As p e rul a odo r a t a. W o o d r u f f *
ASPERULA Lin. Gen. PI. T e t r a n d r ia Mo nog ynia.
Cor. i-petals, infundibuliformis. Semina 2, globofa.
Raii Syn. Gen. 12. H erb as s t e l l a t ®.
ASPERULA odor at a foliis o&onis lanceolatis, florum fafciculis pedunculatis. Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 125I
Sp.Pl. p.150.
ASPERULA cauleeredto, foliis odtonis; petiolis ramofis ereflis, feminibus- hirfutis. Haller. Hiß. n. 72S.
GALIUM odoratum. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 158.
ASPERULA feu Rubeola montana odora. Bank. Pin. 334.
ASPERULA. Ger. emac. 966.
ASPERULA aut Afpergula odorata. Parkins. 563. Raii Syn. p. 225. Woodroof or Woodruffe.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 66. Lightfoot PI. Scot. p. 115. Oeder FI. Dan. t. 562.
iRADIX perennis, tenuis, articulatus, flavefcens, paulo
infra terram repens, et plurimas fibrillas dimittens.
[CAULIS ereftus, fpithamaeus, plerumquelimplex, tetra-
gonus, quadrifulcatus, glaber.
FOLIA plerumque oftona, verticillata, lanceolata,
mucronata, glabra, fpinulis ciliata. Jig. 1.
glORYMBUS terminalis, nudus, ere&us.
EALYX nullus.
EOROLLA monopetala, alba, infundibuliformis. Tubus
brevis, germini inlidens. Limbus quadripar-
titus, tubo longior, laciniis lanceolatis, paten-
tibus, craffiufculis. Jig. 2.
STAMINA: F il am e n t a quatuor, ad apicem tubi,
breviffima, alba. A nther.® albidae, longitu-^
dine filamentorum, oblongae, fublineares, in-
' cumbentes. fig. 3.
BpTILLUM: Germen inferum, viride, fubrotundum,
utrinque compreflum, obfblete didymum, hif-:
pidum. St y lu s filiformis, albus, bifidus,;
antheris brevior. St ig m a t a duo, globofa,:
inaequalia. Jig. 4, 5, 6.
PCTARIUM: Glandula parva bafin ftyli cingens.
KUCARPIUM: Baccce duas, ficcae, globofas, coalite,:
hifpidae. Jig. 7. v ;
»EMINA folitaria, fubrotunda, magna. Jig. 8. •
ROOT perennial, flender, jointed, of a yellowifh colour,
creeping a little below the furface of the earth,
and fending down numerous fmall fibres.
STALK upright, about a fpan in height, for the moft
part perfectly Ample, four-cornered, with a
groove on each fide, and fmooth.
LEAVES growing generally eight together in a whirl,
lanceolate, terminating in a fmall point, fmooth
and edged with fmall fpines. Jig. 1.
CORYMBUS terminal, naked, aqd upright.
CALYX wanting.
COROLLA monopetalous, white, funnel-fhaped. Tube
fhort, fitting on the germen. Limb divided
into four fegments, longer than the tube, feg-
ments lanceolate, fpreading, thickifh. Jig. 2.
STAMINA: four F il am en t s at the top of the tube,
very fhort and white. A nther® whitifh, the
length of the filaments, oblong, fomewhat
linear and incumbent. Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen placed beneath the corolla, o f
a green colour, roundifh, flattened on both
; fides, obfcurely double, and hifpid. St y l e
filiform, white, bifid, fhorter than the an-
therae. St ig m a t a two, globular and unequal.
fig. 4, 5, 6.
NECTAR Y : a fmall Gland furrounding the bale of the
SEED-VESSEL: two, dry, round, hifpid berries united
together. Jig. 7.
SEEDS Angle, large and roundifh. fig. 8.
The flowers of Woodruff have ;
° r t.fweet fitted Vernal-grajs.
HSording to Linn®us, prefe rves
; Ray informs us, that it gives i
As a medicinal nlnnf g.wks
an agreeable fmell, and the whole plant, when dried,* diffufes an odour like that
Kept among cloaths, it not only imparts to them an agreeable perfume, but,
them from infers.
ts flavour to vinous liquors; and that the Germans ufe it much for that purpofe.
------ ... xu^ofed to attenuate vifcid humours, and ftrengthen the tone of the Bowels, whence
is recommended in obftru&ions of the liver and biliary dufts, and by fome in Epilepfies and Palfies: modern
H«ice has neverthelefs reje&ed it.
ls common in the woods about London, efpecially Charlton Wood; and flowers in May and June.