T h e
p r e f a c e .
, • r . „ w n„w on each ntatt has been another objection which fome have drangly urged,
i s w
S ' c h " flyinThepaper- a^the>“ oware, eachls didina, and' every one is at liberty to place them accordmg
to that fyftem which he mod approves of.
■ - r r r _»fprpnce to the plates, or letter-prefs, has been perhaps a more folid objeaion ;
b u lt le Author hopes,S t i t l y X ^ t f e o f dJindekes d e f e n d below, this alfo will be obvtated.
■ 0 . r 1,^0. ortr«7Prprl everv thing deferving the name of an-obie&ion, he
o f * f f i and impartial public, cOnfcious.of having ufed
his bed endeavours to be ferviceable in his department.
of the Indexes, with DireBions for Binding.
T N the fird Index the plants are i t T h “ Pp e r t b !
I the greeted aTpXbetiX En^ilh o’r Latin Indfx and you will
not acquainted with this mode ot _ar g > ; the book : if, for example, I want to find Ivy, I look for
find thei fi| ur^ c° rr^ e°rnedthf Englifli names are alphabetically arranged, and find it to be the fixteenth plate
it m Index, No. 3, wnere me tn g i 1 _ , f readily euefs w thin a few plates where it is placed:
as there are feventy-two pi * I c a . 1 , 1 L u & j f f works it will come eafier; but *if each
to thofe who have been accudomed P ^ with a black lead pencil, any .plant may then be
ft l t l t e t r l d to ThePAuthor cSuld not J on any mode more.eligible, confident with the irregular
order in which he has been obliged to publilh his plants.
With every third Fafoiculus will be given a general and more copious Index, with a Gloffary o f the
technical terms ufed in the work.
,1 A kic fnbfrrihers that each Fafcieulus containing twelve numbers, be bound in
He wouldwrec^ e^ ^ ^ the*plates to be placed in the fame order in which they occur in the firjl Index ;
boards, and. not cut at ine cages, t,lcr r , l-tter-nrefs belonging to rt, with a leaf of thm paper
taking care that each p l- fed to fend theUto
Z S " h C r ^ u Z . near E who binds the Author's.
N B It may be neceffary to caution the Bookbinder againd beating the Numbers, as that operation,
would probably dedroy the beauty of the plates.
Of thofe Plants which are intended to be Publifhed in the next Fafcicuhs.
Anemone nemorofa
Adoxa mofchatellina
Ajuga reptans
Aira praecox
Xrabis thaliana
Arenaria tenuifolia
Achillaea Ptarmica
Briza media
Corylus avellana
Chaerophyllum fylveftre
Convolvulus arvenfis
Circaea lutetiana
Chenopodium Vulvana
Dipfacus fylveftris
Epilobium anguftifolium
Epilobium ramofum
Erica cinerea
Fumaria officinalis
Feftuca duriufcula
Feftuca myuros
Glechoma hederacea
Geranium molle
Geranium rotundifobum
Geranium perenne
Geranium Columbinum
Hyacimhus non feriptus
Hyofycamus niger
Hypericum montanum
Hypericum quadrangulum
Hypericum hirfutum
Ilex Aquifolium
Iris Pfeudacorus
Lamium amplexicaule
Lyfimachia nemorum
Lyfimachia nummularia
Lyfimachia tenella
Lyfimachia vulgaris
Liguftrum vulgare
Lotus corniculata
Myofurus minimus
Malva officinalis
Malva minor
Medicago lupulina
Ofmunda fpicant
Oxalis Acetofdla
Orchis Morio
Ornithopus perpufillus
Plantago lanceolata
Plantago major
Plantago Corqnopus
Plantago media
Poa rigida
Poa comprefla
Polygonum àmphibium
Polytrichum commune
Ranunculus hirfutus
Ranunculus Ficaria
Sagina ere£ta
Saxifraga tridaâylites
Spergula nodofa
Sedum dafyphyllum
Sedum reflexum
Symphytum officinale
Sparganium ereQum
Tuffilago farfara
T ormentilla ereÊla
Thymus ferpyllum
Trifolium fragiferum
Veronica officinalis
Veronica hederifolia
Veronica arvenfis