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Cerastium A rvense. Corn Cerastium or Mouse-
Ear Chickweed.
CERASTIUM Lin* Gen. PL Decandria Pen tagynia .
Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala bifida. Capf. unilocularis apice dehifcens.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 24. Herbæ pentapetalæ vasculiferæ.
CERASTIUM arvenfe foliis lineari-lanceolatis, obtufis, glabris ; corollis calyce maioribus. Lin.
Syjl. Vegetab.p. 436. Sp. PL p. 628. FI. Suec. n. 417.
MYOSOTIS foliis linearibus, lanceolatis, petalis calyce duplo Iongioribus. Hall. Hiß. 889.
MYOSOTIS arvenfis hirfuta flore majore. VailL Paris. 141. t. 30. f . 4.
CENTUNCULUS arvenfis hirfutus flore majore. Bank. Pin. 210. rough Chickweed with a large flower. Raii Syn. 348, Long-leav’d
CARYOPHYLLUS holofteus. Ger.emac. 595. arvenfis hirfutus. Parkinf. 1339. Hudf. FL Angl.
td. 2. p. 201. Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 241.
•iiAAUDILXE Sp eJrleerninleiss, pfilluarmimeni,t opfoa-lfmibarroelsa , erte puelntrsa. , laxe 4^ SR TOAOLTK Spe wrehninciha lb, eawri tnho tjlhnrzeoaedrys, finburmese, rcoruese,p ain hga.nd’s- cefpitofi, inferne proftraii, fæpius repentes, 4
poflea erefti, bafi fubramofi, deorfum pilofi ; ^
caulis florifer fæpe duplo altior, validior;
ftriâus, fuperné ramofus, pilis minutis, ho- X
rizontalibus, glandulofis fubvifcofus, omnes A
teretes, geniculati, ad geniculos fenfim fub- X
incraflati. À
breadth or more in length, forming a kind of
loofe turf, below proflrate and moftly creeping,
afterwards upright, fomewhat branched
at the bafe, hairy, hairs turned downward,
the flowering ftem often twice as high,
ftronger, flraight, branched above, fomewhat
vifcid with minute glandular hairs, both
kinds round, jointed, thickened graduallyto-
# _ wards the joints. jOLIA faturate viridia, feflilia, oppofita, fubconnata, | LEAVES deep green, feflile, oppofite, fomewhat
patentia, fubreflexa, lineari lanceolata, acu- $ united at bottom, fpreading, frequently
tiufcula, fupra pilofiufcula, pilis furfum fpec- 4 turned back, betwixt linear and lanceolate,
tantibus, fubtus laevia, margine ciliata, ciliis A rather pointed, hairy on the upper fide, hairs
recurvis. f pointing upwards, on the under fide fmooth,
. , ; a edge fringed with hairs crooked backwards. jEDUNCULI e dichotomia caulis, folitarii, binati, | FLOWER-STALKS from the forking of the flalk,
ternati, ere£ti, uniflori; Jlipulis binis, oppo- ^ growing fingly, or divided into two’s or
fitis, ovatis, acutis, concavis, margine mem- 4 three’s, upright, one-flowered, Jlipulae in
branaceis. x pairs, oppofite, ovate, acute, concave, mem-
0 4 Branous on the edge.
ja0RES albi, terminates, erefli, magni. ^ FLOWERS white, terminal, upright, and large.
folPioelrisi alanntcheoiluamtis , paecnuttaisp, hfyulblucomn,c apveirsf,i fplielnos- A CALYX: a P e r ian th ium of five leaves, perma- fiufculis, margine membranaceis,^. 1. ?$ nfoemnte,w lhaantc ehoaliaryte , anpdo inmteedm, braa nloitutlse ohonl lothwe, j^O ROIL LA: P . S e(^ge»J%'* 1* et al a 5, cordiformia, patentia, ver- 4 COROLLA : 5 Petals, heart-fhaped, fpreading,
fus marginem parum reflexa, ad medium 4 turned back a little towards the edge, difere
bifida, tenera, alba, lineis hyalinis ra- a vided almoft to the middle into two fegdiatim
flriata, calyce duplo longiora, Jig. 2. 4 ments, tender, white, ftriated with tranfpaa
rent lines in the form o f rays, twice the
ip. | 4 length of the Calyx, fig. 2. jlAMINA: Filamenta decern, filiformi-fubulata, $ STAMINA: ten Filaments, flightly taperipg,fhorter
corollabreviora,alterna breviora; A ntheriE 0 than the corolla, the alternate onesftiorteft;
° vales, luteae, jig. 3. $ A n th er s oval and yellow, Jig. 3. GILLUM : G ermen globofum; St y l i quinque, 4 PISTILLUM : G ermen globular; Styles five, very
capillares, fubreflexi; S tigmata obtufa, J flender and fomewhat reflexed; S tigmata
iDTn.-M*4* 4 blunt, fig. 4. KiCARPIUM : Capsula ovato-cylindracea, ca- x SEED-VESSEL T a Capsule betwixt ovate and cy-
lyce longior, ore decemdentato, jig. 5. 4 lindrical, longer than the calyx, the mouth
L. 1 H I a having ten teeth, Jig. 5. jMINA plurima, rufefcentia, jig. 6. 4 SEEDS numerous, reddifh brown, jig. 6.
I* rare plant in the neighbourhood of London, not uncommon about Croydon, and very plentiful about
Suffolk; affefts dry fituations; is found on fand banks, walls, ana in corn-fields; flowers with us y m June.
Niftinguifhed from all the other Cerajliums growing with us, by its large flowers, deep green leaves, which
rar imooth at a diftance, and powerfully creeping roots and ftalks.
A few roots of this fpecies planted on a bank in my garden, Lambeth-Marfh, covered with ftones in imitation
L , w°rk, foon increafed fo as wholly to overfpread a great part of it, and in a few years penetrating Fgh to the north fide of the bank, fupplanted the Saxifraga hypnoides, with a fine coat of which it wa's 1: racte fIayd ae tphliacnktl yo fc iotsv efrizeed .i—t wWille n hoatv oev feerecno mit ep. enWetrea tme ethneti omno trhtaerfe o cfi arc burmicfkta nwcaelsl,, annodt ohnavlye afos utnhde yth taetn tdh ertoe II !“ ! || Peanrtc orofa tchhei noge cpolnaonmts,y oonf tahney p klainndt, obfu rto tchka-tw poerrkfo tnhse ym daoy nboe t owni ftlhi ethire mgu awrhdo lhlyo wto tchoevye r.introduce it,
varies in the fmoothnefs of its leaves.