L y c h n i s D i o i c a f l o r e ru b r o . R e d C a m p i o N.
LYCHNIS Linnaei Gen. PL Decandria Pentagynia.
hasc fpecies vero dioica. eft.
Cal. l-phyllus, oblongus, Levis. Petala 5 unguiculata. Limbo fiibbifido.
Caflf 5-Iocularis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herbie P e n t a p e t a l ^e vasculifer^e.
LYCHNIS dioica floribus dioicis. Linnen Syfi. Vegetal, p. 362. Fl. Suecic. fl. 15.6. Sfl. Pl. fl. 626.
LYCHNIS floribus fexu diftin&is. Haller hiß. n. 923.
LYCHNIS dioica. Scofloli-Fl. Carniol. n. 530.
LYCHNIS fylveftris five aquatica purpurea fimplex. Bauhin. Pin. 204.
LYCHNIS fylveftris flore rubro. Parkinfon 631.
LYCHNIS fylveftris rubello flore. Gerard emac. 469. Raii Syn. 339. Red Flowered Wild Campion. Hudfon Fl. Angl. 174.
I RADIX perennis, minimi digiti craflitudine, alba, fa- | pore fubacri et amaro, fibris multis donata. ^
■ ♦ I CAULES ex una radice plures, ere&i, pedales, aut tri- |
ROOT pwerheinten,i aolf, at hfeli gthhtilcyk ancerfisd oafn dt hbei ttleitrt ltea ftfei,n fguerr-, STALKSn iffehveedr awl itfhro nmu moenreo urso oftib, ruesp.right, from one tpou rtphlree, e tfheee t johiignhts, rfowuenllde,d ,h ibrfruatnec, hjeodin, tethde, LEAVESu poppeprmofoitfet, bcraonncnhaetes, foorvkaeld-p.ointed, hirfute, CALYX:a nad Pflightly nervous. erianthium of one leaf, tubular,
pedales etiam, teretes, hirfuti, geniculati, pur- <>
purei, geniculis incraflatis* ramofi, ramis fu- |
perioribus dichotomis. <s> I FOLIA oppofita, connata, fubnervofa. ovato-acuminata,, hirfuta, |<3> | CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, | hirfutum, ftriatum,purpureum, quinqueden- ^
hairy, ftriated, purple, having five ‘ teeth,
and continuing, fig. 1 ; in the female more
turgid, Jig. 2. COROLLA: five purplilh heart-Ihaped Petals, fmpirneaa doirn gb,r oJaigd . p3a r:t oa.ft tthhee bpoetttaolm, a oref ttwheo loar
tatum, perfiftens, Jig. 1 ; in feminea turgi- |
| COROLLpAat dior,e: fig. 2. nPtiaetala 3 quinque ; ad bafin obcordata,laminae, unguicuhe purpurea, <> $ , fig.| , obtufae, bifidse aut quadrifidae, Jig. 4. <jfaodudri tifomnaalll pueptarlisg,h Jti gw.4h.ite blunt leaves, or | STAMINruAm: Fqiluainmqueen tlaon dgeicoerran:, fAubulata, alba,flavef- quo- ^| STAMINA: ten white tapering Filaments, of
nthers which five are longer than the others:
| PISTILLUM centes,: fig. 5. cinftumGe,^r.m en ovatum quinque : Nettario _ ad bafin | | PISTILLUM:Anthere yellowilh, fig.5. longi albi: Germen oval, furrounded by a Nectary
villofi 6 : S t y fimplicia,l i : ... Q white at bottom,: Jig. 6.: Styles five, long
: Stigmata fig. 7. |
and Stigmata fimple, Jig.7. . I P ER IG A R P IUM : Capsula unilocularis, ore decern- a
SEED-VESSEL a Capsule of one cavity, the mouth
I I SEMINA dentato, ^ -. 8. | having ten teeth, Jig.8. plurima, cana, fcabriufcula, fig. 9. <?>
SEEDS numerous, grey and rough, fig-. 9.
II a rTehmea rLkyacbhlen iisn tfrtiabnec ein ogfe ntehrea lc approridcuiocues b iontcho Snfttaamncinya ’oanfd n aSttuyrlees, iwn htoh ef efaemmes tfolo wfpeurr n; bthuet ifne tttheirss fpoefc fieysf tewme afteiec I II diltin&ignr otwh.i;s o cna ion,ffee p?and a rHataed laughs p lhaen tpsl at man’s a; cyeedt itth ueyn attempt daerre Mploancoeedc of fubjetfting ibay, her to particular hLei nwno/uelud sh ainv eh ifse pCalraafste rules; for here Dd epclaanntdsr ieav. idWenhtlayt the ocfo Stamina utlhde hfea mhea and vgee Styles ndousn e: ' II nHoilrl , whoouwlde vite rh,a vite mbaeye nb eth fea iodn, lyh ein wftoaunlcde hwahveer em paldaen ttsh en einavrleyf tfiigmatiiloarn aorfe tdhief upnliatendt e aasf ieinr ttoh et hAen tbhootxaannicth futumd eanntd;I[ IIoElcxucsl, uwfivhei cho fe vthidise nAtlnyg buelalor nvga rtoia ttihoen Gwriatfhl esre, gyaertd atroe itnh ef elpeaxr,a tteh eCrela filse sa., II rreofdp.;e ftt htois twheit hc ofloomure o of tthheer fcliorwcuemrsf itnan cdeifsf erreelnatt ivpela tnot st;h ef otmweo bpelianngt sc,onhfatsa nlteldy no lefs mweh ittoe remarkable faunfdp eoftt htehrast difference aths ecyo nafrtea with nntolyt II vmaorriee tcieesr, tabiuntty d. if’tindl fpecies : cultivation and further attention to them, will enable me to fpeak of this with I II ‘omBeottihm The red etsh ei fort nw whoitoed here sa.n figured, grows in great abundance in moift Ihady ditches and by the fides of hedges, and II a name which d Irte fdl, oawreer sc iunl tMivaatye da nwd hJeunn ed.Buttons,acris and feems with more propriety to ouble,belong and to called fome of by the the double Gardeners flowering about town Batchelors Crowfoots, as the I Ranunculus II The,. Aurelians, eo.'r or thofe aconitifolius. who colleft Infefls on the of flowers the Moth of -and this plant Butterfly in the kind,evening, frequently and where-.catch the Oabcuenldluasiy,Jmall Elephant Hawk Moth,it grows Sphinx in I bTrohwe nfieJhe dcso laoruer eldia-b Mleo ttho,, llar which produces
l bne oeta ftiegnu rwedit,h inn.othr eI- bfeeelide-vvee fhfeitl,h einrt oJ unloyt iacnedd bAyu gaunfyt Ebnyt.0
>%oam Coalotegripfti.Ill