SAGINA Linnæi Gen. PI. T etranduia T it r a g y n ia .
Cal. 4-phyiIns. Petala. 4. Caps, i-locularis, 4-valvis, polyfperma.
Ran Syn. Gen. 24. Herbal fentapetaeæ vascu uferæ.
SAGINA Prooemiens ramis procumbentibus. U m . Syft. Végétai. Sp. Plant. 185. Fl. Suée. n. i55.
ALSINE -tetraftemon foliis connatis, lanceolatis. Haller HUI. n. 861.
SAGINA procumbens. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 183.
SAXIFRAGA anglicana alfinefolia., Gerard emac. 568.
CARYOPHILLUS minimus mufeofus noilras. Parkinfon 1340.
ALSINELLA mufeofo flore repens. Cat. Gifs. Rail. Syn,* 3 4 5 . Pearlwort, Chickweed Breakllone.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 73.
Lighifoot. Flor. Scot. p. 125.
I “ “ B H R I 1 H U Umbr° fis Î ROOT B B but in ftady places often r r ‘ y perennial. :
■ m .... J?
EAULES plurimi, in umbrofis hunientibus repentes,
in aridis ere&i, bi, triunciales, teretes, glabri*
geniculati, ramofi, proliferi.
> STALKS numerous, in fhady moift places creeping,
i in dry fituations upright, two or three inches
h - in length, round, fmooth, jointed, branched 9 and proliferous.
■ OLIA femunciam longa, oppofita, patentia, conna- f LEAVES half an I™«. r. r j -
ta, fubulata, mucronata, glabra, faturate vi- I °PPofite> fpreading, joinridia,
fafciculatim ramos terminantia. § f f i l u 1 » ! and termi'
■ UUd* nated by a fine hair-like point, fmooth, of
a deep green colour, ana terminating the
branches in clutters.
KEDUNCULI axillares, plerumque unrflori, alterni,
foliis longiores, priufquam flores aperiuntur
apice nutantes.
gALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ova-
tis, concavis, perfiftentibus, patentibus, fig . i.
■ ROLLA: Petala quatuor, minima, calyce trill10
breviora, alba, patentia, fiepe manca.
f A - 2. r '
■ AMINA: Filamenta quatuor, capillaria; A nther
ae fubrotundas, flavaSjjSgr. 3.
■ TILLUM: Germen fubglobofum; St y li qua-
tuor, fubulati, recurvi, pubefeentes; Stigmata
fimplicia, fig. 4.
BtICARPIUM: CARSuLAfubovata. pellucida, ca-
*Yce putulo infidens, unilocularis. quadrival- s-
B * INA num«rola. minima, rufa, receptaculo aflixa. !
| FLOWER-STALKS growing from the alae of the
(p leaves, ufually fupporting one flower, longer
| tllan the leaves, before the bloffoms open
6 nodding at top.
f ^^ LYX : a Perianthium of four leaves, which are
ovate, hollow, permanent, and fpreading,fg . 1.
| COROLLA: four Petals, very minute, three times
ft lhorter than the calyx, white, fpreading, and
| often imperfe&,_/Sg\ 2. s
t STAMINA: four Filaments very fine; A nther/e
1 roundifh and yellow, fig. 3.
1 PISTILLUM: G ermen fomewhat globular; S tyles
3 four, tapering, bending back a little, with
an appearance of down on them; Stigmata
■ fimple, fig. 4.
) SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule fomewhat ovate, and
) pellucid, fitting on the fpreading calyx, hav-
>. ing one cavity and four valves, fig. 5.
' SEEDS numerous, very fmall, of a reddilh brown
colour, and affixed to a receptacle.
H ';&“ pp~rare?inamoift%TadvVnuatlTnf ? an ^ 35 H i are fcw that fo great a
Pfkclofeturf and looks lilJ d“ » u i ? d e.fPeclaI,y if growing on the ground, it creeps and forms a
Bcmlly if it be the fhadv IM f S S i W i * 8 leaves H ° f a fine deep green and rather flefhy; on walls
m more flender ■ on wal f t L r [re^uend7 Srow? uFight eyen to the height of fix inches, and is in everv
l tT ls diverfity, the Angular I t CX? • e r therrTi;n gr°ws more than two inches high ■ under
||"1* | | eafl‘y diftiDgUi,h P '- e d t
P * petals a IE - very minute, generally imperfedl and fometimes wanting.
1 unufual to meet with it, having one fifth part of its ffuftification increafed.
I d °f a gravellF fol1 !t often becomes a troublefome weed in gravel walks,
■ “muiues to flower during the whole of the Cummer.
| f h e leaves t,
ave a good example of the folium mucronatum.