Veronica Chamædrys Wild Germander
VERONICA Linneei Gen. PI. Diandria monogynia.
Ra'fSyn. Gen, 18. He’rbæ fructusicco sinoulari , flore monopetalo.
VERONICA Chamadrp racemis lateralibus, foliis ovatis rugofis dcntatis feflilibus, coule bifariam pifofo
Lm. SyJl. Vegetal. p. 57. FI. Suecic. p. 6.
VERONICA foliis cordatis liibrotundis, hirfiitis, neiwofis,ex alls raccmof, Hiller, bift.n. 536.
CHAMÆDRYS fpuria minor rotundifolia. Bauliin. fin. 249,
CHAMÆDRYS fpuria fylveftris. Parkmfmio-j.
CHAMÆDRYS fylveftris. Gerarl emac..6s7. Raii Syn. 28,. Wild Germander, Huifin. FI. Angl
A 5. Scop*. Fl. Carmel, f . 1 ;. fa}.;- Order FI. Van. Icon. 44«.
RADIX perennis, repens, fibrofa.
I ROOT perennial, creeping, and fibrous.
CAULES^^erofi^uaimbentes, terete* duri, bifariam I STALKS numerous, fpreading, round, hard, la in „
, ■ each Jure, hairs very thick together, branched.
L12AVESr° ^ ^ k r Cf «», gene-
’■ ' UtU,a- | rally iefftle, fometimes fending on Ihort footf
ltalks> lerrated, veiny, and flightiy hirfute.
FLORES numerofi, ad 20, csrulei, petiolatir PeliolitFLOWERS numerous c 1. H , ,
bractjea lanceolate fuffulti; racemi lomri * c f n"me™us> t0 -°- of,a bright blue colour,
nunc oppofiti nunc folitarii. ? ’ I ming long racemi (whicli: are fometimes
| . W f i t c , fometimes Imgle), Handing on foot-
■ , Jialh each.of which is lupported by a long-
■ ■ ■ tf pointed Bractjea. *
CALYX: Peri anthium quadripartitura, perfiftens, f t -1 CAL YX- a P s iiA S Tm ™ u- , ■ .
holis lanceolatis, hirfutulis, Jig. 1. | , ■ IUM divided into four fegments,-
i - ’ nightly hairy, fig. 1.
M I “ d. “ "1_tlYu,nS;the- fegments lanceolate and
COROLLA monopetala, rotata, tubus breviflimus in-f COROT T A , . .
tame ad inferiorem partom villofus, limbo o u t I v ^ T o T t n t ' 1 1 B S f f l the; tubednpartito,
piano, laciniis fubcordatis ad bafin £ , fife Sie limb flat L d r “?l°4- ’e i“werm?ft
veins faturatioribus ftriatis, inferiore anguftiore I LI" B hat, and divided into four feg-
2. • nguinore, marts, the fegments fomewhat heart-ftiaped,
| lrnated at bottom with veinsiof a purple colour
| 3 lo'vermoft fegment narrower than the reft
| M 2.
STAMINA : F ilamenta duo apice incraffata, adfeen-1 STi\MINA : tw
F il am en t s , thickeft at top, rifinff
dentia, Jig. 3. A ntheræ lagittatæ, Jig. 4. ?
Pollen album, Jig. 6. - | H , IBBB - I
upward, A . 3- the A ntheræ arrow fh aped;
j- v, > ù V £ -Jig»- 4» the Pollen
PISTILLUM. Germen compreflum glaudula neann-J PISTILLUM: the GerM-v H U H H H ,
fera cmchirn: Stylus declinntus, casrulefcens, | tom by a n e f ta r ifem n l-a t ,mdf d « hot-
Stigma obtufum, purpureum, fig. c. I £ W "^t.fe rou s g and fig. 6.. the Style ,
* * 5 - I hangmg downwards,, blueifli; the Stigma
| blunt, and purple, Jig. 5.
PERICARPIUM: Capsui.a cordata, fub-combrefla. pal-1 SEED-VF99FT • r>, ,
Jide fulca, calyce panic Ire’v l , a d t f r g in em f f f i j L t om“ W » # , .of,.
1 h,rfutulum,A . 7. , 6 | ‘
SEMINA: plnra, compreffa, flavefeentia,'y%. 8. * SEEDS leveral, flat, of a yellowifli brown colour,/,. 8.
in 0f a iS Ver?nica btgeft and mod fpecious of all the Plants of that Genoa i - i
ficqut-nt oil the leaves at the extremity of the Halt, which are collefted into NJEYb.h;ls hAewife obferved, is very
one ot thefe, I found two or three Infefls in their Pupa orChryfdUHate whftl 7 f t " 7 , ' ’ ,te knob- On opening
This appearance is very common at I H M K have product
I H L bl0W,ng 1?laaC’ andgr°WS common on dry banks, under hedges, and in orchard, It flowers