P o a R i g i D a . H a r d M e a d o w - G r a s s .
POA Linncei Gen. PI. T r i a n d r i a D ig y n i a .
Raii Syn. Gen. 27. Herbæ graminifoliæ flore imperfecto Culmiferæ.
POA rigida panicula Ianceolata fubramofa fecunda : ramulis alternis fecundis. Lin. Syß. Veget, p. 98.
GRAMEN panicula multiplici. Bauhin Pin. p. 3.
GRAMEN exile duriufculum in mûris et aridis proveniens. Raii Syn. 410. Small Hard Grafs.
GRAMEN loliaceum murorum duriufculum fpica ere£ta rigida. Hiß» Oxon. III. 182. t. 2. fig. 9.
GRAMEN minus duriufculum. Gerard.
GRAMEN arvenfe, filicinâ, duriore panicula, gracilius. Barrel. Ic. 49.
Scheuchz. Agroß. ed. Haller, p. 271. t. 6. fig. 2, 3. fpiculae tantum.
Hndfion Fl. Angl. p. 35. ed. 2. p. 42.
RADIX annua, paucis fibrillis indru£la. | ROOT annual, and furnilhed with few fibres.
CULMI plures, palmares, erefti, ad bafin infra&i, f STALKS feveral, about four inches high, upright,
plerumque fimplices, laves, binodes. $ crooked at bottom, generally Ample, fmooth,
with two knots or joints.
FOLIA Ianceolata, laevia, longitudine vagina, fub- % LEAVES lanceolate, fmoofh, the length o f the (heath,
erefta; Membrana brevis, obtufa, apice la- f and nearly upright; Membrane at the bafe of
cera; Vagina lavis, lineata. a the leaf Ihort, obtufe, and jagged at top
% Sheath fmooth, and very finely grooved.
PANICULA Ianceolata, fefquiuncialis, paululum recurvata,
rigida, fubfecunda.
[SPICULÆ lineari-lanceolata, fubo£loflora, acuta, i
fubcomprelfa, fig. 1.
iCALYX : Gluma bivalvis, valvula longitudine et «
magnitudine inaquales, ad lentem fcabriuf- '
cula, fig. 2.
[■ COROLLA: G luma bivalvis, valvula fubaquales, |
ovato-acuta,marginibus membranaceis,^^.3. ,
»STAMINA: F ilament a tria, capillaria, longitu- '
dine Corolla: A ntheræ flava, minima,
breves, utrinque furcata, fig. 4, 5.
»NECTARIA : G lumulæ dua, ovato-acuta, longitudine
Germinis, ope microfcopii vifibiles,
' fig- 6-
[PISTILLUM bafin : uGfqeurem raemn otfui,r binatum: STYLi duoad fig. 7, 8.
PANICLE lanceolate, about an inch and a half long,
bent a little back, rigid, the fpicula in fome
degree growing one way*.
! SPICUL.dE, o f a (hape betwixt linear and lanceolate,
i containing for the mod part eight flowers,
! pointed and flattifh, fig. 1.
CALYX : a G lume of two valves, the valves unequal
in length and fize, appearing roughifti when
i viewed with a magnifier, fig. 2.
^COROLLA: a G lume of two valves, the valves
l nearly equal, of an oval pointed (hape, the
> edges membranous, fig. 3.
* STAMINA: three Filaments, fine, the length of
;* the Corollas; A n th er s yellow, very minute,
[ (hort, and forked at each end, fig. 4, 5.
\ NECTARIES: two fmall G lumes of an oval pointed
>- (hape, the length of the Germen, vifible by
1 the help of a microfcope, fig. 6.
> PISTILLUM : G ermen larger at top than at bottom:
j: S tyles two, branched down to the bottom,
I I fig- 7* p
»SEMINA ovato-acuta, hinc convexa, inde concava. SEEDS of an oval pointed (hape, convex on one fide,
a and hollow on the other.
Neither Haller nor Scopoli make any mention of this grafs. According to S.cheuchzer, it is common
in Italy and France, in dry fields, and fometimes on walls : with us it is found more frequently on the latter;
land though not fo common as fome of the grades, yet it is to be found on mod of the walls about London, in
[May and June.
[ In very dry and barren fituations, the dalks fometimes are found Ample, the panicle alfo not branched, and
jthe fpiculae, indead of containing about eight flowers, which is the ufual number, have no more than three
lor four: in this date Scheuchzer makes another fpecies of i t : this alteration, from an excefs or fcantinefs
oourifhment, is what all plants are fubjeft to ; and no circumdance feems to have been lefs regarded by
|Botanids—To form fpecies or varieties from fuch a caufe, is to multiply plants without end. A complete know-
lledge ° f a plant, is only to be attained by obferving it at the different periods of its growth, in all the various
llituations in which it occurs— Information obtained from any other fource is not to be depended on.