Pl a n t a g o media. Hoary Plantain»
PLANTAGO Lin. Gen. PI. T etrandria Monogÿnia.
Cal. 4-fidus. Cor. 4-fid a : limbo reflexo. Stamina löngiflima. Capf
2-locularis, circumfcifl’a.
Raii Syn. Gen. 22. Herb® vasculiferæ flore tetrapetalo anomale.
PLANT AGO media foliis ovato-lanceolatis pubefcentibus, fpica cylindrica, fcapo terçti. Lin. Syß.
Végétai. pk 131* Sp. PI. p. 163. FI. Suec. n. 13©»
PLANTAGO foliis fubhirfutis, ellipticis, fpica cylindrica denfa. Haller. Hiß. n. 659.
PLANTAGO media. Scopoli FI. Carniol. 162.
PLANTAGO latifolia incana. Baubin. Pin. 189.
PLANTAGO major incana. Parkins. 493.
PLANTAGO incana-. Ger. emac. 419. Raii Syn. pk 3I4. Hoary Plantain, of Lamb’s Tongue,
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. pk 63. Lightfoot PI. Scot. p. 117.
IRADlX perennis, craffitie digiti aut pollicis, fubConica, | ROOT perennial, the thicknefs of one’s finger or
I T apice in crura aliquot divifa, extus nigricans, | thumb, fomewhat conic, dividing at the top
plurimis fibrillis inftru&a, J . into a few branches, externally of a blackifh
* colour, and furnifhed with numerous fibres.
FOLIA ovata, breviffime petiolata, fupra terram ex-1 LEAVES ovate, Handing on very fhort fbot-ftalks*
■ panfa, interioribus fenfim minoribus, quinque-1 expanded on the ground, - the innermoft granervia,
fubrugofa, utrinqUe pubefcentia, inte-1 dually fmalleft, having five ribs, fomewhaC
gerrima. $ wrinkly, downy on both fides, and entire at
| the edges.
BIapi plures, terete's, lhfra folia prodeuntes-, fpitha-1 FLOWERING-STEMS feveral, round, proceeding from
m msi, aut pedales, eredli, pubefcentes, pubei below the leaves, from feven inches to a foot
fuperne erefta, adpreffa. | in height, upright, downy, the hairs on the
t • upper part of it upright, and prefled to the
| folk.
BiC^florum Cylindrical pollicares aut palmares* | SPIKES'of the flowers cylindrical, from one to fcun
| inches in length.
R aCTEA, feu fquamula lanceolata, concava, margined FLORAL-LEAF, a floral-leaf or lanceolate fmall hol-
membranacea, Angulo flolculo fubjicitury lon-| low fcale, membranous at the edge, and of the
gitttdine ealycis. I length of the calyx, is placed under each floret.
»CALYX: Perianthium quadripartitum, ere&um, per-1CALYX : a Perianthium deeply divided into four
fiftens; laciniis ovatis, acutiufculis, membra-1 fegments, eredt and permanent; the fegments
naceisj nervo viridi infignitis»- Jig. iy j ovate, a little pointed, membranous, and
I marked with a'green rib. fig. 1.
[COROLLA monopetalay perfiftens, tabefcens. Tabus ? COROLLA monopetalous, permanent, withered. Tube
cylindraceusy baft globofus. Limbus quadri-| cylindrical, with a globular bafe. Limb divipartitus,
depreflus, laciniis ovatis, acutis. Jig. 2. t ded into four fegments, which are prefled
| downwards, ovate and pointed. Jig. 2.
I STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, capillaria, ere£to-$ STAMINA: four Filaments very {lender, fomewhat
patentia, calyce t.riplo longiota,.purpurafcentia. | fpreading, thrice the length of the calyx, of a
Anther.® alba?, incumbelites, una extremi-^ \ a purplifh colour. A nther® white, laying
tate bifida, altera mucronatA. Jig. 3. t acrofs the filaments, one end bifid, the other
| pointed. Jig. 3.
H 5T1LLUM: Germen ovatum. Stylus filifbrmis, $PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate. Style thread-fhaped,
pilofus, fominibus breviorv . St LgiAa fimplex. j hairy, fhorter than the fomina. Stigma 1 f I flmple.^.4.
BlpRICARPIUlVr; C ap sV l a dvalis, circumfcifla, dif-t SEED-VESSEL: an oval C a p s u l e , dividing horizon-
perma. fig. 6.- | tally in the middle, and- containing two feeds.
■ > ? Jig. 6.
RMINA bina, hinc convexa, inde piano concava. | SEEDS two together, convex on one fide, and piano con-
fig. 7. ^ cave on the other. Jig. -7.
Hpiis fpecies of Plantain has a large root when fully grown, which penetrates deep into the earth, and be'ng
fijpplied with numerous lateral fibres, it fupports itfelf in the moft fcorching feafons, when the plants around ic p e fluently burnt up. It is alfo one of thofd plants which are not deftroyed by repeated mowing, as moll
■ ns ai'fi grafs plats fufficiently teftify.
■ t may be diftinguifhed from the common Plantain by the leaves being fmaller, and hoary, ftanding on fhorter
1M°C -S’ Ving cl°fe to the ground, and having no notches on the edges; by its fpikes being fhorter, its filaments
y ?|er’ panther« whiter and more fhowy, and, if any other difference were wanting, we might add, that its
Mr?es* iuftead of many, contain only two feeds, as in the lanceolata.
■ out London it is not fo common as either the lanceolata or major; but where the foil is chalky no plant occprs
B°o? ‘recR^ntly. It flowers from June to Augujl.
■ rneePi Goats, and Swine, eat i t : Kiue and Horfes refufe it. Lin. Pan. Suec.