all the mail-cheeked fishes examined, excepting Cottus, and there appears as a jugular groove on th e
outer surface of the prepared skull. In Cottus the outer wall of th e space is of hone and th e inner
wall largely of membrane, the space there appearing as a recess on th e inner surface of the prepared
skull. The outer wall of th e space, primarily of membrane, is invaded to a different extent, in different
fishes, by th e neighbouring bones, th u s giving rise to greatly varying conditions.
16. The myodome of fishes is primarily a subpituitary space th a t is connected with the
o rbit of either side, or with th e orbital region, by a canal th a t transmits th e p itu ita ry vein.
Secondarily this subpituitary space acquires a wide communication with th e orbits, th e primal
cause of this secondarily acquired communication apparently being a deepening of th e hind ends
of th e orbits due to a marked enlargement of th e eyeballs. Following th is ’ deepening .of th e
orbits, certain of th e eye-muscles of either side enter th e p itu ita ry canal and, enlarging th a t
canal, finally wholly break down th e wall th a t separates the orbits from the subpituitary space.
I t seems possible th a t th e subpituitary space may represent th e conical depression on the
anterioT surface of the body of a vertebra, th e later acquired, posterior, or basioccipital extension
of th e myodome th en possibly being due to th e assimilation of similar depressions in more
posterior vertebrae.
17. The peripheral course of each of th e cranial nerves is so constant th a t it would seem
to be of greater value for th e determination of th e segmental position of th e nerve th a n the
apparent centers of origin of th e fibers composing th e nerve; it seeming more reasonable to
postulate varying composition, and condensations of ganglia or of centers of origin, th a n variations
in peripheral course. This being so, a nomenclature based on peripheral course seems much
preferable to one based on th e character of th e component fibers of the nerve Or on th e apparent
centers of origin of those fibers.
18. In all th e Loricati examined, the ramus palatinus facialis either perforates th e prootic
bridge or adjoining portions of th e side wall of th e prootic, and so passes from the cranial cavity
directly into th e myodome. In all of th e Craniomi examined this nerve first passes from the cranial
cavity into th e trigemino-facialis chamber and th en traverses th a t chamber to issue by its trigeminus
opening and so enter th e myodome.
19. In all of th e mail-cheeked fishes examined, excepting Dactylopterus, th e nervus abducens,
in passing from th e cranial cavity to th e muscle i t innervates, either passes over th e anterior
edge of th e p ostpituitary portion of th e prootic bridge or perforates th a t bridge near uts anterior
edge. In Dactylopterus the nerve first passes from th e cranial cavity into th e trigemino-facialis
chamber and then issues from th a t chamber through its trigeminus opening to reach the muscle
it innervates. In Lepidosteus also the nerve has this la tte r course.
20. Cottus differs markedly, in many more or less important anatomical features, from the
other Loricati, and Dactylopterus differs still more markedly from the other craniomi; and if
craniological characteristics are of any especial value in phylogenetic determinations, it would
seem as if these two fishes could not be closely related to th e other fishes of the mailcheeked
Palais de Carnoles, Menton, France.
February 27th. 1907.
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