■ c a n d ix Pecten. Shepherds N eedle, of
■ Ve n u s ’ s C omb.
I SCANDIX Lin. Gen. PL P e n t a n d r ia D ig y n ia .
Corolla radiata. FruBus fubulatus. Petala emarginata. Flojculi difci
faspe mafculi.
R a iiSyn .Gen .il. U m b e l l if e r .« H erbas.
SCANDIX PeBen feminibus Isevibus roftro longiffimo. Lin.Syß. Veget. ed. 14. p. 287. Sp. Pl.p. 3158.
MYRRHIS feminis cornu longiffimo. Haller hiß. n. 754.
SCANDIX PeBen. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 349.
SCANDIX femine roftrato vulgaris. Bauh. Pin. 152.
PECTEN VENERIS feu fcandix. Ger.emac.p. 1040.
SCANDIX vulgaris, feu Peflen Veneris. Park. 916. Raii Syn. p. 207. Shepherds Needle, or
Venus’s Comb. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 123. Lightjoot FI. Scot. p. 166. Jacquin
FI. Aufir, t. 263.
1DIX annua, fimplex, albida, paucis fibrillis in- ^ RO OT annual, fimple, whitiffi, furniffied with few
ftru&a.' | fibres.
|ULIS nunc folitarius, nunc plures ex eadem ra- Q S T A LK fometimes Angle, fometimes feveral from
dice, ramofi, diffufi, villofi, femipedales, aut the fame root, branched, fpreading, villous,
pedales, inferne purpurei, aut lineis pur- $ half a foot or a foot in height, below purple,
pureis ftriati, teretes, ad geniculos vix i n c r a f - o r ftriped with purple lines, round, and
fati. / a fcarcely thickened at the joints.
ILIA dauci inftar tenuiter divifa, ad bafin vagi- | LEAVES finely divided like thofe o f wild carrot,
L nantia, laciniis linearibus, bifidis trifidifve, y forming a fheath at bottom, fegments linear;
acutis, ad lentem rariter ciliatis, Jig. 1. .2 . _ bifid or trifid, pointed, and, if viewed with
| a microfcope, thinly edged with hairs, Jig. 1.
IVOLUCRUM univerfale nullum.
BELLA: univerfalis plerumque biradiata.
I INVOLUCRUM : general Involucrum wanting.
, UMBEL : general Umbel ufually compofed o f two
INVOLUCRUM: partial Involucrum large, fiveleaved,
leaflets ribb’d, edged with hairs, and
FLOWERS o f the fmall Umbel from five to feven,
for the moll part fertile and white.
CO RO L LA : five Petal s, inverfely ovate, bent in
at the tip, fpreading, the outermoft petal
largeft, Jig. 2.
STAMINA five white Filaments ; A nther.« firft
greeniffi, finally blackilh, Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM : G ermen ftanding on a very fhort
footftalk, oblong and (lightly hirfute; Styles
two, tapering, upright and permanent;
S t ig m a t a fimple, Jig. 4, 5.
SEEDS two, brown, convex and ftriated on one
fide, and flat on the other, (lightly hirfute,
running out into a very long beak, fig. 7.
NECTAR Y at the bafe of the (lyles, of a purple
colour, fig. 6.
BOLUCRUM partiale magnum, pentaphyllum, <>
foliolis nervofis, ciliatis, bifidis. |
- ❖
|)RES Umbellulæ quinque ad feptem, plerumque $
m fertiles,£albæ. <j
^OLLA : Pe t a l a quinque, obverfe ovata, apice \
* indexa, patentia, exteriore majore; fig. 2.
MAMINA: Filamenta quinque, alba; A ntheræ
" prirào virefcentes, demum nigricantes,_/îg., 3.
BTILLUM: G ermen breviffime pedicellatum,
oblongum, hirfutulum ; S t y l i duo, fubu-
lati, ere&i, perfi(lentes ; S t ig m a t a fimpli-
CIa>$£. 4, 5-
J ^ A duo, fufca, hinc çonvexa, (Iriata, inde
plana hirfutula, in roftrum longiffimum ex-
currentia, fig. 7.
: ad bafin (lylorum, purpurei coloris,
*n corn not only in Great-Britain, but in all the fouthern parts of Europe, fometimes fe
■ » as to prove injurious, to the farmer.
diffinguifhed from all our other umbelliferous plants by the uncommon length of the beak
B'biHd * as we as by the Angularity o f the leaves of the Involucellum, which are uncommonly large
1 s *n June, and ripens its feed in July.
^ leaves, on their firft appearance above ground, are uncommonly long.