POA Limed Gen. PI. T riandria Dig yn ia .
Cal. 2-valvis, multifloras. Spicula ovata : valvulis margine fcariofis acutiufculis.
Ran Syn. Gen. 27. Herbæ g ramin ifoli* flore imperfecto culmifer* .
POA trivialispanicula diffufa, fpiculis fubtrifloris, culmo ereûo fcabro, membranâ foliorum acuminata.
POA ^ ^ ^ d i t F u f a , fpiculis trifloris bafi pubefeentibus. culmo e i^ o ' tereti, Linnoei Syft.
GRAMEN pratenfe paniculatum medium. Rauhin pin. 5. Raii Syn.p. 40g.il. 2.
VOKtnmalis. Sçopoli Fl. Carniol. ß. 69. n. 39. Diagn. Lanugo ad bafin petali exterioris.
POA panicula diffufa Iocuftis, trifloris villofis. Haller hiß. n. 1562. fecundum Scopoli.
GRAMEN pratenfe minus. Parkinßn. i t 56. Gcrard cmac. 2. Hicdfon Fl. Angl.fi. 33. *3
RADIX fibrofa, capillacea.
CLLMUS ereftus, pedalis ad bipcdalem, bafi repens,
unde perenne evadit hoc gramen, ftnatus*
fcabriufculus, faspe purpureus.
®OLIA: V agina fubcompreffa, ftriata, fcabriufcula:
Membrana ad bafin foliorum longa, acuminata,
fig. I ; folia ipfa longa, fcabriufcula,
fubtus nitida, tenera.
| ROOT fibrous and capillary.
| S T A LK upright from one to two feet high, creeping
0 at die bottom, whence this grafs becomes
perennial, floated, rough, and often purple.
| LEAVES : the Sheath flattifh, flriated, roughilh -
| . the: Membr ane at the bafe o f the lea? long
1 , pointed, fig. i ; the leaves themfelves
| and^tender What r°Ugh’ underneath,
PANICULA erefla, diffufa.
| PANICLE upright and fpreading.
®PICULAEparvae,bifloras, aut triflorae,(fig. 2. 2. magn. f SPICTJI A? fmall U R M . t
3- 3. lente auö) n o Ä q u am etifm I 2 o T Z ? r H i
quadrtflorae, ovato-acUminatae, fubcompreflae. | 1 » « &
> | o f an oval pointed fhape, and flattifh.
GLUMÆ calycinas bivalves, valvulis inæqualibus, a-
cuminatis, carinatis, carinâ feabrâ, fig. 4. Si
glumæ corollaceæ ex calycinis glumis extra-
hantur, lanugo (fig. g) confpiciatur, huic et
“oat pratenfi quoufque obfervavi propria.
■ LUMÆ corollaceæ bivalves, valvulis fubæquàlibus,
f AMINA:Filamenta tria, eapillaria, glumis paulo
longtora, ft-. 6: A nther* flavæ aut purpu-
ralcentes, demum utrinque furcatæ, Jig. 6.
■ STILLUM: G ermen minimum, ovatum : S t y li
duo ad balin fere plumofi, fig. 7.
K cTARIUM: G lumulæ duæ teneræ ad bafin ger-
minis, fig. 8. 5
■ men oblongo acuminatum, angulofum, bafi Ianu-
gme mftruflum, fig. 10.
d GLUMES of the Calyx compofed of two valves which
I a.rue une3 ual.- pointed, and have the keel, or
rib on the back, rough, fig. 4. I f the glumes
t ° / c o r o l l a are drawn out of the glumes of
* e calyx, a woolly fubftance (fig. a) is ob-
if fervable, and which, as far as I have hitherto
| hottced is peculiar to this Grafs and the
5*5 “oa prateryis.
| GLUMES of the corolla of two valves, the valves
$ nearly equal and pointed, fig. s .
I STAMINA : three capillary F i l a m e n t s a little
£ longer than the glumes, fig 6: A nther*
| yellow or purphfh, finally becoming forked
| at each end, fig. 6. 6
0 P IS T IL L U i f : G ermen very fmall and o val: Styles
two, feathered almoft to the bottom, jfg . 7.
| N ECTARY : two little tender G lumes at the bottom
of the germen, fig. 8.
J SEED oblong and pointed, angular, and furnifhed
with a woolly fubftance at bottom, fig. JO,
■ g,0W! b?ft b mfadOWS tha( “ 8 g j g : dry Failures it is. often found, but much fmailer. SB,,„ ' Hints relative to the Culture, of the Grfiffesfi
I ’ ' Rarly, Rye Clewer Tar 1 «pence are V narM ?"7 f hlch are natlves of our country, daily occur to us1■■ J , ’ •? ’ Tar.es•
i r , m of oSr ,ft M f e that [ little care f/ovement r “ “ piovc our araDie lands, it leems ft rant«» „ Inh oul.d. .b e T* ,a. kWern1 ?p/a,i’n”.3