Fig. 12. Median view of the right hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus with the preopercular attached x iy 2.
Fig. 13. Lateral view of the left maxillary x iy 2.
Fig. 14. Median view of the head of the right maxillary x lx/2.
Fig. 15. Lateral view of the brain case, showing the insertions of the muscles x iy 2.
Fig. 16. Lateral view of the left premaxillary x iy 2.
Fig. 17. Median view of the head of the right premaxillary x iy2.
Fig. 18. Ventral view of the frontal x iy 2.
Fig. 19. Diagrammatic view of the latero-sensory canals x 1.
P l a t e I I I . S e b a s t e s d a c t y l o p t e r u s a n d S c o r p a e^n a s c r o f a .
Fig. 20. Dorsal view of the skull of Sebastes dactylopterus with both postfrontals and the left nasal, extra-
scapular, suprascapular and supraclavicular attached x 2.
Fig. 21. Lateral view of the same with postfrontal attached x 2.
Fig. 22. Ventral view of the same x 2.
Fig. 23. Posterior view of the same x 2.
Fig. 24. Lateral view of the left premaxillary x 2.
Fig. 25. Median view of the head of the right premaxillary x 2.
Fig. 26. Lateral view of the left maxillary x 2.
Fig. 27. Median view of the head of the right maxillary x 2.
Fig. 28. Ventral view of the brain of Scorpaena scrofa with the cranial and occipital nerves x 4.
P l a t e IV. C o t t u s o c t o d e c i m o s p i n o s u s .
Fig. 29. Lateral view of the skeleton of the head x 2.
Fig. 30. Dorsal view of the skull with left nasal, postfrontal, extrascapular, suprascapular and supraclavicular
attached x 2.
Fig. 31. Ventral view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 32. Lateral view of the same x 2.
Fig. 33. Median view of a bisected skull x 2.
Fig. 34. Median view of the right hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus with preopercular attached x 2.
Fig. 35. Lateral view of the left hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus, without preopercular x 2.
Fig. 36. Median view of the right lachrymal bone x 2.
Fig. 37. Posterior view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 38. Diagrammatic view of the latero-sensory canals x iy2.
P l a t e V. T r i g l a h i r u n d o .
Fig. 39. Lateral view of th'e skeleton of the head x 1.
Fig. 40. Dorsal view of the same x 1.
Fig. 41. Lateral view of the occipital region of the skull and the first four vertebrae x 2.
Fig. 42. Posterior view of the skull x 1.
Fig. 43. Dorsal view of the same x 1.
Fig. 44. Ventral view of the same x 1.
Fig. 45. Lateral view of the same with supraclavicular attached x 1.
Fig. 46. Median view of a bisected skull x 1.
Fig. 47. Dorsal view of the skull of Trigla gurnardus with the dermal bones removed x iya.
Fig. 48. Lateral view of the left maxillary of Trigla hirundo x 1.
Fig. 49. Median view of the head of the right maxillary x 1.
Fig. 50. Lateral view of the left premaxillary x 1.
Fig. 51. Median view of the head of the right premaxillary x 1.
Fig. 52. Lateral view of the infraorbital bones of a specimen in which there were four of these bones x 1.
Fig. 53. Lateral view of the left hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus x 1.
Fig. 54. Median view of the right, hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus with-the preopercular attached.x 1.
P l a t e VI. P e r i s t e d i o n c a t a p h r a c t u m.
Fig. 55. Dorsal view of the skeleton of the head x iy 2.
Fig. 56. Lateral view of the skeleton of the head x iy 2.
Fig. 57. Dorsal view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 58. Ventral view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 59. Lateral view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 60. Ventral view of the left lachrymal x 2.
Fig. 61. Lateral view of the left hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus x 2.
Fig. 62. Median view of the right hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus with the preopercular attached x 2.
Fig. 63. Dorsal view of the parasphenoid x 2.
Fig. 64. Lateral view of the same x 2.
Fig. 65. Dorsal view of the left premaxillary x 2.
Fig. 66. Dorsal view of the left maxillary x 2.
Fig. 67. Posterior view of the skull x 2.
Fig. 68. Diagrammatic view of the latero-sensory canals x 1%.
P l a t e VI I . D a c t y l o p t e r u s v o l i t a n s .
Fig. 69. Dorsal view of the skeleton of the head, with the bones on the dorsal surface of the head filed down on
the right side, so as to show the course of the latero-sensory canals x lx/3.
Fig. 70. Ventral view of the skull x 1V8.
Fig. 71. Lateral view of the skeleton of the head x lx/3.
Fig. 72. Ventral view of a part of the roof of the skull x 1%.
Fig. 73. Posterior view of the skull with the hind ends of the extrascapulars, suprascapulars and supraoccipital
cut off x 2.
Fig. 74. Orbital view of the brain case x 2.
Fig. 75. Dorsal view of the right epiotic x 2.
Fig. 76. Cerebral view of the left prootic x 2.
Fig. 77. Dorsal view of the alisphenoid x 2.
Fig. 78. Ventral view of the alisphenoid x 2.
P l a t e VI I I . D a c t y l o p t e r u s v o l i t a n s a n d T r i g l a h i r u n-d o.
Fig. 79. Dorsal view of the parasphenoid of Dactylopterus volitans x 2.
Fig. 80. Dorso-mesial view of the right sphenotic and postfrontal x 2.
Fig. 81. Dorsal view of the left premaxillary x 2.
Fig. 82. Dorsal view of the left maxillary x 2.
Fig. 83. Dorsal view of the basioccipital x 2.
Fig. 84. Dorsal view of the right exoccipital x 2.
Fig. 85. Lateral view of the left hyomandibulo-palato-quadrate apparatus with the preopercular attached x lx/3.
Fig. 86. Median view of the left palatine x 2.
Fig. 87. Median view of the right hyomandibular x 2.
Fig. 88. Diagrammatic view of the latero-sensory canals of Dactylopterus x iy 3.
Fig. 89. Diagrammatic view of the latero-sensory canals of Trigla hirundo x 1.