'e r rm t c a s / n u m / a f i a , :
Veronica Montana. Mountain Speedwell.
VERONICA Lin. Gen. PI. D iandria Monogynia.
Cor. Limbo 4 partito, lacinia infima angufliore. Capful a bilocularis.
RailSyn. Gen. 18. Herbie fructu sicco singulari flore monopetalo.
VERONICA montana racemis lateralibus paucifloris, calycibus hirfutis, foliis ovatis rugofis crenatis
petiolatis, caule debili. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. Sp. PI. p. 56.
VERONICA caule procumbente, foliis hirfutis, cordatis, retufis, racemis paucifloris: Haller, hill. a- 539*
' CHAM/EDRYI fpuriae affinis rotundifolia fcutellata; Bauh. pin. 249.
ALYSSON Diofcoridis montanum. Col. Er.ph. 1.286.
VERONICA Chamzedryoides, foliis pediculis oblongis infidentibus. .Rail Syn. p. 281. Wild Germander
with Leaves Handing on long Foot-Halks.
‘Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 6.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 74.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibrillis prælongis, fufcis. %
CAÜLES procumbentes, verfus bafin fepe radicantes, %
teretes, pilis mollibus undique hirluti, pur- |
puràfc entes. ^
I FOLIA oppofita, petiolata, ovato-cordata, obtufiufcula, t
inæqualiter ferrata, hirfutula, nitidula', fub- |
tus purpurafcentia, parum concava et bullata. t %
\ PETIOLI longitudine fere folioi'em, hirfutiffimi. |?
|RACEMI laterales, alterni, fubindë oppofiti, tenues, |
hirfuti, -pauciflori. 4
'PEDUNCULI alterni, hirfuti, braCtæâ lanceolatâ fuf- f
fulti. *
CALYX : P erianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis fubæ- |
qualibus, ovatis, bafi anguflatis, hirfutis, 4
pilis ad lentem globuligeris. fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetala, rotata, ex purpureo-cærulef- ?
cens, fupremâ. lacinia faturatius coloratâ, |
una cum lateralibus venis cæruleis pidtâ, in- ?
fimâ minore immaculata, tubus breviffimus, |
albus, fig. 2. $
STAMINA: F ilament a duo, tubo corollæ inferta, |
bafi albida, curvata, medio crafliora ; Anthe- ?
, ræ cæruleæ ; Pollen album, fig. 3. |
PISTILLUM : Germen obovatum, hirfutum ; St y - ?
lus fuperne fenfim incraflatus ; Stigma |
capitatum, album, fig. 4. 5. - 4
PERICARPIUM : C apsula magna, orbiculata, emar- |
ginata, compreflà. fig. 6. ♦
SEMINA pauca, s ovata, plana, flavefcentia. fig. 7. Ÿ
RO O T perennial and fibrous, the fibres very long and
\.-‘y rbrown.
STALKS procumbent, often taking root towards the
bafe, round, covered with foft hairs, and
LEAVES oppofite, Handing on fpotflalks, ovato-cor-
date, a little blunt, unequally ferrated,
flightly hairy, - fomewhat Hi in in g, purplifh
^ underneath, a little hollow and cockled.
LEAF-STALKS almoH the length of the leaves,, and
very hairy.
FLOWER-BRANCHES lateral, alternate, fometimes
oppofite, flender, hairy, fupporting, few
FLOWER-STALKS alternate, hairy, fupported by
a narrow floral-leaf.
C A L YX : a Perianthium compoled of four leaves,
which are nearly equal, ovate, narrowed at
the bale, hairy, the hairs globular at the extremity
when magnified. fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous, wheel-fliaped, of a blueifh
purple colour, the uppermoH fegment more
deeply coloured than the others, and together
with the fide ones Hreakt with blue veins,
the lowermoH leaH without any veins, the
tube very fhort and white, fig. 2.
STAMINA : two F ilaments, inferted into the tube
of the corolla, whitifli at the bafe, bent,
thickeR in the middle; Antherje blue;
Pollen white, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM: Germen inverlely ovate, hairy; Sty le
towards the top gradually thickened ; Stigma
forming afmall white head. fig. 4.5.
SEED-VESSEL: a large, round, flat Capsule nicked
at top. fig. 6.
SEEDS few, ovate, flat and yellowifh. fig. 7.
The Veronica montana is very fimilar in its general appearance to th& Chanuedrys, and of which, by fome authors,
it has been confidered as only a variety; but this has arifen from a very fuperficial enquiry, as no two
plants can be more diHindt; L innaeus might indeed have fele&ed a fpecific chara&er, which would effectually
have removed every doubt ,of this kind, viz., the fhape and fize of the feed-veflels, thefe in the montana are at
leaH thrice as large as thofe of the chamadrys, they are alfo much rounder and flatter, while the flowers on the
contrary are not more than half as large, and much lefs fhowy; when we have not thefe characters to affiH us,
the Halk and leaves will in general be fufljcient, in the chamadrys the hairs grow on two fides of the Halk
only, in the montana they grow all around it, in the chamadrys the leaves are generally feflile, in the montana
they Hand on footflalks.
Thefe two plants differ alfo in their places of growth, the montana, fo far as I have obferved it, preferring
moiH and fhady fituations, whence the term montana feems ill-applied to it ; near London, it is found plenti>
fully in Charlton Wood, behind the Church, and flowers in June and July.