I LYSIMACHIA Linnasi Gen. PL Pentandria M onogynia.
Cor. rotata. Cap/, globofa, mucronata, io-valvis.
RaiiSyn.Gen. 18. Herb as fructu sicco singulari fl-ore monopetalo.
I LYSIMACHIA Nummularia foliis fubcordatis, floribus folitariis, caule rep'ente. Lin. Sv/l. Veget.
p. 165. Sp. PL p. 211. Fl. Suede, p-. 63.
I LYSIMACHIA caule profirato, foliis fubrotundis, petiolis alaribus unifloris. Haller Hiß. Lieh,
n. 62g.
I LYSIMACHIA Nummularia. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. n. 216.
I NUMMULARIA major Iutea. Bauhin Pin. 309.
I NUMMULARIA. Gerard emac. 630.
I NUMMULARIA vulgaris. Parkinfon 555.
Raii Synop. p. 283, Moneywort, or Herb Twopence.
Oeder. Flor. Dan. Ie. 493.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 87.
Lightjoob Fl. Scot. p. 138.
|)IX perennis, fibrofa, fibris fimplicibus, defeen- f RO OT perennial and fibrous, the fibres fimple, and
■ dentibüs. * • *• firiking downward.
|t’LES plures, fimplices, procumbentes, verfus
apicem repentes ,et lubramofi, pedales et
ultra, læves, geniculati, utrinque profunde
canaliculati, five tetragoni.
STA LK S numerous, fimple, trailing, towards the top
creeping and fomewhat branched, a foot or
more in length, fmooth, jointed,, deeply
channeled on each fide, or four-cornered.
l lA ovato-orbiculata, oppofita, erea», glabra, | LEAVES of a (hape betwixt ovate and round, oppo-
™ lubvenoia, parum undulata, petiolis brevi- J file, upright, fmooth, fomewhat veiny, bad
bus, latis, decurrentibus, infidentia. | a little waved, fitting on fhort broad foot-
: ftalks, which run down the main ftalk.
|DUCULI plerumque bini, oppofiti, ereBi, Ion- | FLOWER-STALKS growing generally two toge-
gitudine foliorum, angulati, verfus apicem $ - ther, one oppofite the other, upright, the
lenfim mcraflati. | length of the leaves, angular, gradually en-
I . larged towards the end.
jjlRES lutei, majufeuli, fubrotati. | FLOWERS yellow, large in proportion to the leaves,.
and fomewhat wheel-fhaped.
’ C A L Y X : a Perianthium of five leaves, heart-
fhaped and pointed, fomewhat keeled, the
edges at bottom turning back, Jig. 1 .'
Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis !
cordato-acutis, ereâis, fubcafinatis, mar- <
ginibus, bafi reflexis, Jig. 1.
■ ^^A quinquepartita, laciniis ovatis, acutis, $ COROLLA depply divided into five fegments, which
pa enubus, calyee duplo longioribus, fub- | are oval, pointed, and twice the length of the
frn • .Ei arglne Slandulofa> adhibito micro- | calyx, flightly jagged and glandular on the
P10* PS' 2" , I edge, if viewed with a microfcope,^^-. 2.
® IN5i J IiLrMENTA„cluin‘îue.- fubula,a* creBa, I STAMINA : five F ilaments,, tapering, upright,
fao-m^h :V COr° a breviora : A nther æ | glandular-, and fhorter than the corolla:
8 PS* .$» 4* f A nther« arraw-lhaped, Jig. 3, 4.
“ L£ ; G nSM •N/ ubrotundum : STYLOS f i- tP lS T IL L Ü M : G erme» nearly round: S ty le
’ ltaminib,us, Paolo longior, nudus : f thread-fhaped, a little longer than the fiagma
parvum, obtufum, Jig. 5, 6. | mina :; S tigma fmall and ’blunt, fig. 5, 6.
J arPiom plerumque abortat. f SEED-VESSEL rarely Comes- to perfea'ibn.
p ro d u is th/ t thDre plants which increafp much while in flower, either by. their roots or fialks,
oWch thouvhpt , eeds: »is is the cafe with the BuUtriur m i Periwinkle, as well as the prefent plant,
"Beover caDnil * ■ * eX!,mmed a grcat number of fpecimens, I have'not hitherto been fortunate enouoh
H>e found. • ' S n^C an° Per^e^^y formed; yet it is probable, that in feme particular fituations, fuch
? as been g 'ven to fpecies from the roundnefs of its leaves, by which it is, in
■ Bfehes:- ilfn j l j l.1’ e Lyfimachia nemorum. It grows in meadows, particularly on the ed’ves
j^ll'-tobe p’oim°dU”utr hed?eS ln moi11 fituations i and « ' 9° common to need any particular place of its
0 : i S t l S a » 0 P]ant thrives rnore in a garden, nor with lets trouble : it continués a long while in
&M fc'C of the l IS adya" tage. .'be beauty and Angularity of its foliage, is fuflicient to recommend it.
i i ê l|u',s in the the h0t hot fc r Ves IS ’ “bsHnngent, .and very flightly acid ; lienee they Hand recommended
Jpnimon I B ® and in uterine and other hæmorrhages. But their effeas are fo inconfiderabfe,
pWeaten fflispa*«- e takes no notice of them. Lewis’s DJp.Difp. p.^p. 184.
EpRc. ' Ine and Sheep, not much relilhed by Goats, and re:
refufed by Horfes. Lin. Amcen. Acad.