Si l en e A n g l i c a . E n g l i sh C a t c h f l y .
SILENE Lin. Gen. Pl. D e'candrià T ri'Gyn ïA.
Gal. ventricofus. Petala 5-uüguicülata : coronata ad faucem. Cabfi. 3-lpcularis. . _ tJ
Rail Syn. Gen. 24. Herbæ pentàpétalæ v a s 'cüliféræ.
SILENE anglica hirfuta petalis emarginatis, floribus ereftis; fruftibus reflexis pèdunculatis alternis. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab. p .350. Sp. Pl. 594.
SILENE anglica hirfuta petalis fubintegerrimis; floribus fubfpicatis pèdunculatis alternis ere&is
fruttibus diVaricatö'-reflexis. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 187;
VISCAGO ceraftii foliis vafculis pendulis Anglica. BUI. Elth. 417. t. 309./. 398.
LYCHNIS fylveflris hirfuta annua, flqre minoré albo. Vaill. Parif. 121. t. 16. f. 12.
LYCHNIS fylveflris flore albo minimo. Raii Syn'. p. 339. Small fmall white flower. Corn Campion, with a ver1y
! it.
[*jILXIS apnlneurau,m fqimuep pleexd.alis; et ultra, ere&us; teres, hmiirdfuist,u s,r avmifocfiduus,s , ina rthicourltaot ucs,u lgtae nircäumlios fitour-; mdeebficluionrtq.ue evadit; et geniculi magis. intu- LlAI aoltpeprnoif, itca,a ucolin fnlmatial,e lsa.nceolata, fubundulata, in- mteigneurlrisim aafp, ehriurlfau,t ualda , bfaufbivn ipfciildisa ,l opnugnisft icsi lipartoa-.
ORES albidi, minimi; axillares, fubfpicati, pe-
UNClicUaLreI sv, atreiares tleosn, giftuupdeinrnise u ningcuriacfullaatri,e s, veitf cpiodli*, pmraimtuori se rfeu£blie,r edfetii.n reflexi, demum feminibus
•YX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum,
qiiiriquedentatum, dentibus apice rubris, ob-
longum, fulcis decem profunde exaratum,
pilofum, vifcidum, perfiftens, fig. 1. ROLLg Aitu: dPinee tcaallyac iqsu. inque. Ungues angufti, lon- ginata, lateribus fLaaspme inian vionltuetgisr,a lfequu aemmualra- ad bafin laminas bifida, erefta, fig. 2. AMINleAn:t eFmi lhairmfuetan.t Aa decem, fubulata,'alba, ad purpurete. P nther.« oblongas, bilobas, olled album, fig. 3.
pLLcUuMtQi; GStey Rlmi etnre sv, iraildbei,, enriteifdtui,m v,i llofufib, cgoenri-- j\j mnfienrea barde vbiaofriens ,g feirgm. i4n,i s,5 f.i g.G 6l.andula ne6la- <
pCARPIUM: Cap sula ovata, calyce te£la, tri-
locularis, apice fexfariam dehiicens, fig. 7. •
1P INAa fppleurrai,m fiag, . n8ig. ricantia, reniformia, ad lentem <1
f RSTOAOLTK a nabnouault aan df oAomt polre .more in heighth, upright, round, hirfute, vifcid, jointed; the joints y fwelled, branched; cultivated in the garden, ■y it becohies more branched, weaker, and the ’> BRANCHjoEinSt sa mlteorrnea ftew,e llliekde. the ftalk.
jy LEAVESw aovpepdo,f iteen,t irceo, nfnliagthet, lyl ahnacireyo,l aatne;d ffoommeewwhhaatt [ vaiftc tihde, rboaufgeh eildhg, ewdi twhi ltiht tlleo npgroemr hinaierns.t points, i FLOWERalSee owfh tihtielh l,e avveersy, ffmoramlli,n gg rao wkiinngd forfo mfp itkhee, ’ FLOWERft-aSnTdiAngL KonS f oooft -vfatarilokus.s lengths, from half an > ivnicfchi dt,o aant ifnicrfht, uropuringdh,t , thaicftkeernweadr dus pwtuarrndesd, > duopwrignhwta, rdbse,c ofminianlgly n; eawrlyh eunp rtihgeh t.feeds are ! CALYX : a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, having
five teeth, which are red at the tips,
oblong, marked with ten deep grooves; hairy,
vifcid, and permanent, fig. 1. COROLLoAf t:h ef icvae lPyxe.t aLlas .m Cinlaaw esn tniarerr, oowr ,n tihcek elden, gththe « tfhidee sl aomftienna broiflilde da nind, uthperi gfchatl,e f iagt. t2h.e bale of STAMINwAh:e nt emna Fgnilifaiemde. nts, tapering, white, hairy of two lobes andA nputrhpeler. «: oblong, formed Pollen white, PISTILLfiUg.M 3:. G ermen green, {hining, fomewhat
conical. S tyles three, white, upright,
villous, fhorter than the germen, fig . 4, g. gAe rmnee&na, rfiifge.r o6u.s Gland at the bafe of the SEED-VESSEL : an ovate Capsule, covered by the
calyx, of three cavities, opening at top, with
fix teeth, fig. 7. SEEDS nwuhmeenr voiuesw, edb lawcikthif ha, mkaigdnniefiye-rI,h aped, rough fig. 8.
|weporne,f eanst , wtehlol uagsh inn omt aan Iyh eowtyh eprl apnatr,t sm oafy be numbered among the more rare ones in the neighbourhood cp Yet> in particular fpots, it is found in Ggrreeaatt -pBlernittayi,n ;a s noinr tdhoee sc oirtn a-fpipeledasr atboo ubte common throughout |een it growing in great abundance in the corn-fields near Coombe-Wood. I have Newport, in the Ifle of Wight.
I'wers in July,
Genius gives a figure of it in his Hortus Elthamenfis, which is too diminutive: his character of vafcula s not too much to be depended on, fince it frequently happens that they are not fo. .
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