Sherardia arvensis, F ield Sherardia.
SHERARDIA Lin. Gen. PI. T e t r an d r ia Monogynia.
Cor. i-petala, infundibuliformis. Semina 2, trldentata.
- Raii Syn. Gen. 12. Herbje St e l l at je .
SHERARDIA arven/is foliis omnibus verticillatis, floribus terminalibus. Lin. Sv/l. Veeetab t m
1 Spec. Pt. p. 14p. FI. Suec. n. 120'. , * r* 5*
SHERARDIA foliis fenis lanceolatis, floribus feffilibus umbellatis. Haller. Hiß. n. 734.
SCHERARDIA arvenfis. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 143.
RUBEOLA arvenfis repens carulea. Bauh. Pin. 334.
RUBIA minor pratenfis casrulea. Parkins, p. 276.
RUBEOLA parvo flore caeruleo fe fpargens. I. B. III. 719. Raii Syn.p. 225. Little field Madder.
Htidfon FI. Angl.ed. 2. p. 66. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 114.
RADIX annua, fibrofiffima, fibrillis rufis. ♦
EAULES palmares, fpithamæi et ultra, humifufi, af-1
peri, tetragonife^; ‘ b . : ' |
gOLIA fuperiora verticillata, fena, feu quina, foliolis lan-1
ceolatis, inferiora numero fenfim decrefcunt, f
et latiora fiunt, infima iæpius terna, ovata, *
femiverticillata, ömnibus m.ucronatis, fupernef
fcabris. |
BLORES umbellati, fefliles, parvi, læte purpurei. a
EEDUNCULI axillares, folitarii, tetragoni, pera&a flo- j
refcentia longitudine foliblorum. .
1|aLYX Involucrum odlophyllum, foliolis lanceo-j
latis, carinatis, ciliatis.
pALYX PeriAnthium parvum, 6-dentatum, fu - 1
perum, perfiftens, fig. 1.
EOROLLA monopetala, infundibulifqrmis. Tubus cy-1
liudraceus, longus. Limbus quadripartitus, |
planus, laciniis acutis, fig. 2. Ï
■ AMINA: F il a ment a _ quatuor ad apicem tubi po- 1
■ pb.ces, pallide purpureæ, fig. *. J
■ STILLUM: Germen didymum, oblongum, infix-Ï
uta, demiffo polline reflexa.A ntheræ fim- ?
fig, 4- St y lu s filiformis, fuperne bifi- |
St ig m a t a capitata, pa j c. Ï
KRICARPIUM nullum ; frudtus oblongus, cojona tu sj
PpMt\ta ^S^udinaliter in duo femiua feparabilis. - i
■ in A bina, ob longa, apice tribus acuminibus notata, *
nine convexa inde plana, fig. 6, 7. |
ROOT annual, extremely fibrous, the fmall fibres red-
dilh brown.
STALKS a hand’sbreadth, half a foot or more in length,
r 9 Sr°und, rough and four-cornered!
LEAVES: thole on the upper part of the ftalk growing
in whirls, five or fix, together, the leaves lanceolate,
the lower leaves gradually decreafing
in number, and becoming broader, the lower-
moft generally growing three together, ovate
and forming half a whirl, all of them termi!
nating in a fhort point, and rough on the up-
per fide. ■
FLOWERS growing in umbels, feffile, fmall, of a
bright purple colour.
FLOWER-STALKS growing from the ala of the
leaves, folitary, four-cornered, when the flowering
is over the length of the leaveiii: -
CA L YX : an I nvolucrum o f eight leaves, which:
■ - are lanceolate, keeled and edged with hairs.
CAL YX: a fmall P e r ia n Thium, having fix teeth
placed on the top of the germen and perma!
nent, fig. I.
COROLLA monopetalous, funnel-lhaped. Tube cylin-
• drical long. Limb flat, divided into four
lharp fegments, fig. 2.
STAMINA : four F il am e n t s placed at the top of the
A nther* Ample, pale purple, fa. .
tube, turning back on the Ihedding of the pollen.
PISTILLUM: G ermen double, oblong, beneath the
oalyx, fig. 4. St y l e filiform, bifid at top.
___ St ig m a t a forming two fmall heads, fa. c.
SEED-VESSEL none; the fruit oblong, crowned, fe-
parable longitudinally info two feeds.
SEEDS two together, oblong, furnilhed at top with
three points, convex on one fide and flat on
the other, fig. 6, 7.
ofI to which he gtve'the'nameanf h* B N i °*. h H I The m°ro accurate D il len iu s made a new genus
Nov. PI. Gm.Sf 1 56. f h fnend and patr?n’ tha! excellent Englilh Botanift Dr. Sh era rd. %Fid.
^ rt »1 theTummer! “ 3 n3t‘Ve °f °“ r C°m fields’ and common' almoft every where, flowering during the greateft
jjf"« app«rtonhavetheSl reCOmm-end 11 as “ »roamental plant: to any other ufe it