piilobium Tetragonum. Square-Stalk’d Willow-Herb.
EPILOBIUM Linnoei Gen. PL Octandria Monogvnia.
Cal. 4-fidus. Petala 4. Capf. oblonga, inféra. Sem. pappofa.
Rail Syn. Gen. 22. Herbæ vascdliferæ flore tetrapetalo anomalæ.
EPILOBIUM tetragonum foliis lanceolatis denticul&tis ; caule tetragono ; ftigmate integerrimo.
EPILOBIUM folds lanceolatis, denticulatis ; intis oppofitis, caule tetragono. Lin. Sy/l. Vegetab
p. 297. Sp. Plant. 495. . - â
EPILOBIUM foliis lanceolatis, glabris, dentatis. Haller hiß. p. 426. n. am.
CHAMÆNERION tetragonum.. Scopoh Flor. Camiol. p. 271. 4^4,
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa glabra media five minor. Gerard emac. 479.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa glabra minor. Bauhin Pin. 245. R a il Syn. p. 311. 5. Middle finooth-
leaved codded Willow-herb, or Looieftrife.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 1. p. 141. cd. 2. p . 162.
Lightfoot FI. Scot.p. 198.
ftDIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris albidis, ftolpnibus b RO OT perennial, fibrous, the fibres whitilh repaired
quotannts reparata, non vero repens. | • yearly by new (hoots, but not creeping
MUS ereftus, fuperne valde ramofus, bipedalis,
rigidus, inferne purpurafcens, fubtetragonus,
| STA LK upright, at top much branched, about two
| feet high, ftiff, at bottom purplilh, fmooth,
▼ ■ ' and fomewhat fquare.
klA fqbdecurrentia unde caulis angulofus, infe- | LEAVES fomewhat decurrent, whence the angular
f amsearance of the fl.riora lanceolata, fuperiora lineari-lanceolata, lt . ,h. f t l l S I S I l
ferrata, venofa, glabra.
LORES parvi, purpurei.
1LYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, foliis lan-
ceqlato-acuminatis, pubefcentibus, carinatis,
apicibus rufis, Jig. 1.
jOROLLA: Prtala quatuor, purpurea, venis fa-
turatioribus faspe ftriata, calyce paulo lon-
giora, emarginata, Jig. 2.
LAMINA: Filamehta 06I0, quorum quatuor bre-
■ vipra: A ntheras flavelcentes, Jigi3.
STILLUM: G ermen tetragonum, pubefcens :
Stylus brevis, albus: Stigma craffum,
album, integerrimum, Jig. 4.
PlCARPIUM: Capsula Iongiflima, fere triun-
cialis, pedunculis triplo brevioribus infidens.
4 appearance o f the ftalk; the lower ones lanf
ceolate ; the upper ones narrower, ferrated,
veiny, and fmooth.
$ FLOWERS fmall and purple.
C A L Y X : a Perianthium divided into four feg-
ments, which are narrow and tapering to a
h point, downy, the midrib proje&ing on the
| under fide, the tips reddifh, Jig. 1.
a CO RO L LA : four Pe t al s, purple, often ftreaked
$ withveinsofadeepercolour,fomewhatIonger
«> than the calyx, with a notch at top, Jig. 2.
| STAMINA : eight Filaments, four long and four-
Ihort: A n th e r s yellowifh, fig. 3.
| PISTILLUM : G ermen fquare, downy: Sty le
f f t ° rt and white : Stigma thick, white, and
H _ pcrfeElly entire, Jig. 4.
| SEED-VESSEL : a very long Capsule, approaching
to three inches, fitting on a flower-ftalk
thrice as Ihort.
|M1NA plurima, pappofa. SEEDS numerous and downy.
lith hmrever taIces its name of tetragonum. From the apparent fquarenefs of its ftalk
appearance arifinT a s 'W m a n ^ A i 1 HyP^ipim quadrangulum, but affumes rather an
'ftalk: this however i f ’nnr o fTl 7 ln n P antS’ ,from0Pr°JeSmg lines running from the leaves down
uownels of its leaves the f tbe T1“ 1 1 charafiers of this fpecies : to which may be added the
ikies b, which VM i "ncomi™ n lcng5.h„.of >ts P<>ds, and its undivided ftigma*. Thefe are the necu
««. ^ . c h t h t s plant may read.ly be d.ftmguiftted ; but too much ftrefs l u l l not be la i^ n fotL of
t e f p e c i f c chlraaerbse.inbSu?',an ^ iE°n,a PeduncIefl ° r l ^ ' l o f e to the ftalk, are in general confidered
r^vesbeinffrnm**; Ct r ’1 b , 'P ,ntA as wel1 as fome others, we have a proof of their fallibilitv-
U When I firft a T h i e 'r f “ broa^ s tb9fe °fthe montanum, and placed on foot-ftalks of a confidence
|ft tcful attention too i^t,a fattetrewi waradrds™s c™on ™vinhc ed mVe ai-t" ew^as o1 n™ly a ' evda rtioe tcyo’.ndude il “ > be a diftina <pecies?but
^«£t ^ ad f :T nTwhere Vdn^ T nr n P'anVWin1 “V but, is ge” eralI>'to be met with in waterX ditches,
r ili” tbe^anejeadtbg^rom Am° ng “ ° f Qth" P'a“ ' 1 ba™
( °Wn witl1 the other Willow-herbs,
»'met has no reafon to complain of it: nor is it celebrated in the annals ofphyfio.
,V* r f" !” ! frl1 10 h,yf bcB1 "“dt“ 1 V RAy * f e a r « tf in txwknl' pndrifiim 0. Hilt. PI. p. 86,.