CERASTIUM. Linn. Gen'. Pi: Decàndria Pen tagynià.
Cal 5-phyllus: Petala 2-fidà, Capf. i-locülaris apice dehifcéns.
RaliSyn. Herbæ pentàpeTalæ vasculiferæ.
CERASTIUM tetrandrum caule diffufo dichotomo, floribus plerifque tëtrandris, füperante. capfula calycem vix
SÀGINA cerraeffloleidxeiss. caule diffufo dichotomo, foliis fpatulatis obovatifve recurvis, pèdunculis fru&iferis Smith. Tranf. Linn. Soc. v. 2.'p. 343.
IUCÂüUIXLE Sa npn luuare, s,f ibprdaflâm. ar. is et ult•r a, diff■ufi, teretes, yrailmlooffii,f lfiumbiv.ifcidi, purpurafcentes, dichotomi,
FOLIA oppofita, feflilia, fubconnata,' patenti-recur-
1 vüta, integerrima, hirfutula, fubtus pallidiora
et minus hirfuta, inferiora oyato-lanceolata, ad
bafîh anguftiorà, fuperiora ovata, acuta.
FLORES .tetrandri et péntandri in ■ eadem planta,
plerique vero tetrandri, folitarii, e dichotomia
caulis, pedunculati. FEDUNCflUorLeIf cfeilnitfioarmm erse, flveixfci,i dim, aadtu rbaatfoin fteummiindei , piuobf-t
KALYX:e rPe&i. erianthium 4-5 phyllum, perftftçns, fo-
(SRTOAOLTK San nnuuaml,e raonuds ,f aibbroouutsf.ix inches in length, fpread-
liolis lanceolatis, acummatis, hirfutulis, vif-
cidis, duobus paulo anguftioribus, margine
membranaceis,^. 1.
COROLLdAul aP, eutnagluiab u4s- 5f, lacvaelyfcceen tbirbeuvsi,o fratr,i aatalb, ab, ifniidtai-, lobis re6lisj acutiufculis, jig. 2.
STAMINtuAd: inFeifltyalmoerunmt; a 4-5, fubulata, alba, lôngi- A ntheræ lutefcçntes, jig.3.
PI5TIL‘L UM: GermeN turbinatum, læve, virefcens ; Sobttyulfai , 4-5,' ere&i, âlbi, villofuli ; Stigmata jPERICARPIUMj i:g C. 4. longior, 8-1a0p d seun-ltaat a,o blonga, calyce paulo jig. 5, 6.
pEMINA plurima, minuta, fufca, jig. 7, 8.
- ivnilgc iodnit tyh, ep gurropulinldh,, rodiucnhdo,t ovmilolouuss,, wanitdh fvoemrye much branched.
q LEAVES oppofite, feffile, • fomewhat connate, fpread-
o ing, bending back, perfe&ly entire, nightly
§ hirfute, paler, and lefs hairy on the under
y fide, the lowermoft ovato-lanceolate, the
1 uppermoft ovate, and pointed.
1X FLOWERpSla ntte,t rbauntd rmouosf talyn dte ptreanntdraronudsr,o ufos liitna rtyh,e ffraomme | the fork of the ftalk, on peduncles.
<| PEDUNCLES filiform, vifcid, tumid at the bale, when
0 the flowering is.over bent back, when the
y feed is ripened becoming upright,
i CALYX: a Perianthium of four or five leaves,
A continuing, leaves lanceolate, acuminate,
ft flightly hirfute, vifcid, membranous on the
ft .edge, two of them fomewhat narrower than
ft - the others, jig .1.
§ COROLLA: Petals four or five, ftiorter than the
$ , calyx, white, a little gloffy, claws yellowilh,
1 ftriated, bifid, the lobes ftraight, a little
ft , pointed, jig. 2. - ft STAMINA: Filaments four or five, fubulate, white,
ft the length of the ftyles: A n th era yellowilh,
f . M-’Si
PISTILLUM: G ermen top-lhaped, fmooth, green-
x ifh; Sty les- four or five, upright, white,
A, fomewhat villous ^ S tigmata blunt, jig. 4. ft SEED-VESSEL : an oblong Capsule, a little longer
ft than the calyx, having eight or ten teeth, ft jig. 5, 6. ft SEEDS numerous, minute, and brown, jig. 7, 8.
If uArpsr iftehde - tpor effinedn t tphlaatn tth, ei nP ritesf igdeennet raolf htahbei tL ainnnda fetarnu öSuorcei,e tfyo hoabdv iroeugfalyrd perdo cilta iams as itfelf to be a Cerajlium, we were very little affinity, except in the number of its petals, ftamina, and ftyles ; fuppoSfidnggi niat, tao gebneu sa lwtoa ywsh fiochu nidt ,h aass he afferts it is to be, with floribus juadrifidis, or,-as would have been perhaps more fcientifically expreffed, floribus
IMparrtsa fmuraellisy; wbouutl da dnmoti tmtinagk et hiet tfhae6 t letofs bae fo, which it is not in reality, a difference’ merely in the number of its in this work, would not be fueh, as they Chearvaejl iuomnl;y ihf ailtf w tohuelidr , pthroep jPemr induecmanbderru mo fa nftda mpuimnail:u mth, aat ltrheea dfyp efciigmuerends
jweqhuiaclh cDrerd. iSt mwihtehn ewxea mafinfeerdt /twhearte ina ltlh ete Jtrivanindgr opulsa nwt ef rorema dwilhye bneclei eovuer, darnadw ihnagv we ans óm addoeu,b nt ebaurlty wthee fftoiaullr tohb ptaairnt Ilcoth tahrea fftleor wers were pentandrous; in the form and ftrufture óf the feed-veffel, a part which forms the ftriking I m form wiothf aa lCl etrhaej lioutmhe, rvs ido.f Gthcee gretnnues,r , our plant is not deficient, and the feeds (when magnified) correfpond I The flowers of this plant expand, as thvei di.n jfilgu.e n8c.e of the fun is more or left powerful, without any regard to |■fetheen p tahretmic uelxarp tainmde poafr ttihaell yd aoyn ; thaeft efur nth’se yfh hïnaivneg boene nth pemre vfeon tleadte farso mfe voepne ninin gt hbey evae nwinegt :c loitusd pye ddauyn,c lwese, hasa vine las the feHeodl orfilpeae,n sa.nd fome others of the Ccrafliums, bend back when the flowering is over, ana become ere£L ■I bBeeinfigdmesu cht hlea rgdeifrf,,e raenndc em ionr et hper oncuummbbeern to; f iints thftea mlaitntear, tchhias rapfltaenr ti td dififfefresr sf rwomho lfelym ifdreocman dvriujcmof uamnd, tpou mwiluhmic,h .iint PI hoaws feorm, ew ahfifcihn ithya, si nfi vteh ep ebtraelsa,d tish foofu.nitds wfoiltiha gtee;n ; thteh omfeo uteteht ho, fw thheen cmapagfunlief ieodp, eanps puefaura flolym ewwihtha j:e tirguhntc taeteetdh,, atnhde IIt heMir re. dges turn back, vid. jig. 6. . ‘ |Inch-KDeitihc kins otnhe, tFhier thfo ortfu Fnoatreth d, ifacnodv eorner tohfe Cfeera.a-Ijhliwornes , bfeolouwnd P trheifst opnla-Pnta'n gsr; oiwt iins gn oatb ulinkdealyn ttlhya ot nt hitsh efp-Iefcliaensd, oorf l1i^e1v ze praulm filpuemc,i e(sh oaurled mbeo creo'n mfinineudt ewlyit haintt etnhde enda rtoro, wth eliym iwtsi llo f( wger omwathy wvheincthu rwe e toa tp rperdeifcetn) t baef lfigonu ntdhbe ma u; ndaas ntdhye IId feIwt fhloewree. rs.. in May and June, and grows readily from feeds, which fliould be fown' in Autumn.