 lines lnmr
white. Corolla of the disk cyathiform, expanded, deeply 5-toothed, the proper
tube very short. Style m the disk-flowers with broadly oblong Pflat
branches bordered with very thick stigmatic lines, and terminated with a
short and flat triangular minutely hairy appendage. Achenia (immature)
somewhat compressed and obovate, minutely hispid, crowned with a single
series of distinct squamellate-setulose bristles, scarcely exceeding the short
hairs of the achemum. We have not seen the lower leaves; and Lessing
1 X a 6 n eni? °r lhestyle ofhis PIant’ which was collected i f
c w ! ! y Sh!ede,' ,?ar Plant aPPears to accord with the Australian Bra-
chycomes, and only differs from the annual species of Beilis in the minute
pappus ; and when we consider that a perennial Spanish Beilis (B. papulosa
Boiss.) exhibits a similar pappus, it is evident that the present genus scarcely
deserves to be distinguished. & 3
Div. 2. C h r t s o c o m e j e , D C .— Heads either heterogamous and radiate,
or homogamous and discoid (both forms sometimes occurring in the same
genus); the rays and disk-flowers yellow and unchanging. Receptacle never
Subdiv. 1. Gymnospf.rmea:.—Pappus none.
35. Gymnosperma. Rays few, very small.
Subdiv. 2. Ac hyrideie.—Pappus chaffy or coroniform.
36. A mphiachyris Achenia of the disk abortive, the narrow scales of the pappus
united at the base; of the ray fertile, with a short pappus. P PP
37. Guttierrezia. Achenia of the disk and ray fertile.
Subdiv. 3. S olidaginea:. Pappus similar in the disk and ray (when the latter
is present), simple, of capillary or rigid, rarely squamellate or awn-like bristles.
* Pa/ppus o f very short squamellate bristles.
38. Brachych2eta. Rays and disk-flowers each 4-5. Lower leaves cordate.
* * Pappus o f elongated capillary bristles.
39. Soudaso. Rays few, rarelynone; disk-flowers several. Receptacle alveolate.
40. B igelovia. Rays none: disk-flowers 3-4. Receptacle cuspidate.
41. S - , . j j g M j f c alveolate-toothed.
* ° t "X “ TOl” " -
43. Macronema. Rays 6-8, or none: disk-flowers numerous. Scales of the in-
_ Volucre scarcely m two series, with fohaceous tips. Achenia flat, hairy
44. Ericameria. Rays 3-6: disk-flowers 7-9. 'Scales of the oblong or cylindrical
involucre imbricated. Achenia glabrous. Pappus copious. 7
45. Stenotus. Rays 8-12: disk-flowers numerous. Scales of the hemispherical
icnovpoilouucsr,e u nberoqauda l. clo- sely imvb ricated. Achenia... silky-villous. Pappus1 3 «£ x aEPU6>
46. Isopappus. Rays 5-12; disk-flowers 10-20. Scales of the cylindrical involucre
lanceolate-subulate. | A.chema villous. Pappus equal, in a single series.
* * * Pappus o f mmierousumegual bristles, more-or less rigid.
47. Apeopappus, Achenia oblong or turbinate, villous or silky. Pappus of co
pious unequal and rather rigid persistent bristles
Pappus Si®**»
49. PRIONX X sf f 0X o S v t y rr ^ d EaPPUS °f T6ly Une,lUal deciduoas
5°. CENTAimmnM.^^cheni^tobinate,^pubescent. Pappus of several nearly defi-
* * * * Pappus offem rigid awns or bristles..
51. Grindelia. Pappus of 2-8 corneous caducous awns.
52. Pentach^ ta. Pappus of 5 persistent rigid bristles,
Subdiv. 4. HETEROTHEOEiE.-Pappus of the ray and disk dissimilar.
53. Bradburia. Pappus of the ray double; ,the exterior of short and squamellate the
, . ur °f Capdlary barbellate bnstles; that of the disk of 2 chaffy awns
54. HETEROTHECEiE. Pappus of the ray none; of the disk as in Chrysopsis.
Suidiv. 5. CHRYsopsiDEiE.—Pappus of the ray and disk similar, double.
55. Chrysopsis. Exterior pappus short, setose or chaffy; the inner capillary.
Subdiv. 1. G y m n o s p e r m e i e , DC—Pappus entirely wanting.
35. GYMNOSPERMA. Less. syn. p . 194; DC. prodr. 5. p . 311.
Heads 8-14-flowered; the ray-flowers 3-5 (sometimes wanting), very narrow,
and with an extremely short ligule, pistillate; those of the disk tubular
and perfect, sometimes sterile. Involucre oblong; the scales imbricated, appressed,
scarious-coriaceous. Receptacle narrow, naked. Corolla of the disk
with a cyathiform 5-cleft limb; the lobes oblong-lanceolate, revolute.
Branches of the style oval or oblong; the appendages as long as the stigmatic