■ ANAGALLIS Lin. Gen. PI. P e n t a n d r i a M o n o g y n i a .
Cor. rotata. Caps, circumfcifla.
Raii. Syn. Gen. 18. H e r bæ f r u c t u s ic c o s in g u l a r i f l o r e m o n o p e t a l o .
■ ANAGALLIS tenella foliis ovatis acutiufculis, caule repente. Lin. Syß. Fegetab. p. 165. Sp. PI. 211.
I lYSIMACHIA tenella. Hudfon. Fl. Angl. cd. a. p. 87.
■ ANAGALLIS tenella Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 139.
I nUMMULARIA minor flore purpurafcente. Bauhin pin. 310. Ger. emac. 630. Park 555. Raii. Syn.
p. 283. Purple-flowered Moneywort.
erennis, fibrofa.
, plurimi, bipollicares aut palmares, teretes,
Iglabri, repentes, ramofi, geniculis purpureis.
■ »ppofita, parva, fubrotunda, integerrima, utrin-
■ j.que glabra, petiolis breviflimis iiilidentia.
iCULI axillares, bini, longi, ètiam pollicares,
lere&i, demum incurvati, fimpliees, uniflori.
RES fubcampanulati, pro ratione plant® majuf-
jculi, venis rubellis, faturatioribus picti, fig.
hX: Pe r ia n th iu m quinquepartitum, laciniis
ilanceolatis, concavis, rubro punCtatis, corolla
[brevioribus. fig. 1. 2. 10.
■ LA rotata, quinquepartita, laciniis ovatis,
[ereftis, acutiufculis, carneis, venis faturatioribus
ghiatis. fig. 3.' 4.
■ A: F i l a m e n t a quinque, alba, pilofiflima,
fpilis albis, fubereCtis, articulatis : A n t h e r s
jovat®, flav®. fig. .5 6. 7. 8.
(LUM : G erm en fubrotundum; S t y l u s fubu-
llatus, antheris paulo longior, S t i g m a
fimplex. fig. 9.
■ RPIUM: Capsula circumfcifla, magnitudine
Tpfiinis coriandri, rotunda, pallida, l®vis. fig.
^»plurima, fubangulataj apice truncata. fig.
3- HRO
OT perennial and fibrous^
STALKS numerous from two to four inches long,
round, fmooth, creeping, branched, the joints
LEAVES oppofite, fmall, nearly round, entire at the
edge, fmooth on both fides, fitting on very
fliort foot-ftalks.
FLOWER-STALKS growing in pairs from the al®
of the leaves, even an inch in length, upright,
but finally bent downward, Angle, and fup-
; porting one flower on each.
: FLOWERS fomewhat bell-lhaped, rather large for the
fize o f . the plant, of a reddifh colour, and
painted with deeper colour’d veins, fig. 3. 4.
; CAL YX: a P e r i a n t h iu m d e ep ly divided in to five
fe gm ents , w h ic h are lanc eo la te, con ca v e ,
d otted w ith red, and Ihorter than the co ro lla .
; fig- 2- IO-
! COROLLA wheel-fhaped, deeply divided into five
fegments, which are ovate, upright, a little
pointed, of pale red, ftriped with veins of a
deeper colour, fig. 3. 4.
; STAMINA: five F ilaments, of a white colour and
very hairy, the hairs upright, white alfo and
; jointed; Anther.® ovate and of a yellow
; colour. Fig. 5. 6. 7. 8.
! PISTILLUM: G e r m e n roundiih; S t y l e tapering,
i a little longer than the Anther® ; S t i g m a
f fimple. Fig. 9.
I SEED VESSEL: a round C a p s u l e , fmooth, of a
pale colour, about the fize of a Coriander
s feed, fplitting horizontally in the middle,
fc Fig. 11. 12.
| SEEDS numerous, fomewhat angular and cut off at
P top. Fig. 13. 14.
J p horizontal divifion of the capfule, joined to the hairinefs of the filaments, be the characters which
1 ^enus Anagallis, this plant is undoubtedly with much propriety referred to it by L inn/£Us, and
K troi that ° f Lyfimachia with which it was before connected; for it not only has an evident Capfula
» b u t the hairs of the filaments are alfo jointed, in which they refemble thofe of the Anagallis arvcnjis
H r deicribed and figured in the beginning of this work— Producing ripe capfules but fparingly, and grow-
juunions not always the eafieft of accefs, it is no wonder that thefe difcoveries fhould be of modern date.
pUDsoN m the fecond edition of his Flora Anglica without afligning any reafons, chufes to continue it a
i eiY common_ plant on Bogs, indeed there is fcarce a bog of any extent on which it is not to be found,
gw; part of Shirley-Common affords it moft abundantly, it flowers in the months of June, July, and Au-
■ 0war<*s the end of the latter ripens its capfules.