rjlPSACUS Lift. Gen. Pi. T etrandria Monogynia
Calyx communis, polyphyllus ; proprius fuperus. Recept. paleaceum.
Pali. Syn. Gen. 8. Herb.® corymbiferis afftnes.
DTPSACtJS capitulis ovatis, foliis arcuatis circumvallatis, ariftis fquamarum reCtis. Haller H
DIPSACUS fylveftris feu Labrum Veneris. I. B. III. 74.
DIPSACCJS fylveftris aut Virga paftoris major. C. B. pin. 385.
©IPSACUS fylveftris. Ger. emac. 1167. Parkins. 984.
jHudfon. FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 6.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 113.
Jacquin FI. Auflr. t. 402.
» D ix biennis,Simplex, H H MjufcuKs donatus.
fcAüUS tripedalis ad orgyalem, I ramofus, teres,
' ' ftriatus, inanis, inferius fpinis rarmsdifpofids,
.prope- capitula creberrimis horridus,
■ ILIA radicalia primi amii fupta teffam in orbem
■ fparfa, ovato-oblonga, obtufiufcula, crenatoferrâta,
rugofa, fpinulis rarioribus afpera,
caulina faltem inferiora minus. rugofa,. bafi
adeo connata ut finum magnum efficiant, poft
•pluvias aquâ plénum, ovato-acuta, crenata,
■ fpinis ad marginem et nervum -medium ra-
rius obfitum, fumma minus connata, magif-
que lanceolata, integerrima et fere inermia.
ICAPITÜLÄ plürimä, -folitariä, ereCta, oväto-oblonga,
KLORES pufpurei, 'circa medium capituli prhno
ENVOLUCRUM polyphyflum, foliolis fubiinearibus,
rigidis, fpinulofis, furfum arcuatis, longi-
tudine capituli, iröequafäbus.
KÄLYX: Perianthium proprtaeö, minimum, vlride,
ciliatürh. fig. 1.
pPROLLA monopetala, tubulofa; Tubus infundibuli-
formis, bafi attenuatus, aibidus, aft ientem
villofulus ; Limbus quadrifidus, ereChi«, pur-
pureus, laciniis obtufis, extimä majori.^. 2»
STAMINA: Pflämenta quatuor, albida, capillaria,
refta, tubo corollae inferta; A nther® in-
cumbentes, oblongas, violacea?. fig. 3.
JISTILLUM': Germen inferum, tetragonum, albt-
dum, fulcatum, margine fuperne viridi;
Stylus filiformis albus, corolla paulo hrevior;
,Stigma canaliculatum, lubinflexum fig. 4.' 5- 6.
B jCEPTACULUM paleaceum, paleis longitudine '
ftaminum,, rigidis, ariftatis, fupremis longi- ,
oribus, bafi concavis, fubtriangularibus; 1
Arifia acuminata, re&a, hilpidula. fig. 8.
RO OT biennial, fimple, furnilhed with large fibres.
STA LK from three to fix feet high, branched, round,
ftriated, hollow, fpinous, fpines near the
bale but few, near the heads very numerous,
long and lharp.
L E A V E S : radical leaves of the firft years plant
Ipread on the ground in a circular form, are
o f an oblong oval lhape, bluntilh at the point,
notched on the edges, wrinkled, and rough
with Ipines thinly fcatter’d ever the leaf,
thole of the Jlalk at leaft the lowermoft ones,
are lefs wrinkled, and united at the bale in
fuch a manner as to form a large cavity,
which contains water after rain, of an oval
pointed lhape, notched, and thinly befet with
Ipines on the edge and mid-rib, the uppermofi
leaves llightly united at the bale, narrower,
entire, and almoft free from Ipines.
HEADS numerous, growing fingly on footftalks, upright,
of an oblong egg lhape, fomewhat
pointed at top.
FLOWERS purple, firft breaking forth about the
middle of the head.
INVOLUCRUM compofed ofm&ny leaves which are
fomewhat linear, rigid, befet with fmall
fpines, bending upwards, the length of the
heads, unequal.
C A L YX : the Perianthium of each flofcule is very
minute, green and edged with hairs, fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous, tubular ; the Lube funnel-
Ihaped, narrowed at the bale, whitilh and
llightly villous if magnified; the Limb divided
into four legments, upright, purple, the
fegments obtufe, the outermoft largeft.^. 2.
STAMINA : four F ilaments, of a whitilh colour,
very fine, ftraight, inferted into the tube of
the corolla ; Anther.® incumbent, oblong,
of a violet colour, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM: Germen placed below the calyx, four
corner’d, whitilh, grooved, the edge on the
upper part green; Sty le thread-lhaped,
white, a little Ihorter than the corolla,
Stigma channeled and bent a little in.
fig* 4- 5* 6.
, RECEPTACLE chaffy chaff the length of the Stamina,
rigid, bearded, the uppermoft longeft, at bottom
hollow, and fomewhat triangular ; the
Beard or awn running out to a long, ftraight,
and fomewhat hifpid point, fig. 8.
pEantient Botanifts always conlidered the wild and the manured Teafel as two diftinCt fpecies, and ’till the
•/ II WaUS kUt 0ne °P1Ij^on prevailed on the fubjeCt, that great Botanift too haftily concluded that the Dip-
■ J .nv” B P onty a variety o f thefyhejlris, fome few have implicitly followed that opinion, but Haller and
wwuin ailtinguifhed by their nice difeernment and accurate deferiptions unite in confidering the [ylvefiris as a
Blah 1 °tal ^ S l i p : from the fullonum : in the manured Teafel the leaves of the Involucrum are Ihorf and hori-
H V exte. ed, in the wild one they are long and encircle the head, the Paleas in the former are always hooked
|P e extremity,
m H I tbo’ cultivated, many .other diftin&ions will be pointed out when we give the
l i p f a n n e r of cultivating the manured Teafel.
■ Pls . Pecies grows very commonlvon the edues of 1
from TniT^o Srows vety commonly on the edges of paftures, in uncultivated places, by road fides, and flowers
fin t0 ^ePtember*
cure warts ^ “ I tbe baf'0“ form’d by the union of the leaves towards the bottom of the ftalk is faid to
Kame nfT £ 6 ban^s fcveral times-wafhed with it, and hence R ay conjectures this plant might have received
Blattle ‘ 1 L‘a°rum " ’ner 'lsl^
|vintern p neiua^ ev.en tbe Afs appear to avoid i t ; as is fhewn by the dried ftems and heads which remain all
fitvay jn* ^re ^s. a Moth about twice the fize of the Euonymella, fpeckled with black, which finds
Moufet Th. ? r a ^ormidable plant, and makes a comfortable and fecure domicilitim of its fpinous head. vid.
H u ‘aU p. 256. Rrn total, flam, circa Cant. p. 4J. ]