Hairy-ï f c ROMUS Hirsutus. Stalk’d Brome-Grass.
BROMUS LinnceiGen. PL T riandria Dïg yn ia .
Cal. 2-vaIvis. Spicula oblonga, teres, difticha ; arifta infra apicem.
Raii. Syn. Gen. 27. G raminifoliæ flore imperfeçto culmiferæ,
BROMUS hirfutus panieula nutante fcabra, fpiculis teretibus fublinearibus decemfloris, ariftis
reftis, vaginis foliorum hirfutis.
BROMUS ramofits panieula nutante fcabra, fpiculis linearibus decemfloris, arifta Iongioribus, foliis
feabris. Hudfon Fl. Angl.p. 40.
BROMUS foliis hirfutis, per oras afperrimis,locuftis glabris,teretibus,novemfloris. Haller hifi.n.i 503.
giganteus. Scopoli Flor. Cam. var. 2. villofa e t’major.
GRAMEN Avenaceum dumetorum panicula fparfa. Raii Syn. p. 415. Hiß. Plant, p. 1289. Bufh
or Wood Oat-Grafs, with a fparfed panicle.
GRAMEN Avenaceum dumetorum paniculatum majus hirfutum. H. Ox. 3. 213. 27.
RADIX perennis. plurimis fibris, flexuofîs, flavefeen- <
tibus inftruÊla.
[JULMUS tripedalis, ad orgyalem aut etiam fupra, %
eréftus, tribus plerumque nodis articulatus, i
folidus, ftriatus. \
FOLIA : Vagina ftriata, pilis longis, crebris, rigidiufeu- <
lis, deorfium verfis hirfuta :■ Folia ipfa peda- ;
lia, femuncialia, deflexa, ftriata, rarioribus i
et brevioribus pilis iifque ad margines et me- \
diam coftam præcipue donata.
iANICULA pedalis, fparfa, rami binati aut ternati, j
patentes, nutantes, feabri, fæpe flexuofî. \
BPICULÆ plerumque binæ, fefquiuncîales, tenues, te- ■
retiufculæ, reftæ, vix hirfutæ, decemfloræ, ad <
ba& annulo diaphano rtotatæ,jSg-. 3 : A ristæ :
brèves, feabræ, redliufc.ulæ, fig. 1. <
RO OT perennial, furnifhed with numerous, crooked,
. yellowilh fibres.
S T A LK from three to fix feet high, or more, upright,
confiding generally of three joints, folid and
finely grooved.
L E A V E S : the Jheath ftriated, covered with numerous
long hairs, which are fomewhat rigid, and
bend backwards: the Leaves themfelves a
foot long, and half an inch broad, befet with
fewer and fhorter hairs, and thofe chiefly at
the edges and midrib.
PANICLE a foot long, fpreading, the branches growing
two or three together, hanging- down,
rough and often crooked.
SPICULAl generally growing two together, an inch
and a half long, flender, roundilh, ftraight,
fcarcely hirfute, containing ten flowers, and
marked at the bafe with a pellucid ring,_/zg\ 3.
The A ristae fhort, rough, and nearly
ftraight, Jig. 1.
C A L YX : a G lume of two v a lve s ,^ . 2; the valves
unequal; the larger one concave, and fhining
within, having three ribs, and terminating
in a fhort point, the ribs rough ; the fmaller
one having only one rib, and a more tapering
C O R O L LA : a G lume o f two valves, the valves unequal,
the exterior one having three prominent
ribs, the middle one of which terminates in a
ftraightifh Arifta, fhorter than the Corolla;
the inner one flattifh, edged with hairs, and
fhorter than the other, Jig. 4, 5,6.
N E C T A R Y : two little G lumes at the bafe of the
Germen,jig. 8.
STAMINA: three Filaments, very fine: A nther.®
forked and yellow, jig. 7.
PISTILLUM: G ermen fomewhat oval, naked at bottom,
at top villous : S tyles two, branched
quite to the bottom, pig. 10.
SEED flattifh, terminated by an arifta, the .Glumes
$ adhering to it, Jig. 11, 12,13.
ËALYX : Gluma bivalv.is,^g\ 2 ; valvulis inæquali-
bus, majore concavâ, interne nitidâ, trinerve,
mucronata, nervis feabris, minore unicarinatâ
BOROLLA : G luma bivalvis, valvulis inæqualibus,
exteriore trinerve, nervis exftantibus, nervo
medio in Ariftam reftiufc u la m Coro 11 â bre vio-
rem definente, interiore planiufculâ, ciliatâ,
breviore, fig .4, 5, 6.
WECTARIUM G lumulæ duæ ad bafin Germinis,
■ fig. 8.
BTAMINA : Filamenta tria, capillaria : A nther®
B bifurcæ, flav *>fig- 7-
BISTILLUM : G ermen fubovatum, bafi nudum,
apice villofum : St y l i duo, ufque ad bafin
ramofij,fig. 10.
■ pEMEN planiufculum, ariftatum, glumis adhærenti-
‘)us>7%'- 11, 12, 13.
Itn d r 6 P^ant i^eJe \s not IN Bromus ramofus o f L inn® us, I have learned from Dr. Solander
■ j v ' £ NKj?> whole authority in this matter will not be controverted.
R n lv charaft • ° re 11 hwfutus, from a wifh that a trivial name might be given it, which fhould not
B “iftaken fnr^126 • r P ant’ , ut’ at Pa.me. ^me» diftinguifh it from a Grafs which is undoubtedly often
Eh mean the R * 3S 11 , ecluen“ y Srows whh it, is nearly of the fame height, and flowers about the fame time:
Ufaooth. momusSlSanteus of L inn® us, figured by Schreber, the leaves and ftalks of which are perfedly
■ ‘ W H S isrthe tauleft ° f 0Ur En.SIilh g raffes. often exceeding fix feet in height, which renders
Hiigh in particular^fkS t t ! p Bejluca elatior, and Bromus giganteus, will however often grow nearly as
I p foTOr°fin JuhedSed J l*1' environs o f Lonion< particularly about Hampftcai; abundantly alfo
Bifolk, or'rathe! Ivf « « ft., ^ mentioned, it is diftinguilhed from all our other graffes by the hairinefs of its
■ »fallible criterion l“ eathS ° f the leavcs whlch cover | J and this. fo far as I have hitherto obferved, is an
w any other purpofe° COar^e a Sr»f*s cultivated for cattle; and we do not learn that it has been applied
5® 0 @ O f O i O |