E x p l a n a t i o n of Figures.
In dex l e t t e r s .
Aap Adductor arcus palatinus. ggle Extracranial glossopharyngeal ganglion.
Ah Adductor hyomandibularis. ggli Intracranial glossopharyngeal ganglion.
ah.fr Foramen for the arteria hyoidea. gl Nervus glossopharyngeus.
ANG Angular. glfr Glossopharyngeus foramen.
Ao Adductor operculi. gp Profundus ganglion.
ART Articular. gt Trigeminus ganglion.
art.h Articular process of the hyomandibular, or gsy Sympathetic ganglion.
corresponding process or facet on the skull. m Extracranial vagus ganglion.
art.mx. Articular process of maxillary. gv1 Intracranial vagus ganglion.
art.pmx Articular process of premaxillary. HMD Hyomandibular.
AS Alisphenoid. iC.fr‘~ Internal carotid foramen.
asc.mx. Ascending process of maxillary. io1-11 1st. to 11th. Infraorbital latero-sensory
asc.pmx ascending process of premaxillary. organs.
asc.v Ascending process of vomer. ioc Infraorbital latero-sensory canal.
BO Basioccipital. IOP Interopercalar.
BS Basisphenoid. IOR1- * 1st. to 4th. Infraorbital bones.
cb Ciliaris brevis. LA Lachrymal.
cl Ciliaris longus. Labe I—-V. Levator arcus branchialis externus of first
D Dentary. to fifth branchial arches.
D.ECP Dermo-ectopterygoid. Labi3 Levator arcus branchialis internus, anterior
dgr Dilatator groove. muscle.
Do Dilatator operculi. Labip Levator arcus branchialis externus, posterior
ec.fr External carotid foramen. muscle.
ECP Ectopterygoid. Lap Levator arcus palatinus.
ECT Ectethmoid. Lo Levator operculi.
ENP Entopterygoid. mef.fr Foramen for mandibularis externus facialis.
EP Epiotic (Exoccipitale, Sagemehl, Exoccipital, MET Mesethmoid.
Allis). met.pr. Mesethmoid process.
ESC Extrascapular. mif.fr Foramen for mandibularis internus facialis.
EX Exoccipital (occipitale laterale, Sagemehl). MP Metapterygoid.
fc Facialis canal through the hyomandibular. MX Maxillary.
f.fr Facialis foramen. mx.p Maxillary process o f Palatine.
fo Facialis opening of trigemino-facialis NA Nasal.
chamber. na nasal aperture. \ -
FR Frontal. nf nervus facialis.
gc Ciliary ganglion. nil Nervus lineae lateralis.
gern Communis ganglion. 0 Nervus opticus.
oc'fr Foramen for occipital nerves,
ol Nervus olfactorius.
ol.fr Olfactory foramen.
OP Opercular.
opl. Ophthalmicus lateralis canal.
OPS Opisthotic.
P Palatine.
PA.ESC Parieto-extrascapular.
pf Palatinus facialis.
pmo1-11 1st. to 11th. Preoperculo-mandibular latero-
sensory organs.
PMX Premaxillary.
PO Pontinal.
POP Preopercular.
POR Postorbital.
pr.fr Foramen for nervus profundus.
PRO Prootic.
PS Parasphenoid.
PSF Postfrontal.
PT Pterotic.
Q Quadrate.
R Rostral.
r.ctf Ramus communicans from trigeminus to
r.int.inf Branch of oculomotorius to rectus internus
and rectus inferior,
rl Radix longa.
r.oi Branch of oculomotorius to obliquus
r.rs Branch of oculomotorius to rectus superior.
SCL Supraclavicular.
SO1" 6 1st. to 6th. Supraorbital latero-sensory
SO Supraoccipital.
soc Supraorbital latero-sensory canal.
SOP Subopercular.
SOR1 1st. Suborbital.
SOR2 2nd. Suborbital.
SPH Sphenotic.
spoc Spina occipitalis.
S.POP Suprapreopercular.
ssc Suprascapular.
stc Supratemporal latero-sensory canal.
sto1-^"T: 1st. to 2nd. Supratemporal latero-sensory
SY Symplectic.
Tda Trarisversus dorsalis anterior.
tfc. Trigemino-facialis chamber.
t.fr Trigeminus foramen.
tgr Temporal groove.
to Trigeminus opening of trigemino-facialis
vfr Vagus foramen.
VO Vomer.
E x p l a n a t io n of Plate s .
The figures used for illustration were to have been made from the specimens used for the descriptions,
but as those specimens had been more or less injured by repeated handling, other specimens were specially
prepared for the drawings. The figures will accordingly be found to differ from the descriptions in certain
minor details.
P l a t e I. S c o r p a e n a s c r o f a .
Fig. 1. Lateral view of the skeleton of the head x iy 4.
Fig. 2. Dorsal view of the same x 1%.
Fig. 3. Dorsal view of the skull with the right nasal bone in place x 1V2.
Fig. 4. Ventral view of the same x 1V2.
Fig. 5. Lateral view of the skull x 1V2.
Fig. 6. Median view of a bisected skull x iy 2.
P l a t e II. S c o :r p a , e n a s c r o f a .
Fig. 7. Dorsal view of the skull with the dermal bones removed, excepting the right .postfrontal and suprascapular
x iy 2.
Fig. 8. Posterior view of the same with right suprascapular in place x 1V2.
Fig. 9. Orbital view of the brain case x 1V2.
Fig. 10. Dorsal view of the vomer x 1V2.
Fig. 11. Lateral view of the left hybmandibulb-palato-quadrate apparatus x iy2.
Zoologica. Heft 57. 28