ßutomus Umbellatus. Flowering Rufh, or Water Gladiole.
BUTOMUS Linncei Gen. PL E nneandria Hexagynia.
Raii Syn. Gen. 1 7 . H e r b .® multisiliqu® seu c o r n i c u l a t ^
BUTOMUS-umbellatus. Linn. Spec. Plant, p. 532.
JUNCUS floridus major. Bauhin Pin. p. 12.
GLADIOLUS paluftris Cordi. Gerard emac. p. 29.
Raii Syn. ed. 3. p. £73. Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 152. Scopoli Flor. Carn. ed. 2. p. 28^ Haller Hiß. PL Helv. vol. 2'. p. 81.
I RADIX perennis, alba, tuberculofa, tranfverfa, edu- | ROOT perennial, white, lis ? ex inferiore parte radiculas praelongas | from its under fkidneo bfbeyn,d tirnagn fvdeorwfen, eaa tgarbelaet? dimittens. <£> nufhber of very long fibres.
SCAPUS pedalis ad orgyalem, teres, glaber. ^ STALK round, fmooth, from one to five or fix feet | high, according to its place of growth.
i> FOLIA tbriaqfuineftrpaa,t hfapcoenag,iaopfiac,i 7b%us. c1o, mfcparpeof fbisr,e tvoiroturao,f iasd. |$ LEAVESf tatrlkia, ngatu labro, ttfopmon gftyie, afitghy. ,1 , aftl iotortpe r ftlhaat,n atnhde |i twifted.
FLORESt ainle sU, me bvealglinai,s made mtribgrianntaac e; isp epdroudnecuunlit edsi.g i- j$jj FLOWERpeSd unnucmlee roofu asb, outot at hfiinrgtye,r ’se alecnhg othn, fao rfminignlge
an Umbell, furrounded at bottom by wither-
a ed membranous fheath's.
CALYX : Involucrum triphyllum, foliolis lanceo- *
latis, marcefcentibus. . - <
< COROLLA: Petala fex, inasqualia, fubrotunda, \
concava, rofea, fig. 2, alternis minoribus, <
acutioribus, fig. 3. ,
STAMINA : Filament a novem, fubulata, fig. 4, 5.
vAunntt ohbelorn®g aien,f riudbernat;e,s q,u dadurmif uplcoaltlianee, mni1 uicnrvoonle- bcorerdvai ttaeer, mcionmaptirnelgia. ;6, , b7i,l aemmieflllbo fpeo,l lifnige . fu4b:-
Pollen flaviflimum.
‘ CALYX:I haanp edIn, vaondl uwcirthuemre do,f three leaves, fpear-
• COROLLA: compofed o f fix Petal s, which are
| roundiffi, concave, and moft commonly o f a
, bright red,72^. 2: the three exterior fmaller,
; and more pointed, fig. 3.
• STAMINA: nine Filaments, tapering,fig. 4, 5.
Athne tfhheedrd®in gf iottfi ntgh eo Pn otlhleen ,f iolabmloenngt,s ,r ebdedfiofrhe, hfhaovritn gp ofionut,r grooves, and terminated by a fomewhat hefaigrt-. f6h,a p7e,d ,a pfplaeta, rainngd aasft eifrw caormds-
<> pofed of two lamella;, fig. 4 : the Pollen
| is o f a bright yellow colour.
j P1STILLrUioMre : lGateiorrme,e nco fnuvbetxrioa,n gulare, latere exte- PISTILLUM: the G ermen nearly triangular, the fex fubulati, fig. 9, 10: St y l i X outer fide broad and roundilh, fig. 9,10: fix fig. 8 ;• Stigma canaliculatum. || cShtaynlneesl ,i nta ipt,e rwinhgic: ht haeft eSrwtiagrmdsa f phraesa da sf minatoll | two lips, fig. 11, 12.
PERICAeRrePfItUaeM, u: nCivaaplvseusl, ®apfiecxe, obbillaobnigaatee,, aitntternourfautme, || SEED-VuEpSrSigEhLt,: foixf Coanep suvallevse,, oobpleonnign,g tianpwerairndgs,' dehifcentes, fig-. 11, 12. X fig. n , 12.
I ' $ SEMINA plurima, minuta, oblonga, fufca, fig. 13. $ SEEDS numerous, fmall, oblong, brown, fig. 13.
I e"W yee afirns df itnhcise , ftiat tewlays pfloaunnt,d ignr oawndin bgy i nth Set .f iGdeeos rogfe ’so Furie wldast ;e ryb udti ttchhee sim, pflroowveerminegn tfsr omma kJiunlgy i nto thSaetp, teamndb eort.h eAr I a<Pacent to Eondon, now oblige us to go further in fearch of this, and many other curious plants.
1 h v™erayn df‘c a°rfc Se t'i-nH emleannay* noethare rD eppatrftosr do,f and in the Marfhes by Blackwall, it is found in great abundance, | derive great beauty from the introduaion of Gthriesa et-lBegraitnati nn.a tivFeif ho fp oonudr s,I foler; otthhee rh apniedcfeosm eo fa pwpaetearr,a nwceo uoldf Ch. HIM tint s&on. »• ________ „1J P . „ ...1. _ J _ -1 ■ .1 ,, ml TTT VTl i • i
I i, . u§n yvmeryn uf cUair coet . inne imcnaan,y n oetahr eure ppaijrotrsa o, fa nGar eina tt-nBer iMtaainri.n esF ibfyh Jpilaocnkdwsa, Uo,r ito tish etor upnide cmes gorefa wt aabteurn, dwanocuel,d
I I„Pp'Yf ?'Jja tn obte aeufctya pfer oomu rt hceo uinnttrroydmuaani,o no ldo f Gthis elegant native of our Ifle; the handfome appearance of [ „ Ura,,ty Rufb> an others, is the faireft and meorfta prldea, fwanhto t od ebfechroibleds, aitn dth fuesr:v e“th Tvheery Wwealtle rf oGr tlhade idoelec,k inogr II a, r p• etns rlntsm nininge u p of houfes, becaufe of the beautie and braverie thereof.”-.----That accurate observer Ray, Stamina, although in his time, they were not viewed in that confequential light which they 1 kin °U1 P ^ ent Syftems of Botany. It is the only plant of the clafs Enneandria, which grows wild in this I »^ 111e1 u1o noItf evaet giet.t abIlet si s wfoe rhea crdlayf faesd taoc bcoeardr itnhge tcoo ltdh eoirf nLaatpulraanl da.ffinities, this would rank among the Lilies,