§ 2. Receptacle chaffy throughout; the chaff membranaceous, short: acheniaoj
the disk oblong-cuneiform: awns o f the pappus (about 12) subulate, very unequal.—
Calliglossa, Hook. & Arn.
2. C. Douglasii: stem glabrous below, loosely branched and pubescent
above; leaves scabrous-ciliate; the lower pinnatifid, with the linear segments
entire or sparingly incised; the uppermost linear-lanceolate, entire;
scales ot the involucre hispid on the back with short and stout bristles; achenia
of the disk silky-villous ; the corolla glabrous.—Calliglossa Douglasii, Hook.
V A r n .. bot. Beechey, suppl. p. 356. Oxyura chrysanthemoides, Lindl. !
bot.reg. t. 1850 (as to the figure); Fisch. Sc Meyer, 3rd ind. l.c. 1837, Sr
in Lmncea, 12. suppl. p. 102; Schauer, del. sem. Vratisl. 1837, p. 3, Sr in
Lmncea, l. c. p. 89 ; not of DC. }
California, Douglas, (v. sp. cult.)—Plant very much resembling Oxyura
chrysanthemoides in aspect, but with narrower and less compressed villous
achenia. Awns of the pappus rigid and dilated at the base ; 3 or 4 of the longer
equal in length to the achenia. Rays whitish at the tips.
136. OXYURA. DC. in Lindl. nat. syst., 8f prodr. 5. p. 693.
Tollatia, Endl. Oxyum, Lindl. bot. reg. as to descr. only.
Heads many-flowered; the ray-flowers 10-12, ligulate, coarsely 2-3-toothed
at the apex, pistillate; those of the disk tubular, perfect; many of the central
infertile. Scales of the involucre in a single series, hispid-ciliate, convolute
at the base and enclosing the ray achenia, abruptly narrowed above
into a linear foliaceous and spreading appendage. Receptacle flat, chaffy
throughout; the chaflf oval-oblong, membranous, ciliate, with acute herbaceous
or colored hairy tips. Corolla with a hairy tube ; the infundibuliform
limb in the disk-flowers deeply 5-toothed. Branches of the style in the disk-
flowers long and linear, very acute, hispid, exserted and revolute. Achenia
of the ray and disk similar, glabrous, obovate, obcompressed (with a very
small epigynous disk), entirely destitute of pappus; the central often abortive—
An annual erect nearly glabrous herb, with the habit of Chrysanthemum
segetum ; the branches pubescent at the summit, and terminated by
rather large heads. Leaves alternate, pinnatifid ; the lobes 4-8 pairs, oblong-
linear, entire, short, scabrous-ciliate. Flowers yellow : the anthers blackish.
O. chrysanthemoides (DC.! 1. c.)—Hook. Sr Arn. ! bot. Beechey, suppl. p.
356 ; not of Bot. reg., Fisch. Sf Meyer, Schauer, Sfc.
California, Douglas !—Tube of the corolla somewhat dilated at the base,
and embracing the apex of the short and flat achenia— This plant, we believe,
has never been cultivated. In the Mantissa Compos. (7. p. 294), De
Candolle has incautiously adduced the syn. of Lindl. bot. reg., Fisch. Sr
Meyer, Sfc.; which belongs to Callichroa (Calliglossa) Douglasii.
137. HEMIZONIA. DC. prodr. 5. p. 692.
Hemizonia & Hartmannia, DC.
Heads several-many-flowered; the ray-flowers 5-20, ligulate, 2-3-lobed,
pistillate ; those of the disk tubular, perfect, but infertile. Scales of the involucre
in a single series, oblong or lanceolate, concave or convolute and partly
enclosing the ray-achenia, often subtended by linear bracts. Receptacle flat,
chaffy either throughout, or only at the margin and punctate at the centre ;
the chaff often more or less united. Corolla of the disk-flowers infundibuliform,
5-toothed; the teeth (and often the tube) mostly glandular-bearded.
Appendages of the style in the disk-flowers linear or subulate, acute, very
hispid. Achenia glabrous ; those of the ray obovoid, gibbous, or slightly obcompressed,
convex on the back (where it is sometimes rugose or sparsely
muricate,) often flatfish anteriorly, slightly stipitate; the apex mostly oblique,
and terminated with a small often papillose-exserted or beaked areola ; of the
disk sterile or abortive, oblong, 5-7-nerved. Pappus none ; or in the disk-
flowers sometimes of 5-8 short and unequal lacerate chaffy scales.—Low
annual or perennial hairy and sometimes glandular (Californian) plants;
with alternate often crowded lanceolate or linear leaves. Heads (middle-
sized) solitary or clustered. Flowers mostly yellow. Anthers brownish.
The achenia of the disk in Hartmannia fasciculata and H. corymbosa are certainly
sterile, at least in our specimens, although, they contain a rudimentary ovule; as
do nearly all the species placed by De Candolle in Hemizonia. Hence the former
genus is only to be distinguished by the pappus; which is not well described by De
Candolle, and which is said to be partly wanting in one, and entirely so in another
of the .three species referred to it. The remarkable union of the chaff in some species
of Hemizonia, Hartmannia, and Calycadenia, seems also to have escaped De
Candolle’s observation. Hooker & Arnott have noticed it in Hemizonia, DC.; and
Nuttall in Hartmannia.
§ 1. Heads 10-12 -flowered, corymbose-fasciculate: chaff of the receptacle of
5 or 6 scales in a single series interposed between the ray and disk-flowers,
united to the middle: pappus of the disk-flowers chaffy,lacerate-toothedat
the apex: leaves incisely pinnatifid.
1. H. fasciculata: annual, hirsute; stem stout, corymbose above; the
small heads numerous, densely fascicled at the summit of the fastigiate
branches; leaves linear-lanceolate ; the lower pinnatifid ; the upper incisely
toothed or nearly entire, closely sessile ; rays 5, short, obovate-cuneiform ; ray-
achenia obscurely rugose on the back when old, or slightly muricate; pappus
of the disk-flowers of 5-8 oblong chaffy scales, not half the length of the corolla,
unequally and very acutely lacerate-toothed at the apex__Hartmannia
fasciculata, DC.!prodr. 5. p. 693; Hook. Sf A m .! bot. Beechey, suppl. p .
357. H. glomerata, Nutt. ! in irans. Amer. phil. soc. 1. c. p. 391.
California, Douglas! Nuttall! April-May.—A span high. Flowers
bright yellow. Disk-flowers enclosed in a 5-6-angular tube or cup, formed
by the membranaceous carinate-concave chaffy receptacular scales, which are
united (although not very firmly) by their edges at least to the middle ; the
apex mucronate-acuminate. Fertile (ray) achenia broad at the summit, with
a small beak-like areola projecting from the anterior margin : the stipe short
and incurved.
§ 2. Heads many-flowered, somewhat solitary: receptacle chaffy throughout ;
the scales of the outer series united: pappus of the disk-flowers very small,
membranous, fimbriate-lacerate, nearly obsolete (orwanting, DC.) in the exterior
flowers: leaves pinnatifid.