R a n u n c u l u s S c e l e r a t u s . C e l e r y - L e a v e d
C r o w f o o t .
RANUNCULUS L in . Gen. PI. Po lyand ria Po l yg yn ia .
R a ii Syn. Gen. îg . Herbæ semine nudo polyspêrmæ.
fceleratus foliis inferioribus palmatis ; fummis digitatis, fru&ibus oblongis. L in .
Syft. Vegetalr. p . 429. Sp. PI. p . 776. FI. Suecic. p . 194. n. 499.
foliis levibus, femitrilobatis, rotunde ferratis, fruftu ovato. Haller hiß. p . 74.
n- W 5-
fceleratus. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 688.
paluftris apii folio Isevis. . Bauhin. pin. 180.
paluftris rotundifolius. Ger.' emac. 962.
paluftris fardonia Isevis. Parkirfon 1215. R a ii Syn. p . 249. Round-leaved
Water Crowfoot.
Hudfon F l. Angl. p . 212*
Oeder Dan. icon. 570.
LightfootFI. Scot. p . 291. Celery-leaved Crowfoot*
RADIX annua, ^fibrofiflima, fibris albidis. I ROOT annual, exceedingly fibrous, the fibres whitifli.
CAULIS ereftus, pedalis ad bipedalem, infigniter 0 S T A LK upright, from one to two feet high, remark-
craffus, fiftulofus, laevis, ramofus. J ably thick, hollow, fmooth, and branched.
FOLIA radicalia longe petiOlata, nitida, fubcarnofa, f L E A V E S : radical leaves fitting on long foot-ftalks,
trilobata, lobis trifidis rotunde crenatis ; | Ihining, fomewhat flefny, divided into three
caulina fubfeftilia, palmata; fuprema ellip- 0 lobes; the lobes trifid, and roundly notched;
^ca* t ftalk-leaves nearly feflile, and palmated 3
uppermoft leaves elliptical.
FLORES exigui, flavi. I FLOWERS fmall and yellow.
C A L YX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis o- | C A L Y X : a Perianthium o f five leaves, the
vatis, concavis, flavefcentibus, deciduis, § leaves oval, hollow, yellowilh, and decifig
' 1- duous, Jig. 1.
COROLLA : Pe t al a quinque, parva, ovata, flava,
nitida, magnitudine calycis, decidua, fig . 2.
NECTARIUM : Fovea marginata, ad bafin cujufvis
petali, fig . 3.
STAMINA: Filamenta plurima, raro ultra viginti,
bafi tenuiora: A n th e r s flavae, compreflae,
biloculares, fig . g.
PISTILLUM: G e rmina numerofa, in capitulum
oblongum, colle&a: S tigm a ta minima,
germinibus infidentia.
SEMINA plurima, comprefla, ovato-acuminata, parva,
receptaculo oblongo affixa, fig . 6.
f CO RO L LA : five fmall,oval,yellow,fhiningPetals,
the fize of the Calyx, and deciduous, fig . 2.
N E C TAR Y ; a depreflion or pore at the bafe o f each
I Petal, furrounded by a prominent margin, J M- 3- ,
I STAMINA : F il am e n t s numerous, feldom more
I than twenty, flender at bottom : A n th e ræ
I yellow, flat, and bilocular, fig . g.
I PISTILLUM : G e rm in a numerous, collefted together
into an oblong head : S t ig m a t a very
f minute, fitting on the Germina.
Is SEEDS numerous, flat, oval, and pointed, fmall, af-
v fixed to an1 oblong receptacle, fig . 6.
This fpecies is diftinguifhed from the other Crowfoots, by its growing in or near the water, by its broad
mining bottom leaves, thick ftalk, fmall yellow flowers, and fmooth oblong feed-heads.
The leaves and flowers poffefs a confiderable degree of acrimony, fo as even to blifter the fkin, if applied
to i t : chewed m the mouth, they inflame and chop the tongue: nor have their effefts been lefs violent when
taken into the ftomach. It is fufpefted to have proved poifonous to Iheep. Haller hijl. helv. p. 75.
It begins to flower in May and June, and continues in bloflbm all the fummer, by the fides o f ponds and
ditches. ' ■*
It is eaten by goats, but refilled by kine, iheep, and horfes. Lin. Aman. Acad.