[saxifraga O ppositifolia» Pürple Sa x ifr a g e .
Linn- Gat.PL D ecAndria D ig y n i a .
Cal. 5-partitus. Gar. 5-petal a. Caps. 2-roflris, i-locularis, polyfperma.
■ Rati Syn. Gen. 24. H erbæ p e n t a p e t a læ v a s c u u f e r æ .
p. 180. Purple Saxifrage, Lightfoot, Scot. v._i. p. 222.
SAXIFRAGA' foliis ovatis quadrangulo imbricatis ramis procumbentibus. Linn. FI. Lapp. 179.
SAXIFRAGA c a u le r e p e n te , -foliis: quadrifariam imbricatis, cartilagineis ciliatis. Hall. Hiß. 980.
SEDUM alpinum ericoides cceruleum. Bauh. Pin. 284, et purpurafcens. cjufl.
SAXIFRAGA alpina ericoides flore cceruleo. Toum. Inß. 253. Pan Syn.Heath-like Shagreen, with large purple Flowers. p. 353. ed. 3. Mountain
Me : r, r r h ROOT perennial, fibrous,-of a brown colour.
S s P~ i , Procumbent., .^ n te s ‘erete, STALKS numerous^procum^ent^croeping,^round,
eps“ f™iorPif eros imP - IY ‘ LEAVESl iaklet efrinriantgelsy f roopmpo Hfioten,e st haonfde roonc ktsh,e flowering •moanrngaitnae,s o bcoilviaattaa,, IJ tHhael tbsa fcel,p fmelvye rifmelbyr iOcavateted , counncitaivneg, fnoemarelwy baatt lidis, furculorum A • flelhy, fringed on the edges, tops flattened, q . callous and whitifh, thole on the. young
I fhoots more remotely fituatéd.
' I f 1 ' ï finally blueiln.
L y X T er“ «" m u« pentaphyllnpi, foliolis ova- A CALYX : a Perianthium of Eye leaves which are
L oLL,A ? > t “ a 5, fubl'tunda, unguibus bre- | COROLLA P etals- furnilhed W“h
KECTARIUM^ubflanti^'gUndulofa ad bafin bafe o f the
fubulata, .pur- | STAMInS iT o FUamems“ upright, tapering, pur-
p,1afcentia — W ovales, comprolfe, 0 plilh , A n th er s oval flattened, purple ;
purpureæi Pollen aurantiacum,/r. 3. ? Pollen orange-coloured >g..3.
S Ä t " ' 1 î“t .
Io f Tohuirs hffpgehceiefts moofu Snataxiinfsra igne , the only Britilh one with purple flowers, is found plentifully on the fummits Liigenun Yorkfhire, Mr. England/Scotland, and Wales ; we have obferved it both on Ingleborough and L ightfoot on moll of the Scotch mountains, and Mr. LHwyd abundantly on
II fI*tf ioSwmearrsi omrnu cithh aenagrlsie rp ethnadne natn yto oaf tghree agt elneunsg, the)m ipnu Arpplirnilg aanndd Menalyiv ;e niinn go uthr eg abradrernesn nreoacrk sL (ofnrodmon w ith ibclho wins »gotaolflfy tihne yF einbcrluianrey toan gbdl uMe;a rtchhis; vwarhieanti otnh ei nh ltohfeTiorm'cso lfoiurfrt heaxsp ainnddu ctheedy foamree oBf oat abmrfilgsh t“ p umrpaklee ctowloo ufrp eac se^s eoyf it. It is laid to vary with white flowers ; we do not know that any fuch variety has been feen in th county The plant itfelf is very liable to vary from fituation; when it grows expofed, the whole plant affumes a more «pua appearance, the [talks are Sorter, the leaves more clofely imbricated, the ^ [tlheins gitsh ,i tst hnea lteuarvale,s aanred pmlaocde db'e aatu tgirfueal tdear tien t;e rivna llhs,a, dayf fuanmde am gorree efnliecrk heureed, Eanmda nreofnesr,a bthlee ffotamlkesw Shhaoto tt htoof ea ogfr ewa ieldr
[ThNymo em, einnt ifounc hi s{ fmiliaadtieo nosf f ethwis o pr lannot fbloyw Geres raarer pdr,o odru cPeadr. kinson ; .m the.i r t.i me ,b otani• ca,l refre arc:i heos * hajd _n_oit [ibne eenx ppulolrhiendg ttoh eth me oeuxntetanitn sth oeyF Yhaovrek fEhinrcee abnede nW; aRleisc, hita rwdass orenf earvnedd L fhorw Mydr., in the time ol Ray, were attiv L ightfoot to penetrate further
[No"rPtihs, oton lvyi fwit itthhein u an tfreowd dyeena rhs eitghhatts tohfis C baeleaduotinfiual, naantdiv ge*at hhears ibt.e en cult,i vated, as ^ ornam. en.t a>l p.l ant rfmmaailil pots of it are now regularly brought to Covent-Garden-Market, the latter end of February and beginning ot
[MaTrhcho,u gwhh ietr eb et hae yh aarrdey f opllda nftr,o man odn oe ft or etawdoy {ghriloliwngths , eaasc hm. od of the S• axifrages are, yet .i t w.i.l.l not n ,,, Ipeendrf eofffi oMn,a racsh..w dei vhiadvee a f opulanndt ,b yw lhoinchg hexasp efrilileendc ea, pboutt tuhned. perre cceerdtianign; myeaanra gienmtoe nmt, awnyh icfihn aisl !t hpiise,c easb outatl danieg lactaterer tbit each has a few fibres to it, plant about fix of thefe in the middle of a final! pot, filled with a comp.afitton
“f loam and rotten leaves, or Bog earth, in equal parts, water them and let them by in a (hady place for about
[wa ewaetehke r tbhee np parlutincguela trhlye mca irnef uanl toop wena tbeor rtdheerm, eoxnpcoef ead dnaoyt ,m tohreey t hraenq uoinree nhoa lof thoef r tahtet endatiyo nt,o bthuet thfuisn t,h emy wdriyll sot difpenfe with ; the enfuing fpring, each pot will be covered with a.profufion of bloom; to continue them in
I perfection they muft be treated tnus yearly.-, , , r . . . . M n j§|l| wm IagMrere. rMi-hiolulfee rq uriecckolmy mdreanwdss ai t (uhpa da/nfidt ufaptoiiolsn ifto; r itth isis pilnadnet,e dw hoinceh owfe thhaovfee epvlaenr tfso wunhdic ihn jurerivooulsts, tahte all tendoerf
II treOatnme eontf i•« leaves when magnified becomes a curious objeft, bearing a, great refemblance to thofe of fome
I of tlie Fig-Marigolds.
• Fulchræ planta; elegantiam difficile eft aut verbis exprimere am penecillp. Hall. Hiß.