Ranunculus acris. Upright Meadow
C rowfoot* *
RANUNCULUS Linnai Gen. PI. P o lyand ria P ol yg yn i a .
RdiiGeh. 15. H erb.® semine nudo, polys^ermje.
RANUNCULUS acns calycibus patulisfc pedoncufis teretilsiis, foliis trlpartito-multiSdis, furnmis linearibus.
Linnai Sy/f. Vigetab. p. 430; FI. Suecic: p. 196.
RANUNCULUS foliis hirfetij, femMobatis, Ibbis lateMBus bipartite, ifollis carilinis femitrilobis; Halier’,
h 'ljl. n. 1169.
RANUNCULUS pfatenfis eredtus atriS. hauhmi pin. VyS. Gerard. entac:^s i. Pirkinfin f o . Rail
Syhopfis) p. I48 Huilfon: FI. Xngl. f . 211. hcopoli. FI. Carniol. p. 398.
R a d ix pererinis, e pluriBus radiculis alBidis CoriflanS. ; ROOT perennial, cortfifling of ntiriferotis white fibres.
tA U U S B H B B fiftulor“ 's> H Z M S B E S S B 1 hollow,
_ I fOiind, fomewhat haiiy, much Bfciiifched at topi’
loiigis erecus, miiaentia, tn- ?
FOLIA Radicalia petidlis lories eredtis infidentia,. tri- |LEAVES i. SaXcal\e^n , Handing on long uprieht foot
partita, lobo medio trifido, lateralibus bilobis, |
omnibys acute dentatis aut incifis, fubhirfutis, J
luperne ad bafin prafertini faspe purpureis, |
Venis fubtus extäntibus. |
mm BHBB wujj%fi H I Cnulina■ r^dicalibus fimilia, in lacinias tenuiores
Vero divifa et petiolis brevioribiis infiäentiaj; ¥
tandem linearia, feflilia. ; . ■ ■ » 9
P e t io l i cum vaginis hirfüti. 1
lobo. tnfido,bilobii.I flalks. trim**!*.-. ,*h. J tw . H h S I S f°°
CA L YX : PERiANTHiicTM pentaphyllurii, patens; fla-
yelcens, pilolum, foliolis oyatis, concavis, ob-
tufis, margine rnembranaceis, fig. i.
COROL LA: Pet a l a quiiique flava, niteritia, fubcor-
data nunc emarginata; nunb Integra, fig. 2'.
STAMINA: F ilamenta plurima, äpice palulum di-
lätata, fig. gj 42 Aitfimtiji flävas, fubincur-
vatas, obtui», fig.. 4;
NECTARIUM: fquamtila emargfoata, ad bäfiii petalo- rum; fig: 3.
PISTILLiUM: Germina numerola, in capituluni' collegia;
St y li nulli; Stigmata feflexa,^?g\ 6.
SEMINA : plurima, fufrrotunda, domprefla, fufea, apice
refieXa, fig. 7.
v, .. • * ‘.6 • lgiit root—
(talks, tripartite; .the middle lobe trifid, the fide
ones bilobous, and all of them fharply indented
flightly hirfute, the upper furface particularly
.at the bafe frequently of a purple colour, the
veins underneath prominent.
Leaks,of the Sta/k like the radical leaves', but
more finely divided, and Handing on (hotter
foot-flalks, at top linear and feflile.
The Foot-stalKs with their (heaths hairy;
FOOT-STALKS of the flowers round.
■ CALYX': a.PEEiANTHiuiS of five leaves; ipreading, of
a yellow colour and hairy, the leaves oval,’ concave;
and membranous at the edges, jig. i.
COROLLA: five Petals, yellow.arid (liming, neariy
■ heart-ihaped, fometinies riotched, fometimbs'
: entire, fig. 2.
■ STAMINA : FIlamenTs numerous,, a little dilated at
: “ Pj .Jfg\ 5’ . 4*. Astherjb yellow, ribtufej
bending a little inward, fig. 4,
N E C TAR Y : a fmail fcale, flightly notched at top, at
the bafe of each petal, fig. 3.
PlSTlLLUM: (jERMiNA . numerous, forming a little
head ; Styles none; Stiomata r e f l e x , 6.
SEEDS numerous, roundrfli,, flat, of a brown colour
bendihg bacf at the fop, fig] j.
Moft of the Ra'iiuncul! or Crcnvfo'o'ts are acrid, and in feme degree poifenous ; and th'e feeSes a&ve i t a J
* 7 degree • hence L im it s hW'givdh it the .riame 1 1 e tn p u lt g up'
the plant, and carrying it to feme littlcfliflance, we have Known fu'ffic'ent to produce a cofifidetable inflTmmS, in’
the palm of the perlon s hand who held it. Cattle in general will not eat it • vet fomptimpc; xvV.pi-. h ,•
hungry intof new field of Grafs, or have but afmall to
as we have been credibly Informed; have become fere arid bliflered. Whdri made into hay it lofes its acridpS uotv--
but is too ftalky and hard to afford good Nourrihment. , It (hould feem therefore tribe the irifereft of the Fatmer^s
touch as pofhble to root out this fpfecies from Ms Mead'ows, that its place May be fuRphed with gorid fweef grafs.
It grows too frequently in moff of out meadows, and flowers in jririe and July.
. The common people about town'; and in many parts of the country, rail this and the other vellow Crowfoots bv
the names of Butter-cups m i Butter-flowers : and this name ferns to have originated from a'fuppofition that the
yellow colour of butter was owing to thefe plants. That this (hould be the ca($ feenis fcarce probable ; cerfairiltf’
it receives no good tafle from' it. ■ . p . certainly