CH.EROPHYLLUM Lin. Gen. PL Pentandria D i g y n i a .
Involucrum refiexum, concavum. Petala inflexo-cordata.
Frufius oblongus, laevis.
'Raii Syn. Gen. 11. Umbellifer^e Herb»e .
CHEROPHYLLUM temulum, caule fcabro : geniculis tumidis. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 288. Spec.
Plant, p: 370. FI. Suec. n. 258.
MYRRHIS foliis hirfutis, laciniis obtufis, caule geniculato. Haller hiß. n: 750..
CHEROPHYLLUM fylveftre. Bauh. Pin. 152.
CEREFOLIUM fylveftre. Ger. emac. 1038. Park. gig.
ANTHRISCUS Plinii quibufdam, femine longo Cicutarise aut Chasrophylli. I. B. III. 2. 70. Raii
Syn. p. 207. Wild Chervil. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed.2. p. 125. Lighfoot FI. Scot. I P* 167. •
«DIX biennis, fubramofa, albida. f ROOT biennial, fomewhat branched, and whitilh.
PAULIS bipedalis et ultra, ereQus, ramofus, teres, $ S T A LK two feet or more in height, upright, branched,
■ folidus, ad gCnicula fragiles, aut penitus f round, folid, brittle at the joints, either
atropurpureus^ aut maculis atropurpureis ad- | wholly of a dark purple, or fpotted with the
fperfus, breviffimis pilis veftitus, fcabriuf- ;§■ fame colour, covered with very fhort hairs,
cuius, geniculis tumidis et manifefte ftriatis. | and roughifh to the touch, the joints fwelled
<» and obvioufly ftriated.
JQLIA radicalia et ramea ex petiolo vaginante orta, | LEAVES next the root and thofe of the branches
hirfutula, mollia, flaccida, duplicato-pinnata, # furnilhed with a foot-ftalk which has a (heath
pinnis fubovatis, obtufis et lobato-incifis. | at bottom, (lightly hirfute, foft, flac.cid,
! doubly pinnated, the pinnae fomewhat ovate,
f obtufe, and cut into lobes.
IMBELLE florentes ereftae, aut in latus parumin- | UMBELS when in flower upright, or inclined a little to
clinatas, antea v^lde nutantes. f - one fide, when young drooping very much.
iMBELLA univerfalis componitur ex radiis numero | UMBEL : the univerfal' one is compofed of rays
variis, a quinque ad duodecim, exterioribus f which vary in number from five to twelve,
longioribus, partialis radii numero fere du- | the outermoft longeft, the partial umbel has
plicantur. f almoft twice as many.
NVOLUCRUM univerfale plerumque nullum, par- \
tiale conftat foliolis plus minus fenis, lan- \
ceolatis, acutis, reflexis.
OROLLA univerfalis fubuniformis, flofculis difci ]
raro nifi in fero florentibus abortientes; pro- <
pria petalis quinque, albis, inflexo-cordatis, ]
exterioribus paulo majoribus, fig. 1. auEl. <
T AMIN A: Filament a quinque alba: A n th er s
albidae, fig. 2.
INVOLUCRUM : the general involucrum is for the
moft part wanting, the partial one confifts o f
fix leaves, more or lefs, which are lanceolate,
pointed, and turned back.
C O R O L LA : the univerfal corolla fomewhat uniform,
the florets of the difk rarely abortive, unlefs
in thofe which flower, late, each individual
compofed o f five white petals, which, having
the tip bent inward, become heart-fhaped,
the outermoft ones rather Iargefi, fig. 1. magn.
f S TAM IN A : five white Filaments ; A n th e r s
whitilh, Jig. 2.
| PISTILLUM: G ermen beneath the flower; Styles
| two, reflexed; S tigmata blunt, fig. 3.
ISTILLUM: Germen inferum ; St y l i duo
flexi; Stigmata obtufa, fig. 3.
pMlNA oblonga, glabra, fufca, acuta, intus con- | SEEDS oblong, fmooth, brown, pointed, on the infide
cava, extus obfolete et obtufe quinque ful- | hollow, on the outfide faintly andbluntlymarkcata,
angulis pallentibus, fig. 4. $ ed with five grooves, the angles paler, fig. 4.