C l S T U S H E L I A N T H EM U M . D W A R F C l S T U S .
CISTUS Lin. Gen. P i. Polyandria Monogynia.
Cor. 5-petala. Cal. 5-phylIus ; foliolis duobus minoribus. Capfula.
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. PIe Reas p e n t a p e t a l ä v a s cu l if e r a s .
ClSTUS Hclianthemum fuffruticofus procumbens, ftipulis lanceolatis, foliis oblongis revolutis fubnilofis
Lin. Syft. Vegetab. Sp. PI. 744. FI.' Suec. n. 472.
ClSTUS foliis conjugates, ellipticis, hirfutis, integerrimis, petiolis unifloris, fubhirfutis. Hall. Hiß. 1033.
ClSTUS Helianthemum. Scopoli FI. Carn. n. 649.
CHAM-di, ClSTUS vulgaris flore luteo. Baub. Pin. 465.
HELIANTHEMUM Anglicum luteum. Ger. em. 1282.
HELIANTHEMUM vulgare. Parkin/. 656. Raii Syn. p. 341. Dwarf Ciftus, or little Sun-Flower.
Hudfon FI. Angl.ed. 2. p. 233. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p . 281. Oeder FI. Dan. 101.
RADIX perennis, fublignofa, fufca. I ROOT perennial, fomewhat woody and brown.
CAULES plurimi fuffruticofi, procumbentes, teretes, ? STALKS numerous, fomewhat fhrubby, procumbent
interne glabn, fuperne hirfutuli, fepiusrubi- 2 round, below fmooth, above flightly hairy’
cundi. , h moft commonly reddilh.
FOLIA oppofita, breviflime petiolata, oblongo-ovata, !
> LEAVES oppofite, ftanding on very fhort foot-ftalks, of
J an oblong ovate lhape, fomewhat pointed, the
► edges flightly rolled back, on the upper fide o f
: a deep green colour, roughifh, and fomewhat
> hairy, the hairs forked, on the under fide a
| little downy, fig. 1.
► STIPULiE growing four together, lanceolate, and hairy.
CALYX : a Perianthium of five leaves and permanent,
the three uppermoft ones ovate, bfuntifh,
membranous, fomewhat tranfparent, equal,
concave, three-ribbed, the ribs coloured and
hairy, the two lowermoft very fmall, lateral
and hairy, fig. 2, 3.
liolis tribus fupenoribus ovatis, obtufiufculis, ( >
membranaceis, fubdiaphanis,. æqualibus, con- \\
cayis, trinervibus, nervis coloratis, hirfutulis,
duobus inferioribus minimis, Iateralibus hir-
futis, /g-. 2, 3. o
COROLLA: five Petals inverfely heart-lhaped, of a
yellow colour, the outer edge flightly notched,
acutiufcula, marginibus fubrevolutis, fuperne 1
faturate. viridia, fcabriufcula, fubpilofa, pilis j
furcatis, inferne fubtomentofa, fig , 1. |
STIPULÆ quatemæ, lanceolatæ, pilofæ.
CALYX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, perfiftens, fo- \\
COROLLA : Pet ala quinque obcordata, flava, mar- n
gine exteriore crenulata, fig . 4. 1 >
2 M 4-
STAMINA : Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, flava, ]J STAMINA: Filaments numerous, capillary, yellow,
receptaculo fupra calyceminlerta. A n th er s %
fubrotundce, parvae, flavas, fig. 3. ^
1 ~ r~~"~ a a inferted into the receptacle above the calyx.
A n th er s roundilh, fmall, and yellow,^. 5.
PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh. Style the length
of the ftamina, thicker in its upper part, and
crooked below. Stigma forming a little flat
head, /g , 6.
PISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum. Stylus Ion-^
gitudine ftaminum, fuperne craflior, inferne a
laspius curvatus. Stigma capitatum, planum, |
fig -6- *
PERICARPIUM. Capsula lubrotunda, calyce te6la, X SEED-VESSEL: a roundilh Capsule, covered with
unilocularis, trivalvis, fig. 7. X the calyx, of one cavity and three valves,
| . f g '7-
SEMINA plurima, majulcula, ovato-acuta, rufa, fig. 8. SEEDS numerous, rather large, ovate, pointed, and of
0 a reddilh brown colour, fig. 8.
Moft of the plants of the Ciftus tribe are highly efteemed for their beauty, and generally cultivated in the wardens
of the curious. Though our prefent fpecies cannot vie with many of thofe which are the produce of warmer
climates, yet it is one of the molt ornamental of our native plants, and admirably well calculated to decorate a
rock or dry bank, efpecially if its feveral varieties with white, rofe, and lemon-coloured flowers be intermixed.
The particular merit of this plant is, that it is hardy, eafily propagated, either by feeds or cuttings, and continues
tor the greatelt part of the fummer to put forth daily a multitude of new blolfoms.
Mr. L awson is faid by Mr. R ay to have found it producing white flowers. I have myfelf obferved a wild
variety with pale yellow blofloms. A variety with double flowers is mentioned by Haller, which, if it could
be procured, would be a valuable acquifition to our gardens. L inn as us has remarked, that the petals fometimes
have an orange-coloured fpot at their bafe; and the leaves have been obferved to vary much in breadth.
In chalky foils the Cifius Helianthemum is extremely common; but as that does not abound in the neighbourhood
ot London, it is confequendy fcarce with us, 0
On a clofe examination of the hairs on the leaves we difcovered them to be forked; a character which may
perhaps, contribute to diftinguilh it from the polifolia, to which it feems very nearly related. p|
It flowers from June to Augufi.