LYSIMACHIA Lin. Gen. PI. Pentandria monogynia.
Cor. rotata. Cap/, globofa, mucronata, decemvalvis.
Rail Syn. Gen. 18. Herbas frugtu s i c c o singular! flore monopetalo.
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris paniculata, racemis terminalibus. Lin. Syß. Vegetal,. p. i6z. Sp. PI p 200
FI. Suede, n. 175. ' , ■ " r y r* - ' P’ ?■
LYSIMACHIA foliis ovatodanceolatis, fpicis paniculatis. Hall. Hiß, 630.
LYSIMACHIA vulgaris. Scopoli FI. Carn. n. 214.
LYSIMACHIA lutea, I. B. II. 901. Ger. emac. 474.
LYSIMACHIA lutea major quje Diofcoridis. Bauh. Pin. 245.
LYSIMACHIA lutea major vulgaris. Park. 544. Yellow Willow-herb, or Loofe-ftrife. Raii Syn. 080
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2, p. 86. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 138.
■ |X perenms, repens. | ROOT perennial and creeping
JLIS tnpedalls et ultra ereBus ubi folia bina ob- | STALK three feet or more in freight when the leaves
■ tufe tetragonus, ubi tema fulcatus, feu angu- q grow in pairs, obtufely four-cornered; when
lofus, anguhs obtufis; fupeme hirfutulus, J three together, grooved or angular, angles
lnferne glaber, ramofus, ad gemcula paulu- q obtufe, the upper part of the ftalk ffightlv
lum mcraffatus. | hairy, the lower fmooth, branched, and a
m ,, , - . 4 little thickened at the joints.
miA bina, t a lma, quaterna et quma eaam obfer- $ LEAVES growing in pairs, or three together ■ I have
™ ™'". feffiha ovato-lanceolata, mtegra, mar- | • even noticed them growing foSr or five toreglue
inaequali, venofa, nuda. J titer ; feflile, ovate, and pointed, entire but Sot
perfeSly even on the edges, veiny and defti-
x , X tute of hairs-.
J E S pamculati, Intel, racemis terminalibus ex alls * FLOWERS yellow, forming a panicle, flower-branches
. . . . . . . . . . . I . | terminal, growing from the alae o f the leaves.
BDbCULI uniflon, fubvlfcidi, apice incraflkti. ? FLOWER-STALKS fingle-flowered, fomewhat vifcid,
| , v „ ■ Hi f and thickened at the extremity,
f r - : Perianthium monophyllum qumquepar- | CALYX: a Per! an th ium of one leaf, deeply divided
tmim, acutum, ereaum, perfiftens, laciniis p into five fegments, pointed, upright, and pertnatis,
rubro margmatis, apicibus ante et poll | manent, the fegments ftriated and edged with
florefcentiam tortuofis, fig. 1. red, the tips both before and after flowering
?nTT a 1 f twilled, fig. 1.
JULLA monopetala, rotata. Limbus qumquepar. f COROLL Amonopetalous, wheeldhaped. Limb deeply
| utus, 1 acinus ovatis, acutis, Jig. 2. $ divided into five fegments, which are ovate
fl’iwiKTA tt - % and pointed, fig. %.
* 1 N A : Filamenta quinque, imequalia, corolla $ STAMINA: five Filaments, unequal, Ihorter than
■ br™ora- fubulata, compreffa, vifcofa, bafi con- f the corolla, tapering, flattened, vifcid growuata
A nthee^ incumbentes, fubfagittatre, I ing together at bottom. A nthers mcum-
S'ITTi|(l,1r .. . 0 bent, fomewhat arrow-lhaped, fi?. h .
j “ “P” : Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fill- | PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh. St y I e filiform
H ^ / o r e f - | the length of the (lamina, lengthened out as
S cARPIIIM-p®atus‘ Stigma obtufum.yf^. 4. > the flowers go off. Stigma blunt, fir. 4.
■ cemvdvisCAI,SULA g °bofa’ unllocularls- de- I SEED-VESSEL: a globular capfule of one cfivity, and
a t • s‘ . . 0 ten valves.
J ^ T A rn n aTMmiiniimr' • I SEEDS numerous, very minute.
* - ia lu luM globofum, maximum. | RECEPTACLE globular, and very large.
3 f fi °a id ereconrfli ™ - ‘v-S “ Vibuted a very lingular property to this plant; no lefs than a power of taming
■ L o f i J " ^ 01^ 1 ; tnd llence they de,nve its-name of Lxfimachia*. Others attribut!
I f our Enriilh name nf r31? ! a? d brave L y ^ MA,CHUS’ who’ they was its firft difcoverer; however
B 8 ih name of appears evidently to be founded on the power thus idly afcribed to it.
1 c0” m0.n.?s !“ ° ame 8eems >° imply, is tolerably frequent about London, in moift
M f y ater-udes, elpecially m the environs of the Thames,
I ' E ' M j W v Uimber, of Ieaves at the j ° ints. and confequently in the angular appearance of its (lalk.
■ P * “ e CaV x> though very remarkable, do not appear to have been noticed by authors.
iffiid^elJbR^fui the edge of a river, or piece of water, cannot lelefl a more proper plant; but its 2 rad will alfo m n S“ tcned by planting with it the Lytbrum Salicaria; both of thefe have ftrong perennial
H 0 feaduy grow m gardens where the foil is moift.
ln fnd Augujl,
e t0 h the power of dying green.
f°r AuW T1AI a a v u . .0
H■ F whic'h how M(,ule Ii ßlealvbe /tor
amen dirimire, of taking away ftrife or debate between be ids, i
ing them tame and quiet, which, as they fay, this herb will do,
m who ilia'll tr y and find it fq. Parkinj. p. 5 4 4 ,
only thofe that a e yoke
it be either put about thci