R a n u n c u l u s A u r i c o m u s . W o o d C r o w f o o t .
RANUNCULUS LinnceiGen.Pl. PolYandria Polyg yn ia . Cal. 5-phylIus. Pebala 5-in fra ungues
poro mellifero. Sem. nuda.
R aii Syn. Gen. 15. . Herbie semine nudo po l y s p e rm y .
RANUNCULUS auricomus foliis radicalibus fubreniforrnibus-, tripartids, acute crenatis, caulinis
digitalis linearibus.
RANUNCULUS auricomus foliis radicalibus reniformibus cfenatis incifis, caulinis digitatis
linearibus, caule multifloro. Linncd Syft. Vegetab. p . 429. FL Suecic. 194.
RANUNCULUS foliis radicalibus integris et femitrilobatis rotunde crenatis, caulinis multipardtis
linearibus integerrimis. Haller hiß. n. 1177.
RANUNCULUS auricomus. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 687.
RANUNCULUS nemorofus vel fylvaticus folio rotundo. Bauhin Pin. 178.
RANUNCULUS auricomus. Ger. emac. 954.
RANUNCULUS nemorofus dulcis fecundus Tragi. Parkinfon 326. Fufchii Icon. 156. opt. R aii
Syn. p . 248. Sweet Crowfoot or Goldilocks. Hudfon F l. Angl. p . 211.
RADIX perennis, fubprtemorfa, mitis, fapore fub-
dulci Glycyrrhizae accedenti, fibris multis
capillaribus inftru&a.
CAULIS pedalis, ereftus, dichotomus aut trichoto-
mus, teres, glaber, bafi purpureus.
FOLIA lasvia, radicalia petiolis longis infidentia, fub-
reniformia, mire variantia, integra, tripartita
aut edam quinquepartita, plerumq'ue
vero tripartita lobis acute crenatis, caulina
iriferiora pedata, lobis lads, tripartids aut
quadripards, dentatis, fuperiora feffilia, li-
nearia, fubintegerrima, amplexicaulia.
PETIOLI teretes, pubefcentes.
C A L Y X : P e r ia n t h iu m pentaphyllum, foliolis
^ovatis, concavis, flavefcentibus, patentibus,
CO R O L LA : Pet al a quinque, fubrotunda, flava;
unguibus parvis, fig . 2.
N ECTARIUM: fovea fine fquamula ad bafin peta-
lorum, fupra ungues.
STAM INA : Filamenta plurima, bafi anguftiora;
A nther y . oblongse, flavse, compreflse, in-
curvatas; duas aut tres vidi connatas, fig . 3.
5. aufil.
PIST ILLUM : G ermina numerofa in capitulum
collefila; Stigm a ta reflexa, minima, fig . 4.
RO OT perennial, fomewhat flumped, mild, with a
tafte fomewhat refembling liquorice, fur-
niftied with many, fmall fibres.
S T A L K about a foot high, upright, dividing into
two or three branches, round, fmooth, and
purplilh at bottom.
LEAVES at the bottom of the ftalk fmooth, fitting
on long footftalks, fomewhat kidney-fhaped,
varying exceedingly, being fometimes entire,
fometimes divided into three, or even
five lobes, but moft commonly tripartite; the
lobes acutely crenated; the leaves towards
the bottom divided nearly to the bafe, with
| three or four fegments, indented; the up-
| permoft leaves feflile, linear, almoft entire,
f and embracing the ftalk.
| FOO T-STALK S of the leaves .round and pubefcent.
I C A L YX : a Peri a nthium of five leaves, the leaves
oval, concave, yellowilh, and fpreading,
I M 1-
COROLLA: five roundilh yellow petals, with fmall
| ungues or claws, fig . 2.
$ N E C T A R Y : a depreflion without any fcale, at the
| bottom of the petals above the claws.
| STAMINA: Filaments numerous, narrow at bottom;
A nther y oblong, yellow, flattened,
and incurvated. I obferved two or three
f growing together, fig . 3. 5. magnified.
| PISTILLUM: G ermina numerous, collefted into
l a little head; St igm a ta fmall and reflexed,
! fig- 4-
SEMINA fufca, compreffa, apicibus reflexis, Jig. 6. f SEEDS brown, flat with a reflexed point, Jig. 6.
_ u \ t • /-. r— M g j B wwu» i Lnouga i nave lometimes round it n
w d°,' ^ I5' lts CaI/ xL belnS, nearly as yellow as its petals, and not turning back as in the bulbofus
the Nellary at the bottom of the petals a fm all oblique hole running downwards, not covered with any fquamula
the bottom leavesi of the plant more ent.re, and thofe at the top narrower than in moft of the other Crowfoots
ornoTfteftered^ * e t®™” 8 DOt Sr00ved 5 the P^als often wanting, particularly when cultivated in gardens
It flowers in April and May, and is not particularly diftinguilhed for its ufes or beauty.