/ s .
J tamogeton Crispum. Curled Pondweed, or
Greater Water Caltrops.
POTAMOGETON Lin, Gen. PI. T etrandria T etragynia.
Cal, o. Petala 4. Stylus o. Sem. 4.
Rail Syn, Gen,.5, Herbie flore imperfectg seu stamineo vel apetalo
POTAMOGETON crifpum foliis lanceolatis altemis oppofitifve undulatis ferratis. Lin. Syfl. Vegetab.
p. 141, Sp. PI. p. 183. FI. Suec, n. 148,
POTAMOGETON. Hall. Hiß. n. 848.
POTAMOGETON crifpum. Scopoli FI. Cam, n. 181.
POTAMOGETON foliis crifpis feu laftuca ranarum. Bauh. Pin. 465.
POTAMOGETON feu fontinalis crifpa. I. B. III. p. 778.
TRIBULUS aquaticus minor Quercüs floribus. Qer. em. 1282.
TRIBULUS aquaticus minor prior. Park. 1248. Raii Syn. p. 149. The greater Water Caltrops.
Hudfon Fl, Angl. p. 75. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 122.
■ ADIX perennis, repens. J ROOT perennial and creeping.
||AULES plurimi, variae longitudinis, fordide camei, $ STALKS numerous, of various lengths, o f a dirty flefh-
fubdiaphanij compreffi, utrinque fulcati, $ colour, fomewhat tranfparent, flattened, with
ramofi, | a groove on each fide, and branched.
wAGIN-E breves, concolores, vix diftinguendae. Jj SHEATHS ftiort, of the fame colour as the .ftalks,
fcarcely to be diftinguiftied.
KOLIA feflilia, lanceolata, obtufa, fubdiaphana, crifpa, $ LEAVES feflile, lanceolate, obtufe, fomewhat tranfpa-
fcariofa, nitida, trinervia, ferrulata, inferiori- | rent, curled, fonorous to the touch, finning,
bus altemis, fuperioribus oppofitis. 0 three-ribbed, fharply and finely ferrated, the
lower ones alternate, the upper ones oppofite.
BEDUNCULI axillares, bi feu triunciales, craffiufculi, GENERAL FLOWER-STALKS growing from the
fubcomprefli. % alae of the leaves, two or three inches in
$ length, thickifh, and fomewhat flattened.
»LORES fpicati, fex five 06I0, fefliles. f FLOWERS fix or eight, growing in a fpike, and feflile.
»ALYX nullus. | CALYX wanting.
KOROLLA: Petala quatuor, fubrotunda, obtufa, f COROLLA: four Petals, roundifh, obtufe, hollow,
concava, unguiculata, primp ere&a, dein pa- | connefited by a little claw, at firft upright,
tentia, decidua, e fufco viridia, fig. 1. f afterwards fpreading and deciduous, of a
| greejiifh brown colour, fig. 1.
pTAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, breviflima, vix dif- $ STAMINA: four Filaments, very fliort, fcarcely to
-tinguenda. A nther ^e breves, didynue, al- $ be diftinguiftied. A nther a fhort, having
b®, fig. 2. | two feparate lobes, of a white colour, fig. 2.
BISTILLUM: G ermina quatuor, ovato-acuminata. ^ PISTILLUM: G ermina four,ovate, with alongpoint.
Stylus nullus. Stigmata obtufa, fig. 3. | Style none. Stigmata obtufe, fig. 3.
I $
■ EMINA quatuor, nuda, majufcula, fordide virentia, | SEEDS four, naked, rather large, of a dirty green, flat-
utrinque comprefla, exteme, ad bafin denti- $ tened on each fide, toothed externally at the
■ | culata,^-. 4. $ bafe, fig. 4.
of the plants of this Genus have creeping roots, which penetrating eafily through the mud, caufe them to
■ read veiy fait, fo as foon to fill up a pond or flow river, if unmolefted.
have obferved, that ducks very readily eat not only the feeds, but the leaves of the prefent fpecies, which
f ft16 ° j e mo^ common. The introduftion of water-fowl may therefore probably . prevent this fpecies at
B » and perhaps fome of the others, from increafing too much.
|h flowers in 7une and ‘Yv/v