hLmpanula rotundifolia. Heath Bell-flower,
Cor. campanil lata, fundo claufo valvis flaminiferis. Stigma trtfdura.
Caps, inféra, poris lateralibus dehifcens.
Rati Syn. Gen. 18. H e r bæ f r u c t u s ic co s in g u l a r i f l o r e m o n o p e t a l o .
CAMPANULA rotundifolia foliis radicalibus retiiformibus, caulinis linearibus. Lin. Syfl. Vevetab. p 172
Sp. Plant. p. 232. FI. Suec. n. 184.
CAMPANULA foliis ferratis, radicalibus cordât is, caulinis lanceolatis. Haller. Hiß-, you
CAMPANULA,rotundifolia. Scopoli FI. Cam. 11. 124.
CAMPANULA minor rotundifolia vulgaris. Bauhin pin. 93*
CAMPANULA rotundifolia. Ger. emac. 452.
CAMPANULA minor fylveftris rotundifolia. Pdrtlnfm 651. l i a 1 Sj/n. p , B l The iéffef round
leaved Bell-flower. Budfin. Fl. Ægl. ed. 2. p. 95. Ligbtfoot FI. Scot. p. i 4I.
|piX alba, craffiufcula, modice fibrofa, fubdulcis,
I repens.
IfLES : una radice plures, pedales et ultra, fub-
I ere£ti, debiles, flexuofi, teretes, glabri, folidi,
I lactcfcentes, ramofi.
ftlA radicalia cordato-reniformia, petiolata, dentato-
I ferrata, caulina prope bafiu lanceolata, dentata,
I fumma linearia, integerrima.
HI floriferi, patuli, fimplices feu ramofi, fubnudi. .
1RES perfeâe campanulati, cærulei, parum nu tantes..
HfX: Perianthium quinquepartitum, I glabrum, fulcatum, perfiflens, laciniiesr el£itnuema-, [ ribus; fig. i.
■■ Q LLfiAd om, olancoinpieitsa laac,u tciasm, ppaatneunltaitbau, s.l imfigb.o 2q.uinque-
B■M lXAvi f:f imFa,i lianfmeretan tvaa lvquulainruqmue ,n ec&aapriilil aaripai,c ibbures-»;
IB, Apdnmtoh epurræp urfailfacmènetnetsi,s dleoinng fioufrceæs,. compreflæ, ^BLLUM : G fig. 3, 4, 5. B filiformise ;r men in feru m, fulcatum ; Stylus B craffiufculumS,t iegxmtearn- e tvriipllaorftuitmum, ,l acoinbiliosn greuvmo-, •; ■ lutis. fig. 6, 7, 8.
■»A RI8UuinMqu ein, afucuntdios, ccoornolnliæv,e nctoibnufisr,u &reucmep tvaacluvluulmis 5; ■ tegentibus. fig. 5. 5
I ROOT white, thickifh, moderately fibrous, fwee tifh,
i I , and creeping.
| STALKS; from the fame root feveral, a foot or more
* in height, fomewhat upright, but weak and
| crooked, round, fmooth, folid, milky, and
| . branched.
* LEAVES of the rodt fomewhat heart or kidney fhaped,
l Banding on footflalks, toothed, or fawed,
l thofe of the Balk near the bafe lanceolate and
: toothed, near the Blmmit linear and entire.
: FLOWER-BRANCHES lpreading, Ample or branched,
almoB naked.
: FLOWERS perfeftly bell-fhaped, o f a blue colour, and
drooping a little.
: C A L Y X : a Perianthium divided into five legments,
upright, fmooth, grooved, permanent, the
; fegments linear, fig. 1.
: COROLLA monopetalou's, bell-fhaped, divided into
: five fegments at the brim, which are pointed
and fpreading. fig. 2.
[STAMINA: five very fine, fhort F ilaments inferted
into the tips of the valves of the nedtary;
A nthers longer than the filaments, flatten'd,
at firflpurplifh, afterwards brown, fig. 3, 4, 5.
PISTILLUM: Germen beneath the calyx, grooved;
St y le thread-fhaped ; . Stigma oblong,
thickifh, externally villous, divided into three
fegments which are rolled hack. fig. 6, 7, 8.
NECTARY in the bottom of the corolla, formed of
five pointed valves doling and covering the
receptacle, fig. 5.
pmme awXmoft o fT h f ' f ’ herbage’ its fadical H M which ™ of a roundifh figure, at
S thofe of th.h ° f th,e Pla.nts of the fame g“ “ *. are obferved, unlefs particularly fought for,
|rs abfurd L tnI X , ™ b j ^ ° ‘le » be linear.; hence-the name of rotundifolia to moft beginners
“ nonyms Sm"S “ ’h‘S na“ e haS followed the antient D aniils, “s will appear from con-
H & n X a x b m an? uW ° lium' Point.s ou' ta B fadent the neceffity of attending to the
K „ f*W g j j i E L , , ’ . f J o r e on th e p o in t o f e x p in f im J h ew t b c f i u a u n o f t h , J lam in a to th e mod
m s tooje w h ich a re o v e rb low n do th a t o f th e f iigm a . J
B H ,variati°n I P°!n' o f i 7f with all other plants, it may be found from * two inches to a yard
B : i bloffom alfn‘vaCertalrb M,? ns ar,e •fbu? d wi-th0Uli- any notche5> ia which cafe 1is “ ore truly
I 1' fi lls 1 7 thelr Colour’ belng fometlmes found white and fometimes purple.
B branches> when broken, give out a milky juice, which has a difagreeable fmell.
Kibe. 1 “ "fo"? on heaths, and by the road fides in barren hilly fituations, and flowers from June to
l 1: ' l'crenn,a' and a creeping root it is eafily cultivated in the Garden.
I °S a sreen pigment is prepared from the flowers, but does not inform us in what manner.
* Mr. Ligbtfoot found it of that height in Scotland.