Hi ppuri s V ul g ar i s , Ma r e ’s- T a i l .
HIPFURIß Lin. Gen. Pt. Monandria Mqnqgynjia.
Cßl. q; Petalao. Stigma fiipplex. Sem. 1.
Raii Syn. Gen, 5. Herbæ floræ imferfecto seit stamineo vel apetalo
soTiy s, ■ ■
HIPPURIS vulgaris. Lin. Syß.Vegetab. fi. 5 i . Sfi.P l.fi. 6. Fl.Su e c .n .2 .
PINASTELL A. Dillen. Nov. Gey,. p. i68.
LIMNOPEUCE. Haller. Hiß. p. 264. Vaillant. Mem.de l ’Acad. anno 1716, t. i.J.% ,
POLYGONUM fæmina. Matth, in Diofc.fi. 952, Dodm. Pcmfit.fi. n 3.
EQUISETUM paluftre brevioribus foliis polyfpermon. C. B. fiin. 15.
EQUISETUM paluftre alterum brevioribus fetis. Park. 1200.
CAUDA EQUINA fæmina. Ger. ernac. 1 114. Raii Syn. fi. 1 aß. HudPon Fl Anrl „ a
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 79. . F Angl. ed. 2, fi. 2.
RADIX perennis, repens, geniculata, alba, geniculis $
plurimis fibris capillata. $
CAULES plurimi, fefquipedales et ultra, erefti, fim- I
plices, glabri, ftriati, teretes, fpongiofi, fig. ?
i, medulla filiformi, compa&a, in radicious a
tenaci. X
FOLIA verticillata, ofto circiter, brevia, Iinearia, |
glaberrima, avenia; ad lentem punftata, f
pun&is excavatis. %
FLORES hermaphroditi plerumque, prefertim vere, f
ad finem seltatis plures iaemineos obfervavi, 4
axillares, fefliles,
CALYX nullus. f
COROLLA nulla.
STAMEN: Filamentum unicum, apici germinis f-
infidens, primo breviffimum, demiffo pol- I
line longitudine piftilli. A nthera biloba, §
purpurafcens, majufcula, Jig. 2, 3. |
PISTILLUM: Germen oblongum. Stylus bre- $
viflimus, n.udus. Stigma fubulatum, album, |
ad lentem villofum, fig. 4, c. 6. ’ |-
SEMEN unicum, oblongum, nudum, fubofleum, intus $
album, medio fufcum, membrana feu arillo f
tenui obte&um, Jig. 7, 8, 9. |
ROOT perennial, creeping, jointed and white, the
joints furnilhed with numerous capillary fibres
STALKS numerous, a foot and a half or more in
height, upright, Ample, fmooth, llriated,
round, fpongy, fig. the pith like a thread
in the centre, compaft, and in the roots
LEAVES growing in whirls, about eight in number,
Ihort, linear, perfectly fmooth, without veins,
dotted when magnified, the dots appearing
hollow. 6
FLOWERS for the moft part hermaphrodite, efpe-
cially in the fpring; at the clofe of the fum-
mer I have obferved many of them to be
female, growing in the alas of the leaves, and
CALYX none.
STAMEN : a fingle Filament, fitting on the top of
the germen, at firft very Ihort, on fhedding
the pollen becoming as long as the piltillum.
A nthera compofed of two lobes, purplilh
and rather large, Jig. 2, 3. *
PISTILLUM: G ermen oblong. Sty le very fhort,
naked. Stigma tapering to a point, white
SEED-VEaSSEdrnoyu :hen 5, 6-
SEED fingle, oblong, naked, hard, white within, and
in the centre brown, covered with a thin
membrane or arillus, Jig. 7, 8, 9»
' p * » . y « | g | fe e l, aud ;h t “ Ccoau filT a b L P°q“ ^ T ° “ ^
| ^ « - *
It flowers and produces its feeds from June to Augujl.
P riversTft'an cxce^ngly’ trmjMefome6^ 61^ 6^ U h ^r£3t | H and ««.ha™ been informed, that in fome
Iroots to be of t h e & m° " readJy beHeve’ ha™ S « P a^ e d its.
|; A tranfverfe feftion of its ftalk is a beautiful microfcopic obje£l.
I On examining this plant we have fometimes, found its flowers to be female only..