Sedum Acre. C ommon yellow Stonecrop,
or Wall-Pepper,
SEDUM Linneei Gen. PL DEcANDkiÄ PßNf agyniA'.
Rail Syn. Gen. ty. Herb je multisiliquje seu cörniculatje'.
SEDUM acre föliis fubovatis, adriato-feffilibus, gibbis1, ere&iufculis', älternis'; cyma trifida'. Limite}Syfi. VegetäK
p. 3$9'; Fi. 1531
SEDUM föliis conicis cbnfeitis, caulibus rämofis-, füaiamis trifidis* Haller, hiß. v. i. ti. 966.
SEMPERVIVUM minus vSrmicülatüm acre'. Bauhin. fiin\ 283.
VERMICULARIS leü IlleCebra minör acris. Ger. emac. 517.
ILLECEBRA minör feüSedumtertium Diofcöridis. Farkirfinyg^. RaiiSynop. 270. Hudßn.Fl. Angl.p. iju
ADIX perenniSj fibrofä. | ROOT perennial, and fibroüs.
».AULES numerofi, czefpitofi, ramofiflimij palmares, ad | STALKS numerous, bafin repentes, dein ere£ti, teretes* foliofiffimi. | branched, thrgeero iwncihnges 1h11i ghtu, fctsre, epVinergy atm thuecihr
* baanfde jv ebruyt leaaffteyr.wards growing upright, round}
jOLIA afletefrfnilaia>, coovhaftae,r toab, tuimfab, ribcraetvai,a ,f ucbabrrreio&foa,, madarngaitnoe- 1| LEAVESl aaylitnergn aotnee* ogvreorw ainnogt hevre,r yn etharilcyk u ptorgigehtht,e rg,r oawnd- paululum compreffa, glabra, Japore acri, Jig. j . | ing to the flalk, oval, blunt, fhort, flefhy,
. ¥| vfleartyte bnietidn ga tlaitftilee, faitg tihe edges, fmooth, and of a 1.
[LORES feflileS, lütei,- in Cyriias ItibtrifidaS clifpdfiti. I FLOWERS feffile, yellowy growing in Cymas fome- 1 what trifid.
*ALYX: laPeienriiisa cnratfhfiisu ombt uqfiuuifncquiliiesp, afirgti.t u2m; * -perfiftefis* || CALYXa: nad P ecroniatinntuhinigu, m tdhiev idefde gmineton tsf iveth ifcekgm eanntsd* J bluntifh, fig. 2.
OROLLA: P e t Ala quinque larlceolatoiacuminata, ICOR6LLA: compofed of five long-pointed Pe t a l s plana,' pateiitia, Calyce duplo longiora, fig; 3. |$ owf htihceh Carael yflxa,t , fpreading, and twice the length fig. 3,
jECTA'RfuJiUgMul i: GSeqrmuaamnsu leax tmroirnfuimma p, ofaitlab,a ,f iga. d 7.b afin, f| NECTARteYrn :a laly vaet rtyh em biontutotem f coafl ee aocrh Gglearnmde np,l faicgerd 7e.^-
TAMINC'Ao:r oFllial;.a 'm Aent a decern fubulata, longitudine $ STAMINA: ten Filaments j tapering, the length of nther.« flava2, y%. 4d I the Corolla.- The Anther« yellow, jSgv4.
ISTILLUM: Ge rmin a quinque oblonga, flava, in | PISTILLUM: five G e rmin a, oblongs yellow, termi-
St v Los acuminatos definentia. St ig m a t a :£ natingin five long-pointed St y l e s . T heST iGlunplici|,;_/^.
6. - | m a t a firnple, fig. 6.
EIUCARPIUM: C apsulie Quinque pafentes, acumi-1 SEED-VESSEL: five C apsules, fpreading, lone-
afte, comprdhe, Iongitudinaliter futilrt intror-1 pointed, flat, opening internally by I longitu-- fum dehifcentes* fig. 8.
plNA minima, ovata,- rufay fig. 9,
[Accord! n:
t dinal future,- fig. 8.
| SEEDS very minute, oval, and reddifh brown, fig. 9.
*S iiileiofrtl Hgf ff lB the^ durawbihliltdy lo ffo .imtse a ^cdriimcoanl yW, arintde rtsh gei vveio olefn cthei os fP iltas notp, eirta atipopne,a rhsa tvoe p tohfofeufsg hcot nitf idfcearracbel ef avfier ttuoe sb e1
'thei-r 11 f• excor:iawteesd a 1n11d tehxeu mlooeruatthe s] ti th ja ttha kae nv ei»n7t ehronta allnyd i tb pitrionvge sta eftme,e- twich' aenncde d iitusr entaicm. e of Wall-Pepper. Applied
ULt u,sH’ lt j j a wn heixcche llenhta sr'ebmeeend yc h; ieafnlyd rfeocmoem minefntadnecde1 sa raer et heb rSocuugrhvty oa<fn dt hDe reofpfifcya,c yin o bfe irttsh joufic we hinic Cha, naccecrso,r-d binugt' 1 perhaps, feand in need of farther confirmation,
commonon Houfes, Walls, and gravelly Banks, and flowers in June. It continues but a fhort
1p lv'lmsc'ul airHe cEoveBredj fwfilthH it.H ltS hvdy Xeliow colour gives a very pretty appearance to thofe Houfes and-