S edum T e l e p h i u m O rp ine.
SEDUM Lin.den. PI. Decand&ia Pen tagynia.
Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-petala. Sguames ne&ariferse 5 ad bafin germinis. Caps. 5.
Pali Syn.den. 17. H erba: m u l t is iliq it je seu co r n ic u l a t®.
SEDUM föliis planmfculis ferratis, corymbo foliofo caule eredto. Lin. Syß. Feget ab. p. 358. Sp. Pi. 61-6. FL Suecic, n. 400.
SEDUM androgynum foliis Confertis, ferratis, floribus denfe umbellatis. Haller. Hiß. 954.
SEDUM 'felephium. Scopoli Fl. Carmol. p. 323.
TELEPHIUM vulgare. Baubin, Pin. 287.
ANACA-MPSEROS, vulgo Faba craffa. J. B. III. 681. ;
TELEPHIUM feu craflula major vulgaris. Park. 726.
CRASSULA feu Faba inverla Ger. 416. Raii Syn. p. 269. Orpine or Live long.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. cd. 2. p. 195.
RADIX perennis, tuberofa. t
SAULES plurimi fimul enafcuntur, pedales, bipedales, |
et ultra, erefti, fimplices, teretes, folidi, ru- $.
bicundi, et f«epe rubro punfitati.
FOLIA fparfa, con'ferta, erelta, feffilia, ovata, dentata I idque varie, glabra, carnofa, glauca. |i1i FLORES in fummis caulibus et ramulis (in quos fum- |
mi caules dividuntur) in umbellas denfas di- *
gefti, faturate purpurei, nobifcum rariffime f
albi. j ?ALYX: Perianthium minimum, carnofum, quin- |
COROLqLuAefidum, laeiniis acutis. Jig. 1. | : Pe t al a quinque, lanceolata, acuminata, 1
plana, fuperne purpurea, fubtus albenria. Jig. ^ 2. t STAMINA : F ilamenta decern, fubulata, longitu- I
dine corollas, A nthers fubrotundas, purpu- |
rafceutes. Jig. 3. $ PISTILLUM: G ermina quinque, oblonga, definentia $
in flylos tenuiores, coloratos; Stigmata $
minima. Jig. 4. i PERICARPIUM : C apsule quinque, acuminata;, |
ereftae. fig. 5. *
®MINA plurima, minima. *
SRTOAOLTK pSe rmenanniya,l garnodw tiunbge ruopu tso.gether, from one to two rfoeeutn hdi,g hfo, liadn,d ruepdwdiafrhd, s,a unpd riogfhtet,n udnobtrteadn cwheitdh, red.
LEAVESi np lancoe dr eognu ltahre oftradlekr , fou parsi gnheta, rlyfe ftfoil ec, ovoevra tiet,, ianndde notfe da balnude ifthh agtr eveanr icooulfolyu,r . fmooth, flefhy, FLOWERbrSan cphleasc e(di ntoon wthhiec ht otphse otof ptsh eo f{ tthalek sf taalnkds cdoivloiduer), vine ryc lroafree luym wbheiltles, woitfh au sd.eep purple CALYX: a Perianthium, very minute, and flefhy,
COROLLthAe :f efgivme enlatnsc peooilnatteed *p etfaigls., 1r.unning out to a ulonndge rnpeoaitnht,, ffliagt,. p2.urple above, and whitifh STAMINA : ten F ilaments tapering, the length of
the corolla; A nther.® roundifh, and fome-
what purple, fig. 3. PISTILLUM: five Germina, of an oblong fhape,
terminating in five, {lender, coloured ftyles;
Stigmata, very minute. Jig. 4. SEED-VESSEL: five, acuminated, upright C apsules.
K 5* SEEDS numerous and very fmall
p[ tOmoff to fuarc iElintyg l;i fhit Sptaonrteackroepss ,h otwhiesv eisr tohfe t hoen lfyl eofnhey tnhaatut rhea so ff ltahte loeathveerss, . and confequently is diftinguifhed with the
PLie!r' e n wbeilalu otifftuenl pglraonwt bao ytha ridn h'iitsg hfo. liage and flowers, and being eafily cultivated, is met with in moll: 6w ardens*
Fa whh d ^ Vary in *ltS leaVeS an(* blo^°ms) t^ie former being fometimes found entire at the edge, and the latter
U have found it wild in many, places about London, but moft plentifully in the vicinity of Charlton and Shooter's I > R grows among the herbage on the confines of woods and flowers in July and Auguft.
Linnaeus informs us that the Caterpillar of the Phalana alpicola feeds on its leaves.