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Pa p a v e r D u b i u m . L o n g -Sm o o t h -H e a d e d P o p p y .
PAPAVER Linn. Gen. P l. Polyandria Monogynia.
Cor. 4-petala. Cal. 2-phyllus. Capfula ï-locularis, fub ftigmate
poris dehifcens.
R aii Syn. Gen. 22. Herba vasculifera flore tetrapetalo a
PAPAVER dubium capfulis oblongis glabris, caule multlfloro fetis adpreflis, foliis pinnatifldis incifis.
Linn. Syß. Vegetab. p. 407. Sp. PI. 726. F l. Suec. n. 467. '
PAPAVER foliis hifpidis, pinnatis, pinnis lobatis, fru6iu ovato laevi. Haller. Hiß. n. 1063.
PAPAVER erraticum capite longiffimo glabro. Tourn. Inft. 238.
PAPAVER laciniato folio, capitulo longiore glabro, feu Argemone capitulo Iongiore glabro. Mor. H.
R . B l. H. Ox. II. 279. S. III. t. 14. fig . 11. R aii Syn. p. 309. Smooth-headed
Ballard-Poppy. Hudfon. FL Angl. p. 231. Lightfoot F l. Scot. p. 280.
This plant, in its general appearance, is fo very limilar to the Papaver Rhceas, as often to be overlooked
and miftaken for thatfpecies. Were the flowers white, as Jacquin informs us they conftantly are in Auftria,
the two plants would be much more obvioufly diftinguilhed; but, fortunately, it has a few charaflers which
always point it out to the attentive obferver. Thefe are principally drawn from the Capfules and Flower-ftalks;
the Capfules of the Rhceas are broad and fhort, fomewnat refembling one-half o f an egg cut tranfverfely:
thofe of the dubium are long and (lender. Such is the general appearance of the two Capfules, which,
however, are fubje£l to confiderable variation. In the Rhceas, the hairs on the Flower-ftalk are ftrong, rigid,
and fpread horizontally ; in the dubium they are finer, and prefled upward clofe to the ftalk*. On the young
Flower-ftalks, they aflume a Aiming, lilvery-white appearance, which looks very beautiful. Below the Flower-
ftalks, on the other parts of the plant, the hairs fpread out. In this laft charafter we do not recollefil to have
ever been deceived. Befides thefe, which are the principal differences, the ftalks and leaves of the dubium are
much paler: the flowers are alfo much fmaller, and lefs mtenfely red.
Culture produces no alteration in the conftancy o f its chara6lers.
In Batterfea-Fields, where the foil is light, the dubium is nearly as common, and as much of a weed,
as the Rhceas ; nor is it unfrequent on walls, in the environs o f the Metropolis; according to Mr. L ightfoot,
it is the moll common fpecies in North-Britain.
In a corn field, betwixt Croydon and Shirley-Common, we once noticed feveral fpecimens o f this poppy
with very large Capfules, which, if we miftake not, were difeafed.
It flowers in June.
* J acquin’s figure reprefents the hairs o f the Flower-ftalks rtfverfed, and the leaves too finely divided.