SPERGULA Linn. Gen. PI. Decandria Pen tagynia,
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herbie Pentapetalas V asculifer^e.
SPERGULA arvenfis foliis verticillatis, floribus decandris. Linn. Syfl.Vegetab.fi. 363. Sp.Pl.fi.630.,
Flor. Suec. n. 419.
ALSINE foliis verticillatis, feminibus rotundis. Haller Hifl. n. 873.
ALSINE fpergula di£la major. Bauhin Pin. 251.
SAGINA Spergula. Ger. emac. 1125.
SAGINA Spergula major. Parkinf. 562. Raii Syn.p. 351. Spurrey. Hudfon FI. Angled. 2. fi. 203.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. fi. 243.
A.DIX annua, fibrofa. ROOT annual and fibrous.
JOULES plures, fpithamaei, feu pedales, fubere&i, | STALKS numerous, about a fpan or a foot in length,
teretes, laeves, fuperne vifcofi, geniculis glo- £ nearly upright, round, fmooth, on the upper
bofis. I part clammy, joints globular.
TIPULvE ad genicula binae, breviflimae, apicibus in- | STIPUL./E growing in pairs at the joints, very fhort,
[ feriorum reflexis. | the tips o f the lower ones reflexed.
tOLIA verticillata, fafciculos duos conftituentia, folio- | LEAVES growing in whirls, and forming two bun-
lis ofto circiter in quovis fafciculo, interiori- § dies, about eight in each bundle, the inner
bus fenfim minoribus, linearia, teretia, apici- | ones gradually fmalleft, linear, round, tips
bus flavis, dorfo linea exarato, fuperioribus $ yellow, with a deep furrow on the back, the
vifcofis. a upper ones clammy.
[LORES albi, pulchelli, paniculati, panicula dicho- | FLOWERS white, pretty, growing in a panicle, which
toma. * § is dichotomous.
,/EDUNCULI vifcofi, perafta florefcentia penduli. PEDUNCLES clammy, hanging down when the flowff
ering is over. ■ ALYX: Pe r ia n th iu m pentaphyllum, foliolis ova- | CALYX: a P e r ia n th iu m o f five leaves, the leaves
tis, obtufiufculis, concavis, patentibus, perfift- | ovate, bluntilh, concave, fpreading, permaentibus,
marginibus albidls,j%-. 1. 4 nent, the edges w h itifh ,^ -. 1.
COROLLA: Pe t a l a quinque, ovata, acutiufcula, f COROLLA: five Pe t a l s , ovate, a little pointed, j concava, calyce longiora, ungue brevi affix a, concave, longer than the calyx, affixed by a
Jig. 2. $ . . fhort claw, fig. 2. STAMINA: F il am e n t a decern, alba, fubulata; A n- | STAMINA: ten F il am e n t s , white, tapering: A n-
ther& fubrotundae, flava$,fig. 3. b th er^e roundifh and yellow, fig. 3. rISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum; S t y l i quin- f PISTILLUM: G ermen roundifh; S t y l e s five,
i que, breves, reflexi; S t ig m a t a fimplicia, | fhort, reflexed; S t ig m a t a , fimple, fig . 4 .
■ p n g &
ris, quinquevalvis, fig. 5. f the remaining calyx, of one cavity and five
PERICARPIUM: C a p su l a ovata, tefta, unilocula- | SEED-VESSEL: an ovate C a p su l e , covered by
t valves,'^ . . 5 .
SEMINA plurima, majufcula, nigricantia, depreflo- b SEEDS numerous, rather large, blackifh, round, with
globofa, punftis rufis prominulis ad lentem $ a fmall degree of ffatnefs, if viewed with a
exafperata, annulo manifefte cin&a.j^. 6, 7. magnifier befet with fmall, reddilh, promib
nent points, and encircled with a manifeft
* ring, fig. 6, 7.