M ' / M J heopHo d iu m Murale. Nettle-Leaved Goosefoót.
CHENOPODIUM Lin. Gen. PL Pentândrîa D ig Ynîà.
Cal. 5-phyHus, 5-gonus. Cor. 0. Sem. i . lentictdafe, fuperumj
Raii Syn. Gen. 5. Herbæ flore Imperfects seu s t aMineo vel Apètalo
CHENOPODIUM murale foliis ovatis nitidis dentatis acutis, racemis ramofis nudis Lin Sy/l
Vegeta6.fi. 261. Sfi. Pl.fi. 318. Fl. Suec. 216. ' , ' * '
ATRIPLEX fylveftris Iatifolia, acutiore folio. Bauh. Pin. 11g.
ATRIPLEX di&a Pes anferinus alter f. ramofior. Bauh. hifi. 976.'
ATRIPLEX fylveftris Iatifolia altera. Ger. emac. 328.
BLITUM Pes anferinus diflum acutiore folio. Raii Syn. fi. 154. ? The other Goofefoot. HH H. Angl. al. 2. fi. 105. , '
I planta gravem odorem fpirat. I The whole plant fmells difagreeably.
,IX annua, fufiformis, albida, rigida, fibrillis f ROOT annual, tapering, whitilh, rigid, furnilhed
I plunmis patentibus lnitrucla. | with numerous fpreading fmall fibres.
J.IS ereUhls, pedalis ad bipedalem, ramofiflimus, $ .STA LK upright, one or two feet high, very much
i fubangulofus, inferne glaber, fuperne fari- | branched, Rightly angular, below fmooth,
nofus, plerumque vindrs, fepe purpureus f . above mealy, moll commonly green but
aut lineis purpureis notatus.
ml altérai, pulverulenti.
|lA alterna, K
liter ferrata
----- ---- “ *ƒ} g ic c u , uut
often wholly purple, or marked with purple
| BRANCHES alternate and mealy.
petiolata, fubovata, acuta, inatqua- | LEAVES alternate, Handing on footlialks, fuboVate.
rata, fuperne nitida, inferne pulve- | pointed, unequally fawed, above gloffv
rulenta, apicibus denticulorum rubicundis. X henMtL «-l.. .l_____6i
■ IOLI fuperne canaliculati, longitudine foliorum
r ---- ta wtu, auovc giony,
beneath mealy, the tips o f the teeth reddifh.
LEAF-STALKS hollow above, the length o f the
| leaves.
llES nunc herbacei; nunc purpurei, racemofi, | FLOWERS fometimes green, fometimes purple,
■ racerais brevibus, nudis, ramofis, depreflis, $ growing in bunches or racemi, which are
apice inflexis. | ftort, naked, branched, depreffed, and bent
$ in at the tip.
* X : P erianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ova- J C A L YX : a Perianthium of five leaves, the leaves
£ r f c nCaVr a ca"knat,s- fenna diaphana ad- | ovate, concave, keeled, permanent, fprinkled
margmibus membra- | with tranfparent meal, the edges membranous
naceis, albidis, i. | and whitilh, fig. j.
|XLA nulla. ■ | COROLLA wanting.
A™*A Suin9" e’ aIba’ calycepaulo | STAMINA: five white Filaments, a little longer
1 E v r THMmaJUrCU ochroIeuca:’ I than the calyx: A n th e r s largilh, yellow,
j »JrS' 2* j?s and-double, Jig. 2.
prbiculatum: STYL.duo, Ip iS T IL L U M : G ermen round and flat; Styles
1 eviflirni, minimi, fere inconfpicui,/g,3. ♦ two, very fmall and (hort, almoft inconfpi-
$ cuous, Jig. 3.
■ H i l H i Pf Chenofiodium have fome fmall refemblance to thofe of the great Stinging-Nettle
place of growth ^ ,^nflhfh name o l Nettle-leaved, in preference to that of wall fmuralej to which’
Jky toadfidfs h’ h US at 6aft’ “ haS “ tle Pretenfions- as i( ^ ufually found on dunghills, and on
ffnce d u r in S 1°? ° f the g,rcai I ° ads leadi,nS from ‘he metropolis ; we have feen it in very great
I g the late autumn on the Edgware road. It flowers from Auguft to O&ober. ^ S
- whole plant is fometimes entirely green, and fometimes tinged with red.
!>/ *'> Particular form of its racemi, or flower
Jhat curled in in P, 0U^ w,d<:1>'> fo ,as S'.ve them a «at or depreffed appearance, the tops
BWtflly u p r i g h t ttUb7 m and - ‘ he fpaoes mod liable to be miftaken for it, the racemi
| v gnc ’ lts gloily leaves and unpleafant fmell contribute alfo to point it out.
i f c a V h a X ^ d girds? ° f th‘S g™US’ “ affords P1™1? of feeds- which ™ reporting the numerous