Iellaria Holostea. T he greater Stichwo rt.
STELLARIA Linnoei Gen. PL Decan.dria Trigynia.
CoAg-phyllus, pätens. Petal.g. bipartita. Cap/. 1 Toc-ularis ,pol y fp er m a.
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herbæ pentapetalæ v a s g u l if e ræ .,
STELLARIA Höloßea foliis lanceolatis ferrulàtis, petalis bifidis. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 352. FL
Suec. p. 150.
ALSINE foliis gramirieis ciliati's. Haller Hiß. No. 884.
STELLARIA Holoßed. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. p. 314.
CARYOPHYLLUS holofteus arvenfis glaber flore majore. Bauhin Pin. 210.
GRAMEN leucanthemum, Gerard emac. 47. Parkinfon. 1325. Raii Syn, 346. The Greater Stichwort. Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 166.
DIX tenui et infirma niculata reptät,. rdaedmicifullisa ,. tcieufsp iftieb rgise.-
1■ ULESq upaludrreasti, , dgéennfeic unlaatfic,u nftcuarb, rieurfecéullii,, pferadgaill eess,/ <| ball pertenues. <
^LlA linanfecrenoel actoa-raincuatma,i nfaetrar,u flautbac, ofnenua. tpao, tiruigsi dfueltais, <j rmigairdgiuinficbuuliss recviloialutat,i s,f uep ecroeiorrual eoad-vfcireenfdceennttiiaa,, << inferiora crebriora, breviora, deorfum flexa, \ flava. *
■ ORESe adlibcih, oltoonmgiias pcaeutiloisli sp rfocadberuiunftecus.lis infidentes,
ALYX: Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ova-
to-lanceolatis, concavis, marginatis, lævïbus,
patentibus, perfiftentibus, ßg. 1.
0 ROOT wfuerafkac, e{ loenf dtehre, agnrodu njdo,i nfteendd, incgre deposw no nf.i btrhees <> to a confiderable diftanee. | .i*' ...
STALKSa ffeovoetr hali,g gh,r ofwqiunagr et,h ijcokinlyte tdo,g erbthuegrh, ifuhp,r ibgrhitt,
tle, very {lender at bottom.
LEAVESu nniatirnrogw, faonmd epwohinatte d{,l ifat’,t thuenidre brnafeeast h{ likgehetlly- fwliiathp evde, rfye rfriantee df taiftf t hhea ierds'goers ,b orri draltehsetrh eed guepd
epdegr esl etauvrensi nggr obwacikn,g o ffo am belwuihfha tg urepernig chot,l otuhre; btheen dlionwg ebra clkea, vaens dm oof rea yneullmoewro'cuosl,o u{rh.orter,
FLOWERftSal kws,h aitned, p{rloacnedeindgin go nfr olmo ntgh e rfoourgkehd fdoiovti-- fion of the flalk.
. CALYX: a Perianthium.of five leaves, of an oval
pointed ftiape, hollow, edged, fmooth, fpread-
mg, and continuing, fig. 1.
iOLLA: Pet ala quinque, magna, bipartita, | COROLLA*: five white Petal s, large, divided at
obcordata, alba, nervofa, bafi virefcentia pa-4 • top, heart-fhaped, rib’d, green at bottom,
tentia, jig. 2. $ fpreading, fig. 2.
L | ’ 0 . ^AMINA: Filament a decern, alba, fubulata, co- | STAMINA : ten white Filaments, tapering, {horter
rolla breviora, alterna glandula flavefcenti ad 4 than the corolla, the alternate ones furniftied
bafin inftru6la: A n th e r s flavae, oblongae, | at bottom with a yellowifh gland: A nther/e
infidentes, fig. 3. ■ § j yellow, oblong, fitting on the filaments,fig. 3.
jSTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum: St y l i tres,
filiformes, patentes : Stigmata obtufa,jSg.4.
'^ICARPIUM: C apsula fubrotunda, membrana-
cea, unilocularis, fexvalvis, fig. 6.
EMlNA plerumque quinque aut fex majufcula,auran-
X PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh : Sty les three,
4 thread-fhaped, fpreading: Stigmata bluntl
ilh ,/ g . 4.
SEED-VESSEL a roundifh membranous Capsule,
4 of one cavity and fix valves, fig. 6.
.... ■ |4 SEEDS ofroarn tghee mcoolfolu pr aarnt dfi vbee aourt fifixu,l lyla nrgoilht,c ohfe ad de,7ep.
tiaca, reniformi'a, pulchre crenulata, fig. 7.
pj*jblea nSktse lelaarrliay iHn otlhoefl e.aS ugmromwesr .v erIyt sc foemedms oanr ew viethr yu sb,e aanudti fwuli,t h aintsd w white lihkiete t hdee delicate lCickaitcek wbleoefdl,bloflbms b mbsu te enlivens lnalrivgeenr.s
our woods
gre Vnetrlyy pcraeutgtyh t Mhoovthe,r incga lolevde rb tyh eA fulroewliearsn so,Lf etahfiis Ypellalonwt w Uhennd etrhwe infugn, whofe ftrong.
hiftory is unknown, is by them fhines