erastium Viscosum. Broad-Leaved Mouse-Ear
C hickweed.
CERASTIUM D e c a n d r ia Pen tag yn ia .
Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala bifida. Caff, unilocularis apice dehifcens.
Rai Syn. Gen. 24. Herbal pen t a pe talæ v a s cu u fe ræ ..
CERASTIUM vifcofum ere&um villoro-vifcofum. Linncei Syft. Vegetab. p. 362. FI. Suede, n. 414.
MYOSOTIS hirfuta et vifeofa. Haller hiß. n. 895.
MYOSOTIS hirfuta altera vifeofa. Vaill. Paris. 142. t. 30. fig. 1.
ALSINE hirfuta altera vifeofa. C. Bauhin. Pin. 251.
ÀLSINE , vifeofa. Parkinfon. 768.
ALSINE hirfuta Myofotis latifolia præ'coeior. Cat. Angl.
ALSINE Myofotis humilior et rotundo folio. Merret. Pin. The Broader-leaved Moufe-ear Chickweed.
Raii Syn. p. 348. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 175*
ADIX annua. $ ROOT annual.
fflLIS palmaris ad pedalem, baft ramofus, medius I STALK from caulis ereaus, laterales adfeendentes, dicho- | ed at bthortetoem in, chthese tmo iad fdoleo tf itnal hke uigphritg, bhrta, ntchhe- vtoifmeoufsu, s peivliasd gilta. iiduliferis veftitus, unde fub f0 fciodve eroende ws ibthe nnduimnge rouupsw haaridr,s ,f eoarkched o ra tw htoicph, |$ ifsl igtehrtmlyi nvaifteeidd .by a gland,1 whence it becomes 1 , . . f
l1O LIA' roevma tap,a frutebmco cnanualtias, bvaiflil oafon-gvuiffctioofraa,, aed filnavfeor ivoi-- f| LEAVEScl aomvmali,n efflsig, hatlty t hceo nbnoatttoem, h ooaf ryth ew iftthal ka nliattrl-e refeentia. I rower at the bafe, of a yellowifii green colour.
fLORESf ainnt ifliu mamrftitea tifbtuipsa ncatuurl,i umad p lqaunitnad aedchimuc ainu-t || FLOWEcRroSw, dwehdi lteo gtehteh. eprl aonnt tihs e ytooupns go, fa rthe e cfltoafleklsy pfees. f to the number of fifteen or more.
IaLYX: Perianthiumpentaphyllum,foliolisovato- | CALYX : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are
acuminatis', longitudine petalorum,apice pur-, |
purafeentibus, vifeofo-pflofis, Jig. 1.
COROLLA: Petala quinque, alba, oblonga, an -1
gufta, bafi villofa, apice bifida, Jig. 2. ^
jTAMINA : Filamenta decern, fubulata, quorum
quinque longiora, bafi glandula inftrufta, ^
fig - S i '
PlSTILLUM : /Ge rmen ovatum : St y l i quinque <
viflo finger mine breviores : Stigm a ta obtu-
fiufcilla, Jig. 4, 5. i
rERICARPIUM : Capsula corniform'is, ore decern- :
dentato, calyce dimidio longiore, Jig. 7.
'EMINA plurima, flavefcentia, fuborbiculata, crenu- ■ l'ata, j'zg-. 8, 9.
of an oval pointed fhape, the length of the
petals, purplilh at top, and covered with
vifeid hairs,^ fiS' 1*
1 COROLLA : five white Pe t al s, oblong, narrow, at
bottom villous, bifid at top, Jig. 2.
■ STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering, of which five
are longer than the others, and furniflied at
? bottom with a fmall gland, Jig. 3, 6.
i PlSTILLUM: G ermen o v al: Sty les five, villous,
Ihorter than the germen: Stigm at Abluntilh,
fig- 4 . 5-
SEED-VESSEL a Capsule, horn-lhaped, twice
the length of the calyx, the mouth furnilhed
with ten teeth, Jig. 7. ^ SEEDS feveral, yellowilh, roundifli, and notched,
» M 9 *
thrAeem oofn go uthre c opmlamntosn wCheircchji .iaur.en uw, ivthiz d. itfhfiec uvljtcyi jduimftin, gvuuiflgfiaetdu mby, tahned Jyeomunidge cBunodtarnuivfti,, awse a lml aoyf pthroempe rhlayv ere fcokmone fprielira raiptyp eianr athneceir, aapcpceoarrdainngce t,o othcec ufor ifl reanqdu efnittulya tiino nt hien lwamhiec hf itthueayti ognrso,w a. nd_ are fubje_c t to be muc.h al.tere.d in [fo Tunhde mfiugcuhre fwmhailclhe r;i s inh erme eagdivoewns ofit thise fvoifucnodfu mm, urcehp rleafregnetsr ; thaantd pilna nbt ointh ittsh emfee difuitmua tfitoantes, ; aosn wwealll lsa si t oins h banks and ant hills, it occurs very plentifully, and flowers in the months of April and May, being one of
[he te aisr lidefilf: tiinng buliolhoemd . from the others by the upright manner of its growi. ng, by» .its broad hoary leaves, the |N ro.iwn ngeefnse orafl iatsr ep oetfa las ,p aanledr tchoel ocuror wthdaend tohre .crelufft.t ered. appearance of its flowers before they blow : its leaves |L is not remarked for any particular ufe ; neither is it noxious to the Farmer or Gardener. inn^ us obferves that the plant is liable to be much disfigured by a fpecies of Chermes.