Alisma Plantago. Great Water-Plantain.
ALISMA Lin. Gen. PL Hexandria PolYg yn ia .
Cal. 3-phyllus. Petala 3. Sem. plura.
RaiiSyn.Gen. 15. Herbie semine nudo pol ysperm y.
ALISMA Plantago foliis ovatis acutis, fru&ibus obtufe trigonis. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 288. Spec.
PL p. 486. FI. Suec. n. 323.
DAMASONIUM foliis ellipticis, lanceolatis, capitulo rotunde triquetro. Haller. Hiß. n. 1184.
ALISMA Plantago. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 449.
PLANTAGO aquatica latifolia. Bauh. Pin. 190.
PLANTAGO aquatica major. Ger. emac. 417. Park. 1245. Rail Syn. 257. Great Water-
Plantain. Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 159. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 193.
kADIX perennis, alba, bulbiformis, tunicata, denfif- v ROOT perennial, white, fomewhat bulbous, coated,
iimis fibris capillata. r and furniflied with a tuft of numerous fibres.
| 0LIA omnia radicalia, longe petiolata, ovata, acuta, f LEAVES all fpringing from the root, ftandingon long-
glabra, nervofa, integerrima, erefia, fubun- % foot-ftalks,. ovate, pointed, fmooth, ribbed,
aulata, petiolis femiteretibus, bafi vaginan- $ perfe&ly entire, upright, flightly waved, the
tibus, purpurafcentibus. - J foot-ftalks femicylindrical,^ at bottom fheath-
| ing and purplilh.
ICAPUS obtufe trigonus, nudus, laevis, pedalis ad % STA LK obtufely three-cornered, naked, fmooth,
tripedalem. | from one to three feet in height.
KAMI floriferi verticillatim circa fcapum difpofiti, | BRANCHES producing the flowers difpofed in whorls
utut ramuli circa ramos, numero quam f round the ftalk and the lefler branches in a
maxime variantes, nudi. % fimilar manner round them, varying greatly
1« in number, and naked.
KTIPULiE ad bafin cujufvis verticilli, membranaceae, % STIPUL Al, at the bafe of each whorl, membranous,
marcidae, vaginantes. i* withered, and Iheathing.
| CA L YX : a Perianthtum of three leaves, the leaves
'f ovate, a little pointed, concave, marked
| ‘ with lines, fpreading, membranous on the
f edge, \fig. 1.
■ ALYX: Per ianthiUm triphyllum, foliolis ovatis,
acutiufculis, concavis, lineatis, patentibus,
margine membranaceis, Jig. 1.
»OROLLA: Petala tria, fubrotunda, purpurea,
erofa, plana, patentia, remotiufcula, ungui-
bus flavis, fig, 2.
B?T AMINA; Filament a fex, fetacea, fubincurvata.
Anthery virefcentes, Jig. 3.
| COROLLA: three Petals, roundilh, purple, gnawed
JPISTILLUM; G ermina plurima, 12 et ultra, in]
orbem pofita. St y l i tot quot germina, ;
filiformes, erefti. St igm a t a ftmplicia, fig. 4.
Piftillum autt. jig. 5.
on the edge, flat, fpreading, fomewhat remote
from each other, claws yellow, fig. 2.
| STAMINA: fix Filaments, fine and tapering,flightly
bending'inwards. A nth er y greenifti,Jzg. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermina numerous, to 12 or more,
placed in a circle. Styles as numerous as
the germina, filiform, upright. Stigm a ta
fimple, fig. 4. The Piftillum magnified, Jig. 5.
L ® ancient Botanifts, taken with the firft appearance of things, and obferving a fimilarity in the leaves of
■ knAT t-’0 Plantain, without confulting the flower or fruit, made i
t once a Plantago, though its
I Nation bears.not the moft diftant affinity to that genus.
foFF ron Haller obferves, that in its acrimonious quality it comes near to the Crowfoots, and on the authority
■ L BREG0U relates, that it has proved fatal to kine and other animals who have eaten it. From thefe effefts
, 7 properly queries how comes it to be confidered by Floyer as a cooler and aftringent, and by
|occone as ufefui in the Piles, | '
aPP^e^> ^ Miners ; taken internally, it produces the fame effeft as the Crowfoots. Cattle are
lejfeQs n|ur®(|» S||fometimes killed by it. Atrophy and immobility of the hind parts of the body are the
H&Gi which it is produ&ive. L indenstolpius, Brugmans DiJJertatio Queenam Junt Plantes inutilest
| l ? | no P^nt more common than this fpecies of Water-Plantain in and by the fides of ponds, rivers, & c.
I 51 towers % July, Auguft, and September. F '